An emotion called regret appeared in their hearts.


Bai Mo didn’t know what happened in the center of Pokemon, and now he is heading straight to the mountainside.

But even if he knew it, Bai Mo wouldn’t care. In the first place, no one was obliged to tell him the existence of a good thing, just a normal heart.

But people…you have self-knowledge, otherwise even the opportunities you can grasp will flow away from his hands!

This mountainside is huge!

After walking for a while, Bai Mo came to the mountainside in the mouth of the little girl. This is a grassland. He looked towards all around. He not at all found the trace of Gible!

Although the little girl said that Gible likes pranks and will come out when she sees travelers, Bai Mo doesn’t want to be so troublesome.

Thinking about it, he directly threw a few Poké Balls, and as the Poké Ball opened, Togekiss, Flying Type Pokemon and other mechanisms appeared in the air!

Everyone, I need you to do me a favor this time!

I need to find a Gible!

Bai Mo told the Pokemons. As for the appearance of Gible, everyone is familiar with it. After all, Bai Mo is not without Gible. He has a Garchomp in his hand, which was cultivated by Shirona.

When several Pokemon heard Bai Mo’s words, they called out to show that they understood and then flew out.

Bai Mo is much more relaxed on his own. He randomly found a grass and lay down, then hugged a little Shaymin by his side and looked at the blue sky and white clouds above, while quietly waiting for a few Pokemon is back.

I don’t know how long it took, Bai Mo felt like he was going to fall asleep as he relaxed, and Salamence’s Growl came from a distance in one direction.

Hearing this sound, Bai Mo quickly turned over and sat up, hugged Shaymin and looked towards the flying Salamence of Cheng Chao and asked: How is it, did you find it?

Salamence hearing this clicked nodded and pointed the direction with his wings. Bai Mo was overjoyed.

Later, Bai Mo asked Salamence to call back the other Pokemon, and then he held Shaymin on his back, and went to where you found Gible!


Salamence one after another flapped its wings and flew away. Soon, Bai Mo was told a place by it, and finally understood why Gible was not found before!

It turns out that Gible simply is not in this grassland, but in another place full of caves.

It seems to know Bai Mo, Gible used Strength/Machamp, raised a piece of Rock and threw it in the direction of Bai Mo.

Provocative is full! .

I don’t know how long it took, Bai Mo felt that he was going to fall asleep as he relaxed, and Salamence’s Growl came from a distance in one direction.

Hearing this sound, Bai Mo quickly turned over and sat up, hugged Shaymin and looked towards the flying Salamence of Cheng Chao and asked: How is it, did you find it?

Salamence hearing this clicked nodded and pointed the direction with his wings. Bai Mo was overjoyed.

Later, Bai Mo asked Salamence to call back the other Pokemon, and then he held Shaymin on his back, and went to where you found Gible!


Salamence one after another flapped its wings and flew away. Soon, Bai Mo was told a place by it, and finally understood why Gible was not found before!

It turns out that Gible simply is not in this grassland, but in another place full of caves.

It seems to know Bai Mo, Gible used Strength/Machamp, raised a piece of Rock and threw it in the direction of Bai Mo.

Provocative is full! .

wyvern, Bai Mo will unceremoniously put it in his pocket.

When the time comes, when the temple team stops other people including Alliance, he can take care of it in peace!


On the other side, Shirona on the other end of the phone didn’t know Bai Mo’s inner thoughts. When she heard Bai Mo’s words, her heart was full of touch. She thought Bai Mo did Sacrifice was made, and it was all for her.

This moved her very much.

The case that started because of a misunderstanding, the last bit of grievance at the beginning of the case is also small and disappear without a trace!

Then Bai Mo and Shirona talked about what they didn’t, and they talked on the phone properly.


Chapter 1039 Hunter J who is about to be destroyed!

Calling Shirona, Bai Mo released Salamence and headed to Lake Verity.

Soon, Bai Mo arrived at Lake Verity!

After arriving at Lake Verity, Bai Mo’s staff, Blaine and Lei Si also traveled to the location.

In the following days, Bai Mo did not receive news of the attack on the three major lakes, but Bai Mo did not relax, but became more and more vigilant.

This day one after another early morning, Bai Mo took a few of his Pokémon to practice by the shore of Lake Verity. Suddenly, he saw Lake Verity spin in the middle of the lake, which suddenly glowed pink. mysterious rays of light!

Following, a pink ball of light rose from the empty lake to in midair. This ball of light flourished with the rays of light, revealing the appearance of Mesprit in it.

After that, Mesprit’s figure disappeared out of thin air, obviously using Teleport!

At this time, Lei Si’s voice sounded in Bai Mo’s Bluetooth headset, BOSS! , Team Galactic blocked the shores of Lake Valor!

According to your at least, in order to avoid beat the grass to scare the snake, our people did not break in.

Now Hunter J appears in Lake Valor Sky with her spaceship, and has been captured, I know, you can now take out the Small World Leafage and aim it in the direction of Hunter J’s airship!

Bai Mo talked to Lei Si, and then his mind moved back to his Small World, and then closed his eyes.

After returning to Small World, Bai Mo’s mind got in touch with the world Leafage he used, and at the same time quickly released Psychic towards the area of ​​Lake Valor, and then until Lock On was in Lake Valor Sky !

In Bai Mo’s perception, there is a huge airship standing high above the sky. There are also two Pokemons wrapped in blue energy covers around it. These two are Teleport coming over. Uxie and Mesprit.

On the opposite of these two Pokemon, the up ahead of spaceship is the hunter j standing above Salamence.

Very good!

Bai Mo stared at the wooden tube and used it for an instant.


A powerful Mental Force emerged

, Bai Mo’s voice instantly disappeared in place.

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