Lock On succeeded, Brandon quickly issued new orders!

At this time, although Regirock fell and has not yet risen, he has launched Zap Cannon.

Due to the existence of Lock On, although Zap Cannon did not aim, but wanted to have an autonomous consciousness Normal, he moved towards Latias and chased it up and hit it accurately!


Zap Cannon exploded after hitting!

Well ~~

Latias suddenly uttered Tongjiao, the body was wrapped in electrical fall down to the Ground.

Lock On!

Brandon once again gave the order!

Regirock once again made a mark on Latias’s body. Brandon also immediately ordered the way, Regirock, Focus Punch!

I was Lock On again! Little Huang said worriedly.

This blow was hit, even with Latias’ physical strength, he would not be able to bear it. Rapid rushed Latias of Regirock, Lisa is very worried.

Latias !

Seeing Regirock’s rapid impact, Bai Mo didn’t have the slightest panic on his face. Instead, he calculated the whereabouts of Latias and the distance Regirock was approaching, and then quickly issued the order!

Psycho Shift!

Listen Bai Mo command is falling in Latias suddenly opened his eyes, sent out a circle of colored rays on the body of light!

This circle of colored rays of light seems to filter the Normal to clean the surrounding electricity!

Immediately afterwards, circles of colorful rays of light suddenly rose from Regirock’s feet and spread all over the body instantly!

next moment ,, to see Regirock whole body had been wrapped electrical, prior to hitting Latias because paralysis stopped the attack ……

terrible! Ma Xiu couldn’t help but appreciate the use of Psycho Shift to transfer her Status Condition to Regirock!

affected by paralysis, Focus Punch stop coming!

Latias, the wings of steel!

Bai Mo gives another offensive instruction!

Latias a rotation in the air, on both sides of the metal wings sent rays of light!

bang! !

Latias the nearby Regirock Tackle out.

Hyper Beam!

At the same time that Regirock was hit and flew, Brandon issued an attack order again!

rapid aggregation between Regirock arms from the force, firing out of a huge beam of light, straight moved towards Latias pursuit of the past!

In the air, Latias circulated to avoid the direct blow in an instant, but didn’t expect Hyper Beam to make a sudden turn and completely hit Latias!


Latias let out a scream and fell from the air again.

how will? Mei immediately exclaimed and asked.

Focus Punch on a bureau did not issue, so the effect is still Lock On ah. Too explained.

Latias , steel wings!

At this time, Regirock has just finished using Hyper Beam and has fallen into a stiff state. Naturally, Bai Mo will not let go of this kind of attack!

hear Bai Mo command, Latias perk up again, sent rays of light metal wings after a fan stabilize the body, toward Regirock rushed past.

Legendary Pokémon is really powerful. After two blows, he still has such physical strength and speed. Suicune stared at Latias and exclaimed.


Latias is like a normal jet plane, and its super fast speed directly knocked the unrecovered Regirock back!

but at the same time it is hit Regirock Latias, Brandon trick again!

Lock On! .

Chapter 0983 champion level battle, draw! The final battle!

Lock On!

Following the sound of Brandon’s command.

A red aperture was sent out by Regirock again, and it imprinted a red mark on Latias’ forehead.

Regirock restored! Little Huang could not help but cry out immediately.

And Latias has also been Lock On! Sabrina Wong’s words followed a small road next attack, not an accident, it will certainly be a hit!

Recovery is so fast!

looked at the situation venue, Bai Mo slightly Weicu frown, forehead where is the key of all Pokémon!

If this blow is hit by Regelok, then Latias will definitely leave and faint!

This is absolutely not!

Then only the first to issue Unique Ability to defeat Regirock!

Bai Mo in the heart quickly made a judgment and ordered.

Grass knotted rope!

Hyper Beam!

Brandon’s strength is not weaker than Bai Mo. Naturally, he also considered the same situation as Bai Mo. When Bai Mo issued the order, he also gave this order.

With the order of the two releases all sounded!

In the field, Latias’ eyes sent out green rays of light, two pieces of grass rope caught Regirock’s foot and pulled!

foot _ uploaded to the force makes just been steel-wing forces are still retreating Regirock directly on his back fell down!

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