The power of the temple sounded, and rays of light were emitted on the necklace belonging to the people of the water.

Next moment, the water curtain that was still in front of Ghetsis will automatically separate to the two sides, one after another!

When all the water curtains disappeared, what appeared in front of Ghetsis was a water corridor with brilliant lights at the end.

Ghetsis continues to direct this Manafei to go forward!

This time is no longer a water corridor, but a water bridge!

Through this water bridge, Ghetsis ascended a not-so-long staircase, and finally came to an empty hall.

This hall is very weird, except for a stone tablet erected in the middle, not at all other outlets or peculiarities.

Then, Ghetsis showed excitement and couldn’t help but shouted

The stele of the Sea Crown seems to be close to the destination!

Speaking, Ghetsis came to the stone tablet and read the simple text on it!

The purpose of the people of water……



Here, with the crown of the sea, it is The new king of the sea!

Sure enough, as long as you get the crown, you can become the king of the sea? !

With a hint of excitement.

Ghetsis took out a strange liquid, and then heard that he put the necklace down and approached the stone!

In an instant, the necklace gave out dazzling rays of light!

Following, on the stone tablet, the mark of the sea crown appeared in the center, and the oval shape, which was like a normal gemstone, also gave out the same rays of light!

This rays of light began to spread, and eventually spread to the entire crown.


The stone tablet begins to sink, keeping it parallel to Ground.

After that, a crown mark was also lit up on the top of the stone tablet, and a straight light was emitted from the top of the crown!

This ray of light travels along Ground and finally hits the wall!

The wall absorbs light, and a simple pattern is differentiated in the middle part.

The light continues to spread upwards, next moment, the whole wall is divided in half.


Chapter 1006 summon super Divine Beast!

Very good, hahaha!

Seeing the changes on the wall, Ghetsis not at all rushed to surprise. All this was in his expectation. He strode forward and stretched out his hand on the pattern composed of rays of light. Rotated a few times.

Huh, huh~~

The pattern that originally only had a few lines revealed a simple, complicated and extremely beautiful pattern under this hand operation of Ghetsis!


After the pattern appeared, one after another horizontal and vertical lines of light were also separated, spreading toward the entire wall!

The whole scene looks like the wall is divided into small squares!

Soon, the rays of light dissipated on its own again, and the small square that had been divided into the thick wall was folded to both sides!

As the wall disappeared, an internal or horizontal or vertical stone gate appeared in front of Ghetsis!

This is a looping tunnel.

Ghetsis did not stop here, he stepped into the tunnel again!

This passage is not long, Ghetsis quickly rushed out of the passage and came to a brightly lit place.

This place is elliptical as a whole, and there are outlets like Normal windows, which should be able to lead to all parts of the temple.

This is obviously the center of the temple!

And there is a platform at the very center of this place, which is a corridor connected by a stone bridge!

And in the center of the platform there is a crown that seems to be made of white coral.

This crown has distinct levels, gradually shrinking from bottom to top, and there are a total of 4-Layer.

This crown is very luxurious, with sea-blue color crystals inserted on each floor!

At the same time, this crown is very mysterious, and on the outside of each floor, there is a stream of water in the shape of a bottle.

At this time, the crown is emitting colorful rays of light under the shining of light, which is extremely sacred.

Is this the Crown of the Sea? !

I really don’t care about the compliment of this design~

Ghetsis looked at the crown with fiery eyes, and he walked toward the crown of the sea with the crown of the sea in his hand.

Only the combination of the Crown of the Sea and the Crown of the Sea, that is the true crown of the sea!

I walked in front of the crown of the sea to appreciate it up close, and Ghetsis couldn’t help shook the head: Is this what the ancients called abstract art?

It’s boring, but whether it’s abstract or not, as long as you get the Crown of the Sea Wine, you can control Manafi, as long as you get the Crown of the Sea, you can control the Temple of the Sea, and you can master the combination of the Crown of the Sea and the Crown of the Sea The crown of the sea can become the king of the sea!

Then, just stay aside, let me see, the power to become the king of the sea!

With the color of madness shining in his eyes, Ghetsis stepped into the circle of water in front of him, and reached out his hand to lower the crown of the sea to the position between the top three crystals of the crown of the sea.

The two crowns seemed to be one, and immediately sent out a strange combination of rays of light.

A lot of bubbles began to form in the hydrosphere.

Press the building, Ghetsis stepped back a few steps, and left the water circle to stand still!

puff puff puff ~~

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