……Fresh. Flowers……

Moreover, he is the youngest Professor.

Compared, no one can compare with Bai Mo!

Secretly nodded, I have a preliminary affirmation of Nando, Nando indifferent expression, nodded responded.

Since Mr. Nando has the same doubts about delivery as we do, it is better to call the museum management staff to ask!

Seeing Bai Mo suddenly said

Then please Bai Mo Professor! Nando is slightly nodded, he has self-knowledge, knows how many catties and how many taels, he still can’t call someone to explain to himself!

When the four guards standing around heard Bai Mo’s words, they consciously took out the pager on their body to call!

The two words Bai Mo are weight!

Soon, a hair grey-white old man with a rich face but with a scholarly breath came over.

Bai Mo Professor, I wonder if something happened?

The old man asked nervously. After all, Bai Mo’s name is too loud, and his WT is also a huge monster!

Mr. Huck, sorry to interrupt! Bai Mo said, pointed and pointed, and asked in a low voice. I wonder if Mr. Huck is afraid that there will be a problem with the Canghai Crown, so he took a substitute and put it on the exhibition here?

How is it possible?

Old Huck suddenly screamed!

This sound was too loud and directly attracted the attention of all visitors in the hall.

Seeing this, the old man quickly curbed his excessive attitude and calmed down Shiqi District.

Professor Bai Mo, since I placed the Crown of the Sea to confess to the visit, it must be genuine!

The old man said seriously, his expression even a little serious, because it is a matter of reputation!

Bai Mo can feel

Huck is serious.

Obviously, even Huck doesn’t know this fake!

At this time, Huck seemed to think of the authority represented by Bai Mo, so he paused and asked, I wonder why Professor Bai Mo said that the crown of the sea was fake?

Bai Mo hearing this, did not answer directly, but asked: Mr. Huck, you are the owner of this museum, so you must be familiar with every exhibit? ~

Bai Mo

Chapter 0992 The figure of the plasma group

Of course!

Huck is very confident and nodded, with a serious look flashing in his eyes. Every exhibit here, I cherish them like my child!

You can describe their characteristics with your eyes closed!

In this case, how about asking Elder Huck to take care of this sea crown?

Bai Mo suggested that the women and Nando were hearing this to Old Man Huck.

In this regard, the confident old man did not object, and clicked nodded!

After that, he pulled the cordon straight away and approached the Canghai Crown to observe!

But next moment. The old man’s self-confident expression suddenly changed, his eyes widened unconsciously!

Shocked, he directly removed the tempered glass cover, fully exposing the Canghai Crown.


How is it possible?

Old Huck picked up the Canghai Crown, and his hands trembled nervously. When he reached the back, his whole body trembled uncontrollably!


The more I watched, Huck’s performance became more excited, his breathing became quicker, and sweat dripped down his cheeks from his forehead.

It looks like it’s not a substitute, but something went wrong?

Bai Mo closed his eyes slightly when he saw the expression of Old Man Huck, and immediately made an inference in his heart!

With Bai Mo’s ability, he can easily know whether Huck is acting in his heart or pretending.

At this time, watching the performance of Old Man Huck, the four guards also realized that it was not good!

One of the female guards should be from the Officer Jenny family, and should be the leader of the four. She directly took out the pager and contacted Officer Jenny in the police station!

The two of three quickly stepped onto the high platform, reaching out to support the old Huck who was already a concubine and lost self-control abnormally.


As the three of them hugged Huck, he let go of his hands holding the Crown of the Sea.

The crown slipped to the top in an instant, and came into close contact with Ground. One after another, the crown shattered very quickly, in fact, the hug also shattered Lei Kai.

What kind of treasure is this, it is so easy to break? ! Bai Mo raised his eyebrows one after another, and then his eyes shrank, yelling bad, there is poison qi in the beads on the sea crown!

Bai Mo said solemnly.

As his voice appeared, among the fragments of the broken sea crown, a pink gas came out!

Suddenly, the guards who were close to each other felt their heads heavy, their eyes were blurred, and their tongues were tingling!

After that, their whole body became weak, they lost all their strength, and they all fell to the ground!

When Bai Mo saw this, he immediately released his powerful Psychic and protected everyone!

It is Bai Mo constantly, Mewtwo and Mew are not slow in their actions, they immediately protect everyone!

At the same time!

Boss, the sea crown in Siya Museum has been destroyed just now!

Confirm the early release of poison qi plasma win!

Is Island, inside a research base!

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