speaking of which, after subduing Mightyena, his Pokemon is also full, and it is a team with championship potential!

Gardevoir, top grade Aptitude, is now a quasi-Elite intermediate rank. There is no bottleneck to grow into an Elite. It is a matter of time. As for the subsequent championship level, as long as you train properly, I believe you can break the bottleneck soon!

Charmeleon, top grade Aptitude, Top Rank strength, the future situation is similar to Gardevoir!

The strength of Treecko, top grade Aptitude, and intermediate rank may evolve and become stronger at any time, in order to be similar to Gardevoir and Charizard!

Riolu, high grade Aptitude, intermediate rank strength, Ability has mastered a lot, as long as the intimacy is enough, it can evolve, I believe that when the time comes, strength will have a qualitative leap, but Aptitude is limited. Both the breakthrough Elite and the championship will face a lot of bottleneck, and it takes some means to overcome it.

Abra, high grade Aptitude is close to top grade, and the strength of intermediate rank is also a state that can evolve at any time, as long as the growth situation is similar to Riolu!

Bagon, top grade Aptitude, intermediate rank strength, a Quasi-Legendary Pokémon, to be more specific, he has the strongest innate talent right now. As long as he is well-trained, he will become a champion. There is no bottleneck, as long as you train well, well, the focus is on breed objects!

Finally, because the researcher is carrying the position, he can also bring an extra Pokemon, which is the newly acquired quasi-Elite Mightyena, and also the top grade Aptitude. The strength is temporarily in his team. Ranked second, the potential is weaker than Bagon, and it can be cultivated well!

With such seven Pokemons, Bai Mo is fully confident that Shirona, Yulongdu and their records will be leveled and become an Alliance-certified Elite Trainer in the first year of traveling!

Yes, Bai Mo’s goal is to become an Elite Trainer after participating in the Alliance Conference of the Hoenn Alliance within one year!

Elite Trainer As mentioned earlier, as long as one Pokémon is Elite!

And if Alliance is certified, you also need to have obtained the top four results of the Conference!

This is Bai Mo’s goal!

He firmly believes that he can achieve this goal!

After achieving this goal, the next step is to become a champion trainer.

Champion-level Trainer and Elite Four champion are not the same thing.

Champion-level Trainer, that is, there is a champion-level Pokémon Trainer that is completely at your disposal!

Elite Four is one of the strongest people in a region. Normal is a champion trainer, but the number of champion Pokémon is different. If the Elite Four is champion, Normal has a complete champion Pokemon. The team, even if it has a Sect Master level, is not impossible!

For example, Sinnoh champion Shirona’s Quasi-Legendary Pokémon and Garchomp may become such an existence!

Thinking of this, Bai Mo suddenly glanced at Mew!

“Well, it looks like I have a man who is super Divine Beast!”

And Mew at this time seems to have a feeling. He glanced at Bai Mo and said, “Why? this Young Lady!”

Mew suddenly said with a smile, “If you reach a standard, I can give you something good!”

“Oh!” Bai Mo’s There was a look of interest in his eyes!

“What standard!? What good stuff!?”

Chapter 0104 The temptation of Mew, the shyness of Gardevoir

“Well, as long as you become an Elite Trainer, I’ll take you to World Tree to play, how about it!” Mew stretched out his little fragrance Lick and licked his lips, “Your Psychic is special, you can grow up there!”

“Your human Psychic is very strange. The more you get to the back, the harder it is to improve, but every breakthrough is a qualitative leap!”

“For example, when you have an intermediate rank, your strength is not as good as an intermediate rank Pokémon is strong!”

“But after you break through to the Top Rank, you can play head-on with the elite Pokémon!”

“Today, because of my Help and your Psychic When breakthrough reaches the Top Rank mid-level, with Fairy’s energy, even the quasi-Elite Mightyena can be controlled for a short time!”

“If you break through to Peak Level, even with the Comprehended Profound Truth Elite Pokémon It’s okay to match up!”

“But, breakthrough Peak Level, for now, there is no human being!”

“But if you get this to go to World Tree If you have the opportunity, it will be possible!”

Speaking, Mew Little Loli put a finger on her scented lips and clicked it cutely, seeming to be tempting Bai Mo Normal!

“Really!!!” Hearing Mew’s words, Bai Mo felt that his breathing was stagnant, human beings, and Elite Pokémon were just facing! ! ?

This possibility is amazing!

“Of course, there are quite a few people like this in the ultra-ancient and ancient times!” Mew beautiful eyes turned over, “It’s just that now you humans rely too much on the power and technology of Pokemon, so there are not many such people. That’s it!”

“Is that so!” Bai Mo clicked nodded as if he knew it, but then looked at Mew suspiciously, “But, what does this have to do with me seeing you!” ??”

“I feel like you are digressing!?”

“No digression!” Mew said with a cute bulging, “How long do you think you can live for an ordinary person? , To die for a hundred years!”

“And we surpass Divine Beast’s lifespan, but infinite!”

“If you can become a Peak Level Psychic before the age of twenty, Then it is possible to become a Divine Grade Psychic person before the age of 30!”

“Such a person can live a few hundred years without a problem!”

“And with At this time, becoming a Super Divine Grade is not impossible!”

“Super Divine Grade, although it only exists in the legend, but I know there are still such people who have existed, but I don’t know that person later Where are you going? It seems to be leaving this World!”

“The beginning of all this is to make Psychic people become Peak Level Psychic people before the age of twenty!”

“So, come on, Bai Mo!”

“If you become such a character, the lifespan will be very long, even infinite. Then, it is not impossible to get this Young Lady!”

Speaking, Sleep Talk also made a cute emoticon!

“Uh!” Originally, Bai Mo was still immersed in the information that Mew suddenly revealed, but she was thundered by her last sentence. He had the idea of ​​hitting Mew, but that was because That strength.

But Mew doesn’t seem to mean that!

Thinking of this, I took a serious look at Mew, Bai Mo corner of mouth twitching, and he admitted that Mew is very cute and is now a human form, but looking at the ears and tail, it looks worse than normal humans. Too much!

Of course, this is not the point. Even if it’s COS, it’s nothing if you play well!

But, this is your sister’s loli, loli.

With a height of about 5 meters, Bai Mo said that he would go to jail!

Of course, Bai Mo would not say these words. If they do, Mew might just give him a Hyper Beam and finish playing!

“Well, I will work hard to get you!” Finally, Bai Mo said something that made Mew very happy. This Little Loli has no other thoughts about Bai Mo for the time being, but she likes it The feeling of being liked!

But as soon as Bai Mo said this, Gardevoir and Toozi suddenly saw a nervous look in their eyes. One person and one Pokemon couldn’t help but think, “Bai Mo is going to be a pretty boy. Is Mew covered!?”

“How can I!?!”

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