
The fake policeman is coldly snorted!

The Galvantula reacted extremely sensitively. In midair’s body shrank and came to the adsorption column on the ceiling.

With a squirt, a large sparkling Spark fell towards the defense line of Shirona, Diantha and Bai Mo.

Dragon Claw!

Shirona neither fast nor slow gives orders!

There was a domineering question in the voice.

This shows that she has entered a state of combat!

Garchomp and Galvantula started to clash, Bai Mo’s eyes stopped on Ariados.

For the fake policeman, Bai Mo is completely cat-and-mouse mentality. He didn’t rush out, but wanted to see Shirona and Diantha’s performance!

Furthermore, after the previous events and the museum events, Bai Mo believes that the fake policeman will most likely put drugs in the future.

Although these crossings are not a big problem, Bai Mo doesn’t want his two women to be injured, so he expresses congeals, Psychic Barrier completely wraps Shirona, Diantha, and himself in them.


At this time, outside the police station!

Officer Jenny, the five brothers from the hospital and the museum did not respond! Next to Officer Jenny, a police officer is reporting the situation.

As his voice appeared, the atmosphere in the police car suddenly became serious.

Continue to contact!

Officer Jenny gave another order.

She furrowed her eyebrows and kept thinking in her mind!

At this time, she has discovered something wrong.

She also realized that the hospital might have lured the tiger away from the mountain, so she also contacted the museum about the situation.

Didn’t expect There is really no good news.

At this moment, Officer Jenny suddenly thought of someone, thinking of the police officer who was reporting to him.

The police officer did not follow up after reporting the information. Now thinking about it, she seems to have not seen this face in the police station.

This shouldn’t be.

Moreover, the breath that is not at all on the other party’s body was just because of its messy clothes at the time and the emergency situation, she didn’t think much about it.

Consult now and think about how the other person feels!


A thought emerged, and Officer Jenny was shocked and shouted

It’s been lured the tiger away from the mountain and lured the tiger away from the mountain, damn it, Turn around and immediately go back to the police station, hoping that Shirona champions will be fine! .

Chapter 0996 put a long line, catch a big fish!

zi zi 呲! !

There was a harsh brake sound, and dozens of police cars on the road also came to a halt!

The police officer who was sitting in the same car as Officer Jenny asked carefully: Police officer, where is the Siya Museum and where is the hospital?

Moreover, with Bai Mo Professor’s strength…

Maybe the enemy will do the opposite…

No matter! Officer Jenny glanced at the officer and said to Bai Mo Professor, the identity of the champion Shirona and the champion Diantha is so special!

The most important thing!

If you don’t want Lu Zachary to be the headline of the world tomorrow, you must ensure that these three are all right!

Speaking, Officer Jenny decisively ordered

The two teams continue to go to the Siya Museum to support, and the two teams go to the hospital!

All the others will join the police station with me!

Damn Psychic, just a little bit~

At this time, the fake policeman’s gnashing teeth was wrapped in a blue mask outside Bai Mo, Diantha, and Shirona!

At this time, he spread all kinds of poison qi throughout the Conference Hall of the police station!

But because of the existence of Bai Mo Psychic, these toxins did not have the effect he expected!

And his unwillingness makes him miss the opportunity to escape now!

Of course, this opportunity may never existed when he wanted Bai Mo.

Now, he is already facing a situation of being surrounded, and he can’t leave even if he wants to.

Cofagrigus, Haze!

Just when the counterfeit policeman is definitely going to be captured alive!

Suddenly the voice of one after another man came from outside the window!

After that, everyone saw a large amount of Haze spreading in through the windows. In less than a moment, the entire Conference Hall became black.


Shirona is beautiful and slightly wrinkled, and she screams.



Shirona’s Gardevoir raised his slender hand, and bright blue rays of light appeared in his eyes.


A lot of black smoke is under the control of Gardevoir’s Psychic, so all the smoke seems to have become the substance, as if it was kneaded and transformed by a pair of big hands, and then a brain flew out Out the window!

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