I don’t know this either!

Royal dragon roar solemnly shook his head. According to the legend of Hoenn Region, the only people who can deal with Kyogre are Groudon and Swap. We may not know where it is and cannot find it!

So now we may only have to figure out a solution on Groudon.

Speaking, Yulongdu looked towards Groudon who is still asleep on the Dive below!


Ash and Brock paused in their hearts, and Ash’s eyes appeared worried. At this time, following Du’s eyes, he could see a strong Electric Type power on the side of the island not far away!

Stimulated by that Electric Type ability, a force that can compete with Kyogre seems to be awakening.

These two guys are still very ceremony! On the sky garden, Mew hit a Yawn, and boringly hit a Yawn.

Mew has already told the truth that Kyogre and Groudon were not asleep, and now their strength is actually just a small mess. They are all for fun, at least they have not used the power of the priesthood. , And did not enter the Primal Reversion state.

At this time, Little Huang stretched out

Pointing in one direction, he asked what is the situation with that Pikachu and the electricity…

It’s nothing more than Groudon’s prank that’s all ! Mew has a casual expression on his face.

That is Pikachu from Ash! Bai Mo reached out and touched Little Huang’s head and explained: Now it combines the power of Ruby.

But soon I have a chance to recover~~

At this time,


Pikachu is violent, at this time, As he used a stroke of Thunder Unique Ability, the huge thunderbolt was dragged down from the dark clouds and hit the sea, if the end came to Normal.

The entire island and I hadn’t even gotten to Spark flashing, the only land on the scene, a Volcano on that island also erupted at this time.

With these eyes, one after another huge red figure opened its acting skills.


A bright brilliance emerged from the red body directly high in the sky, piercing the thick dark clouds in an instant.

At this moment, the soybean-sized rainstorm gradually dissipated and stopped, revealing the dazzling sun and bright sunshine!

But this clear sight only appeared on the side of the red figure, and it was still clouded on the side of Kyogre.

The red figure is naturally Groudon!

As soon as Groudon appeared, Kyogre, who had been doing something, stopped sitting together.

At this moment, Groudon and Kyogre seem to only see each other!


At a certain moment, there seems to be a tacit understanding and there may be some secret sign.

Kyogre and Groudon both acted, Kyogre suddenly used Surf Unique Ability, a huge wave or tsunami hiding the sky and covering the earth in the direction of Groudon, seemed to want to Groudon and Sunset Island are submerged together!

At the same time, Groudon quickly absorbed the sunlight from the sun directly above it!

An energy-concentrating beam of light connecting the sun and Groudon appeared. Groudon quickly gathered enough power to touch a Solar Beam with his mouth open.

Golden’s beam of light swept across, and easily smashed the waves.


Seeing this scene, even Yulongdu, who has seen many big scenes, grew his mouth, and was shocked speechless for a while.

Kyogre and Groudon in this brief moment showed too much power!

really strong ~~Ash couldn’t help but mutter, and Yulongdu began to analyze the situation. Solar Beam just stopped the tide. Could it be Groudon who wanted to stop Kyogre’s rampage?

Well, it must be so!

Yulongdu thinks he has found the truth.

If Mew knew what he was thinking now, he would definitely mock him as a fool, and I couldn’t see that the one below was playing!

At this time, watching the battle in front of him quietly, Bai Mo was sent to a phone call by Quanmei and Bonfire, and then retrieved Mewtwo by telepathy.

Just let the following two big guys play by themselves! .

Chapter 1025 Hoenn’s Unification Plan!

Pikachu ~

Looking at Pikachu standing on Groudon, when she met Ash next to her, she couldn’t help but yelled, trying to awaken Pikachu’s consciousness.

Then the result is definitely useless!

Don’t do it in vain!

At this time, Bai Mo came to Ash’s side through Teleport, indifferently said that it now depends on whether Groudon can defeat Kyogre.

The battle between Super Divine Beast is not something we can intervene~~

Bai Mo does not mean cracking a joke, has never seen the power beyond Divine Beast, never know it. To the horror of this power, let alone know the artistic conception represented by this power!

At the level of Super Divine Beast, there are no more complicated skills in the battle and no more complicated skills, only pure absolute power!

If you want to intervene in this kind of battle, unless you also have this strength, for example, Bai Mo is beside Mew and Mewtwo.

But Mew has told Bai Mo before that Groudon and Kyogre are actually playing now, so there is no need to take action and expose their power at the same time.

Just watch this battle.

Speaking of which, trying to control this super-Divine Beast-level power by means of not subduing, but it’s just not enough.

At this moment, Kyogre finished launching the Solar Beam in Groudon and opened his mouth to send out a Hydro Pump counterattack.

Kyogre’s Hydro Pump is very powerful, and the Normal Water Type Pokemon is completely incomparable. In Bai Mo’s view, this is the real Hydro Pump.

Moreover, the Hydro Pump used by Kyogre is so fast that Groudon didn’t have time to react.


Bai Mo called out Mewtwo’s name.


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