Speaking, Bai Mo evokes an arc of disdain. Level 2 God is now the most mainstream level of strength in his hands.

With his current strength, he has completely stood at the top of mankind, and even the person who can threaten him no longer exists.

Bai Mo has now put opponent’s choice on those who are super Divine Beast.

Only those super Divine Beasts are Bai Mo who want to defeat the conquest in the near future.

And all of this has to wait for him to defeat Mew first, because he is the chosen one of Mew, and the latter cannot use the power of the priesthood in the battle against Mew.

As a result, Bai Mo is about to restore a Level 1 divine force to Dakley, and the priest Mewtwo has the power to fight.

As long as Mew is subdued, and now Ho-Oh also chooses him, then he can use Mew, who can use the power of the priesthood, to subdue Ho-Oh.

By then, with the two super Divine Beasts Ho-Oh and Mew, Bai Mo said that he is not empty of anyone. When the time comes, he will first look for Hoopa, and then let Hoopa one by one The super god Zeng who wanted to be subdued was subdued.

After he has subdued all Level 1 gods, it is time to subdue Arceus.

By then, this World will be his Bai Mo’s words.


This day, calm and tranquil.

Three days have passed since that day when Ghetsis summon went to the sea temple and the darkness of Lugia.

Three days ago, Bai Mo solved Ghetsis, and the Level 2 gods in his hand forced the darkness Lugia to his side.

Of course, the Temple of the Sea was also occupied by him as it should be by rights, followed by Manafei.

After this, Bai Mo didn’t care about the reactions of those around Lu Zachary Ya. He took the Sky Garden back to his Small World, and then used the Temple of the Sea to take the girls in the ocean. Gallop.

And today, some came to the Sea Territory near Undella Town.

Undella Town is a great summer resort town on the east coast of Unova.

There is Cattleya’s villa in this city.

When Bai Mo came here because he solved Ghetsis, he wanted to pull up the entire Team Plasma by the roots.

Badge in Hoenn Region, Bai Mo has already been collected, he has no interest in challenging one after another Hoenn Alliance.

After all, among the Pokemon in his hands, the worst of them are all at the Elite level. Generally, they are Level 3 gods, which is also the champion level. The main force has reached the Sect Master level, which is also the Level 2 gods. Even, he Also mastered the level 1 god level Pokemon so powerful, and then challenge Gym is bullying.

Bai Mo has asked his people to go to Gyms in various places to ask for Badge, just to satisfy the feelings in his heart.

Of course, if there is a Gym Trainer who is ignorant, he doesn’t mind going there to educate himself.

As for now, Bai Mo intends to tell the extension from WT in the hands of Help to solve all those competing opponents by the way.

To defend Team Magma and Team Aqua of the Region, Bai Mo also intends to wait for a suitable time to maximize the reason.

Now he plans to come to Unova Region Ingrain first, so he brought the girls here. He will spend some time doing things in Unova Region.

In a hall of the Temple of the Sea, it has been transformed into a restaurant by Bai Mo. At this time, he is enjoying lunch while enjoying the surrounding seabed scenery.

Suddenly, a girl’s discordant voice sounded:

Cut, this is not good at all, and I don’t know what you are eating~~

With that said, the girl desperately pulled everything in front of her into her mouth. She was so fast that she seemed to be a normal starving ghost.

The talking girl is a beautiful girl with mixed colors wearing a black dress and long silver white hair.

This stunning and beautiful girl was changed by the darkness of Lugia. Next to her was a girl who looked exactly like her and wore a pure white dress. This girl was Lugia, the god of the sea.

Lugia, the god of the sea, is the younger sister of the dark Lugia, and the sisters are twins, which look exactly the same.

The reason why Lugia in the dark previously complained about the food in front of him was simply because Lugia praised the food in front of him as delicious.

The darkness Lugia retorted instinctively.

However, her actions and what she said are extremely inconsistent~~

The girls are not surprised, just enjoying the food for themselves.

At this time, Cattleya suddenly lifts the head and said

Lan, my big brother said that if you want the help of the family, I will beat him first. It wants to challenge you~ ~.

Chapter 1009 Suddenly the challenge of love rivals

Your big brother? Bai Mo looked towards Cattleya.

Well~~ Cattleya ordered nodded and said big brother and said he wanted to know how powerful Liya’s man is.

Mo, if you can be stronger than the big brother, then my family will definitely help you in your actions in Unova Region.

Well ~~ ° Bai Mo is thoughtfully point nodded, in fact, with his strength, simply do not need help, but this seems to be the Guardian Liya kindness, he is not good to refuse.

And it’s just to teach the future Big Uncle brother a lesson so that people can help themselves.

Bai Mo feels that such a good thing seems to be nothing to refuse.

Okay, that’s it. Bai Mo ordered nodded.

The time passed quickly and another half an hour, Bai Mo entire group finally reached Undella Town.

Bringing the girls to the land, Bai Mo put the Temple of the Sea into his Small World, and instead released the sky garden.

The entire group then, led by Cattleya and Shirona, arrived at a villa of Cattleya’s house in Undella Town.

In front of the villa, two young men in luxurious clothes were waiting there.

Bai Mo used Psychic to take the girls and Teleport to the door of the villa. Seeing Cattleya, the two youngsters stepped forward with excitement and shouted Liya~~

big brother !

Cattleya smiled at the young man on the left, then frowned and looked at the man on the right. Coldly said Zuo Ze Young Master wanted to taste Psychic again? I’m not familiar with you, don’t call me Liya.

Li…Well, Guardian Young Lady ~ Zuo Zelu has a bitter smile.

Seeing this scene, the girls around Bai Mo cast a playful smile on him.

Obviously, this Zuo Ze is a love rival of Bai Mo~~

For this, Bai Mo seems indifferent, cracking a joke, which one of his women is ordinary? Anyone on the opposite side can welcome countless suitors, and if he were bothered by this matter, he would have died long ago.

As long as it is not the annoying flies that are irresponsible, Bai Mo is also disinclined to pay attention to, and he has confidence in himself.

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