The kind of power that can instantly turn Desolate Land into a garden place, turn a lifeless place into a sea of ​​flowers and create Floaroma Town. Everyone firmly believes in the power of Shaymin at this time. !

And even now, Shaymin must still live somewhere in this sea of ​​flowers, guarding this sea of ​​flowers forever!

Speaking, Joy also showed a look of longing and piousness!

cough cough! Bai Mo knows all this naturally. He knows that these are not guesses but facts, otherwise he would not come here.

Not many of these words, he obviously couldn’t talk to Joy, so he pretended to be curious and asked if Shaymin has been guarding this place? !

Of course! Nurse Joy was nodded, and then said many testimonies she thought Shaymin existed.

so that’s how it is! Almost time later, Bai Mo clicked nodded, showing a look of yearning, really good!

I really want to meet Shaymin too!

Bai Mo’s implication is that he believes what Joy said is true.

Recognized, Joy clicked nodded with satisfaction, and his eyes looking towards Bai Mo became a lot softer!

No loss is Bai Mo Professor, really insightful!

Since the Professor believes me and Shaymin’s idea, I have a suggestion for you. If you are interested, you can go to the sea of ​​flowers north of Floaroma Town!

I have inside information here. Rumor has it that the sea of ​​flowers is the first hill where flowers appear. Shaymin is most likely to be there!

Moreover, there is also a Shaymin shrine built over there, which is a great attraction!

Sinnoh Floaroma Town, if you don’t go there, it’s a pity that you will definitely be there!

Nurse Joy reminded me understandingly that by listening to what she said, she knew that she had recognized Bai Mo a long time ago!

That can be many thanks Nurse Joy you!

But for now, give me advice on the empty dormitory first, I will check it out after I put my things in!

Bai Mo laughed, he really needs the dormitory. After all, he has to live here for a few days. Even if he has Small World, it is impossible to enter and leave in front of others.

However, speaking of which, Bai Mo does have several points of curiosity. This rumor is what will happen to the first flowers.

Shaymin definitely exists.

I just don’t know what kind of mysterious the existence of Shaymin will fill this place.

There are a lot of empty rooms!

Here, here is the magnetic card!

The best top floor room!

Nurse Joy smiled and handed a room card to Bai Mo. She knew that the troubles of celebrities like Bai Mo could clean up the room on the top floor a lot.

many thanks!

Bai Mo thanked him, then took the room card and moved directly towards the top floor of the dormitory area.

But Bai Mo didn’t take a few steps, so Bai Mo just used Teleport to hurry up and came to the room. He put some insignificant packages he carried with him in this room at will.

Then Bai Mo didn’t stay in the room any more, and couldn’t wait to follow the recommendation of Nurse Joy to the north of Floaroma Town.


Feeling the power of Arceus in his body, Bai Mo can clearly perceive the difference in this land.

The sea of ​​flowers here is indeed different from the ones outside, and it is more vibrant.

Moreover, the flowers here are obviously more gorgeous and vivid, and there are agility that flowers in other places don’t have.

It’s as if the flowers here are already alive, like the flower Pokemon, full of spirituality.

Nice place!

When the plan in Sinnoh is fully launched, I have to buy a piece of land here to build a manor!

;Bai Mo wandered in the flower field, closed his eyes, opened his arms, enjoying the breeze and the pungent fragrance.

His handsome face couldn’t help showing a soft smile.

There is an elegant floral scent in their breath, and they will definitely like it!

And it is easy to forget the fatigue of the day!

In the future, Shirona, Winona, Sabrina and I, if they are all old, we can live here for the elderly!

After immersing himself in the flower field, Bai Mo moved on, and after asking a few tourists who were also walking in the flower field, he crossed the flower field to the Shaymin sacrificial ancestral hall at the mouth of Nurse Joy.

The landmark of this ancestral hall is a stone statue of Shaymin, and Bai Mo appeared in front of him. This is Shaymin, really cute? !

Looking at the fat Doduo Shaymin of the stone statue, Bai Mo flashed a smile in his eyes. Through the eyes of the stone, he saw the peculiar confusion when the creature just woke up!

As in his memory, this Shaymin is still good at pretending!

By the way, Bai Mo began to hesitate to call Mew and the others, but let’s just think about it!

With an inexplicable smile, Bai Mo walked to the stone statue in front of the ancestral hall and sighed and said that he did not know if the rumors were true!

But this sea of ​​flowers is indeed beautiful, it is a gift from nature to mankind!

At this time, the sky changes, and the sun has fallen!

Although he was a little bit dissatisfied with the beauty of this flower field, Bai Mo turned and left decisively when he thought that there was still a lot of time in the future.

Not enough. When he left, the corners of his mouth curled up!

At this moment, the ancestral hall suddenly emitted a faint green rays of light.

Although the green rays of light only disappeared in a flash, Bai Mo still felt it clearly.

Moreover, in this ancestral hall, there was also a vaguely rumored Growl who seemed a little immature.


This voice has a hint of Charm and anger!

Are you here, little Shaymin~~

A smile flashed in his eyes, Bai Mo pretended to feel a little bit, and turned his head and looked towards the stone carvings of the ancestral hall, which is the atmosphere It seems that in this brief moment has become heavy!

After a few seconds, Bai Mo raised his brows, muttered, I thought too much, right? !

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