I can tell you, this time I have done a lot and will not allow any mistakes!

Even if it does appear, I will definitely pinch it out in its infancy.

As long as you master there, the Prince of the sea, the maker of the sea!

Master the truth and fantasy at that time!

Everything is mine!

hearing this, Hei Ying, Hei Mei Hei Ye and the three of them looked still, very serious.

The loyalty of these three to Ghetsis has also reached a perverted level.

This time things are done!

Black shadow, black charm, black night, I will not treat you badly!

There are great benefits waiting for you!

Wish to lay down my life for the Boss! !

The three men of Hei Mei swear allegiance to them!


Ghetsis gave a cry, and passed the gems in his hand to the dark night

Hei Ye, you hold the heart of the sea!

First…Boss! !

Night looked at the gem Ghetsis handed over in disbelief.

The result of stretching out Yan shaking hands.

I never thought of the dark night.

Ghetsis actually gave him the gem.

This gem Haiyin was stolen by Hei Mei at noon.

Hei Mei, you have been with me for many years, and what have you learned about other sages? You should also understand ancient characters!

Ghetsis asked calmly

Now you know what this gem is? .

Chapter 0999 Bai Mo begins layout


I know.

Heimei seriously nodded and said: This is an existence similar to a lock~~


Ghetsis let out a nasal sound and glanced at Hei Mei, Hei Ying, and Hei Ye, indifferently said that if you want to open this lock, you need a key!

Hey~hey~hey~, if the last page of the ancient book was not displayed, we still don’t know how many detours we would take to unlock the secret of the lock, but now, the ancient book has given clear instructions!

Everything just now proves that Lu Zachary has this key one after another token of the people of water!

Speaking of this, Ghetsis’s gaze became fierce, and he stared at the three people in the dark night, using a commanding tone to find it out!

By the way, bring me back together with the people of the water!

Yes, Boss!

Nei Ye three people agreed without even thinking about it.

But soon, they realized that Lu Zachary is so big and there are so many people. Where can I find this water citizen?

even more how he still doesn’t know what the people of water are! ?

It seems that his three subordinates would not know these secret Misty. Ghetsis took the initiative to explain. Simply put, in ancient times, some people were selected by the sea and could survive in the water. People of Water!

The gem in our hand should be one of the treasures of the people of the water. This ancient book is so hard to say that the last one after another page must be written by the people of the water!

This nation feels very mysterious.

It won’t be easy to find them! .

Nei Ye asked carefully.

It’s hard to find, it’s hard to find!

Ghetsis laughed, with strange colors flashing in his eyes

For Normal, it is not difficult to find people in the water, it is no different from finding a needle in a haystack!

But this gem in your hand can help you identify the people of water!

Boss means that as long as the gem shines, it means people with water?

Shadow’s comprehension ability is full, so I asked.

But the three of us here just now are not at all, who are the people of water!


Ghetsis did not speak, but looked towards a person.

For that memory, in front of a computer, he quickly tapped with both hands and ten fingers on the keyboard.

Soon, a bunch of data flashed, and the last map appeared at the location Lock On.

Do all of this well, but Ghetsis’s face showed satisfaction, and turned his head to the dark night three people and said according to calculations, the gem reaction just now was caused by the people of water!

This is the case with the sympathy between the token of the Water People and the gems!

The other end of the resonance is on the Sea Territory around Aisi Island.

It may be a ship, or it may be on a cross-sea bridge!

Now because of the distance, the resonance has temporarily stopped, but the mutual connection has been established!

when the time comes, you take gems to move!

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