Listening to Bai Mo’s words, Brandon’s heart tightened, and he faintly felt bad!

But I still tried my best to keep calm and composure, my eyes were only Lock On chasing the iron-faced Ninja closer and closer!

At this time, Bai Mo eyes flashed and issued a command

Charizard Y, 35 degrees above, Heat Wave formidable power is fully turned on!


Following Bai Mo’s command, Charizard Y, who was falling, suddenly opened his eyes, and the entire wings emitted a dazzling red light!

As Charizard Y’s wings began to flap vigorously.

crimson’s Heat Wave instantly launched towards the iron-faced Ninja, and the iron-faced Ninja even evaded and rushed directly into the Heat Wave…

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo put his hands on his back and confidently said that Ninja’s Characteristic Trait is an acceleration!

Pokemon with this Characteristic Trait will increase its speed by Level 1 after a period of battle, and it can increase its spread at the highest!

However, although the speed increase gives Ninja the incomparable advantage, it is also its flaw. When it uses the Ability attack, it exceeds the usual speed too much to make the body of the Ninja. He couldn’t be as flexible as usual, and in the end, he could only attack in a straight line. It was not easy to change his moves!

And this gives Charizard Y a chance to fight back!

In this round, it seems that I won!

Speaking, looking at the iron face Ninja who was completely hit by Heat Wave and couldn’t escape, Bai Mo smiled!

Great, I want to write it down! Listening to Bai Mo’s explanation, Ram and Crystal immediately took out a notebook and began to record.

No loss is the boss, the analysis is good, but…

When Brandon heard Bai Mo’s opening, he first closed his eyes slightly.

Wait for Bai Mo to finish, he opened his acting again, suddenly opened his acting, shouted loudly, the speed of the iron face Ninja also gave it the power to surpass all attacks!

As Brandon’s words fell, Bai Mo’s heart jumped suddenly, realizing that he seemed to be missing something.

I often went to the field again, and I saw that under the attack of Heat Wave, the iron-faced Ninja was still speeding up, and his body turned into an Ember meteor, which struck Charizard Y like lightning!


The huge force drove this iron-faced Ninja. Tackle hit Charizard Y’s body and crashed into the Ground all the time!


With a loud noise, smoke and dust arose!

At this moment, everyone’s eyes are fixed on the place where the smoke is gradually dissipating.

As the smoke dissipated, two Pokémons had fallen to the ground. The referee immediately announced that Charizard Y and Ninja could not fight at the same time!

Chapter 0978 Red Gyarados is here!

Didn’t expect a tie, legendary only speed can not be broken!

Bai Mo showed a helpless smile. Brandon is not a weak player in the end. Didn’t expect this game to be like this, which is really good.

shook the head, Bai Mo took out the Poké Ball and took back Charizard Y, and said to Poké Ball, “Thanks for your hard work, let’s take a good rest!”

Thanks for your hard work, take a good rest!

Brandon also took back the iron face Ninja, and then took out the third Poké Ball and threw it out.

Go on, Solrock!

Gyarados, leave it to you!

Bai Mo also immediately threw his Poké Ball, as the Poké Ball opened, a circle of golden Bright Powder spread out, Gyarados’ red body stretched out and made a noise to Solrock Huge Roar!

Solrock’s body trembled, slightly moved back.

This violent carp…

A hint of surprise flashed across Brandon’s face. He didn’t expect Bai Mo to have a Shiny Gyarados in his hand.

But soon, Brandon regained his composure again, but his composure added a sense of dignity.

Go! The referee announced.

Gyarados, Aqua Tail!

Bai Mo first issued the order to attack.

Get the instruction, the red Gyarados flicked his cute tail, wrapped with a layer of rapidly rotating water circle, and patted Solrock.

Solrock, Psywave!


Solrock’s eyes emit blue rays of light, and circles of blue light waves spread out, blocking the attack of Gyarados Aqua Tail!

pu! pu~!

The resistance of the two Ability’s mutual resistance through the sound of collision, the water circle entwined on Gyarados Aqua Tail was gradually defeated by the attack of Psywave!

But Gyarados’ huge tail is still gradually approaching Solrock!


With the roar of Gyarados, its tail finally slapped Solrock out in one fell swoop!

But losing the power of water, Solrock suffered little damage and soon stabilized again.

Really strong power!

Girls such as Milotic are all showing depression.

Although Gyarados had little power left to slap Solrock, but it was able to break Psychic’s attack, and everyone showed a look of shock.

Gyarados, Crunch!

Bai Mo ordered Gyarados to chase after victory!

Solrock is Rock Type plus Psychic Type, twice as restrained by Dark Type.

Black rays of light appeared in Gyarados’ mouth, and the storm bit towards Solrock with the expansion and contraction of his body.


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