But if it fails, it means that the final champion will be Mr. Kagaqi !

Now, let us wait and see!

When Host was talking, the contestants had already returned one after another and gathered around to watch the game.

They are very disciplined, they know how to come first, and they know their own weights. It’s not Tyranitar’s opponent at all.

Among the crowd, Kakage was the most nervous. He also heard Host’s words and understood that the next battle was to decide the ending.

Togekiss, Aura Sphere!

Bai Mo commanded Togekiss to launch an offense. Togekiss and Tyranitar have a level gap. At this time, it is best to restrain the opponent’s Fighting Type Ability by four times!


Togekiss opened his mouth to agglomerate a blue Energy Ball, moved towards Tyranitar and launched it.


Tyranitar also condense in front of his mouth, a beam of golden yellow rays of light!


The blue energy light ball is fast, and the golden light ball condensed by Tyranitar is concentrated!

The two balls of light began to stand in a stalemate.

However, the golden light ball has the continuous influx of Tyranitar’s power and is gaining the upper hand!


Bai Mo expression congeals!

hu~ ~

Togekiss flaps its wings extremely fast moved towards Tyranitar and flies away!

Chapter 0965 The Legend of Zeraora

Extrreme Speed!

At a certain moment, Bai Mo suddenly shouted!


Togekiss’ figure disappeared in an instant, just like an instant Normal, and he came to Tyranitar in the blink of an eye!


Tyranitar was hit by Togekiss’fly out!


Tyranitar was knocked to the ground. At this time, Bai Mo threw out the Poké Ball in his hand!

Poké Ball meets Tyranitar, absorb it!


No accident, Tyranitar was conquered

In fact, all this is normal, because the original intention of conquering the tournament is to conquer, as long as Trainer uses If Poké Ball can meet Pokémon, he will surely subdue it.

As for the battle before the takeover, apart from Trainer who wants to prove his surprise, in fact, it is more to create a chance for himself to successfully throw Poké Ball.

After all, if you throw Poké Ball directly, Pokémon can either dodge or use Ability.

Especially this Elite Tyranitar, the basic impossible of an average person can deal with it.

The entire world, how many Elite trainers are there? How many come back to participate in such competitions.

So, there are rules!

Okay, the champion belongs to me!

Bai Mo released Psychic, wrapped Poké Ball and let it fly into his hands.

Elite-level Pokémon is definitely the highest Integral Points existence. Now, he is determined to win.

And so is the fact.

The time came to an end after Bai Mo conquered Tyranitar. Bai Mo conquered Tyranitar and won by an absolute advantage.

Kagaki only won the second place, but the little girl with purple hair is still very happy!

Ash is third and Touzi is fourth.

At the end of the competition, Mr. Shi put the trophy certificate and gifts in Bai Mo’s hands. In this regard, he seemed very calm, because this is the most normal thing, and he participated in the competition this time. I just want to have fun.

Sure enough, Bai Mo Professor won!

Among the crowd, after watching Zeraora, La Ruguo flashed his big eyes and saw his father presenting an award to Bai Mo, which he absolutely deserved.

Wow, very handsome!

Lisa at the front of the crowd murmured. Just now, she watched Bai Mo’s use of Togekiss to subdue Tyranitar from a distance.

It’s so handsome.

Thinking of her younger brother wishing to conquer an Eevee by herself, she felt that she had to work hard, and she also had some expectations.

The process of conquering Pokémon seems to be very interesting.

At the end of the awarding ceremony, the head of Shi suddenly asked Bai Mo Professor Bai Mo, are you interested in having dinner?

Who is Bai Mo?

The youngest Professor, is also the chairman of the world-class company WT, and he is also the Sect Master Trainer who has reached out.

For such a person, given the opportunity, Shi Chang naturally wants to interact with him.


Bai Mo just noticed La Ruguo who was leaving behind the crowd, and suddenly there was a hint of evil in his heart, and he agreed to the invitation of the leader, just as I planned to establish a WT branch in Fengliang City.

Just have a chat with you!

Really! ?

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