The crowds gathered and the crowds gathered.


As soon as he reached the crowded area, he heard the voice of assembling. Yun Xiao immediately lined up in the Lava Team and stood there imitating their standing posture.

"Very good, if you want to succeed, you must go crazy first."

As the squadron leader of the team, he nodded with satisfaction and shouted slogans.

"Charge forward regardless of everything!"

The team members also shouted loudly, and Yun Xiao, who was startled, hurriedly lip-synced.

"Try hard to become a rich third generation."

"You must work hard to avoid failure."

"Sleep on the floor today, sleep with the boss tomorrow! Come on, come on, come on!"

After the slogan was shouted, the squadron leader stood on the right side and stood with the other team leaders. Then a figure came from the depths of the cave. He had purple non-mainstream hair, wore the uniform of the Lava Team, and stood on his shoulder with an elite Ditto.

Everyone looked at the elite man in front of them with respect. Although his level was not high, Yun Xiao could see from the eyes of the Lava Team members that this man must have a high status.

"Looking at everyone's enthusiasm, I, the Thousand Faces Man, Banai, feel relieved. This time, the captain of the Fire Village asked us to go to the Weather Research Institute to steal the research report of the super ancient Pokémon. There must be no mistakes. Our Lava Team will definitely get the most powerful energy!"

Bannai opened his hands and encouraged all the Lava Team members on the field. The Lava Team members waved their right fists and responded loudly.

Mission accomplished! So you are going to steal the research report?

Yun Xiao's eyes lit up. He didn't expect that this fool named Bannai would tell him the battle plan directly. All he had to do next was to find a way to tell Daigo, and his two million would be in his hands.

However, Bannai obviously didn't give Yun Xiao this opportunity. After boosting morale, Bannai led a dozen people here to walk out of the cave.

Yun Xiao wanted to take advantage of the chaos to leave the team, but he was surrounded by the crowd. Helplessly, he had to follow a dozen people and leave the team when he found an opportunity to tell Bannai about the actions of the Lava Team.

Along the way, there was no discussion in the team. Only the neat pace and absolutely respectful attitude made Yun Xiao secretly surprised. He didn't expect that such an evil organization could have such quality.

After running with the team for nearly half an hour, Bannai waved his hand to signal everyone to stop.

"I'll sneak in first, you rest in place, and wait for my signal to rush in together."

Bannai said to everyone, and then with the help of Ditto, he turned into a beautiful woman.


Everyone was already used to it, and responded to Bannai.

"Very good, I'll go then."

Bannai spoke in a female voice, and then disappeared in front of everyone, and everyone began to relax and rest under the instructions of the squadron leader. Everyone relaxed from the tension, sat down lazily, and chatted with the people nearby.

"Hello, are you a new member? Why haven't I seen you before?"

Yun Xiao wanted to take this opportunity to slip away, but he didn't expect the members of the Lava Team around him to stop him and ask Yun Xiao.

"Ah, yes, yes! My name is Awu, and I was just transferred here recently."

Yun Xiao was shocked. He didn't expect that someone would talk to him, so he had to talk a few words to him, and then find an excuse to leave here.

"Really? That's great. I thought I was the only new member. Their old members are so abominable. They bully me to sweep the floor, mop the floor, and wipe the table every day. If you are here, I will be much more relaxed in the future. Ah, my name is Silent."

Silent said to Yun Xiao happily. When he mentioned the bullying of the old members, he was angry.

"Well, hello."

Yun Xiao nodded, and then prepared to get up, but was pulled back by Silent.

"Hahaha, I'm really so happy. I thought I couldn't find friends. What Pokémon do you have? I didn't get the Wolfhound and Charizard that our Lava Team just sent. I was only assigned to the low-level Coyote and the low-level Fire Camel."

Silent took out two Poké Balls and introduced his companions in the ball to Yun Xiao.

"I am an intermediate Zubat and an intermediate Charizard."

Yun Xiao took a look at the Pokémon in the four Poké Balls he had collected, and casually reported the information of two Pokémon to him.

He was going to hand these Pokémon over to the league, and he had no intention of returning them to Team Magma. After he finished telling them the information about the Pokémon,

, Yun Xiao was ready to stand up again, but was still dragged down by Chen Mo.

"Brother Wu, I envy you so much. You actually have two intermediate Pokémon. I thought you were the same as me. Don't look down on me. Although I am a rookie, I don't talk much and won't bother you around you. Can you be my good friend?"

Chen Mo looked at Yun Xiao pitifully, and Yun Xiao had to nod impatiently.

"Well, I won't."

Yun Xiao gritted his teeth and said word by word, and after hearing Yun Xiao's reply, Chen Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

Just when Yun Xiao thought the conversation was about to end, Yun Xiao was about to stand up when he heard the command to assemble.

"Assemble, assemble, Wu, stand with me, my good brother."

Chen Mo held Yun Xiao's hand, fearing that he would leave him like this.

"I really..."

Yun Xiao silently lowered his head, adjusted his expression, looked at Si Mo with a gentle smile on his face, and nodded to him.

"Everyone go to the toilet first, and go light later!"

The leading squadron leader commanded loudly, he didn't want anyone to affect the battle situation because of holding urine.

Everyone nodded and scattered. Yun Xiao found an opportunity and immediately ran towards the woods.

"Brother, wait for me!"

Si Mo saw Yun Xiao running fast and hurriedly followed him. When he came to the place where Yun Xiao left, he didn't see Yun Xiao at all.

"Are you in such a hurry? Holding urine is not good, it will cause uremia. Really, knowing that you are about to set off, you still drink so much water. My brother is really worrying."

Si Mo shook his head. He thought Yun Xiao ran so fast because he was holding it, but Yun Xiao had quietly appeared behind him with a face full of anger.


Yun Xiao hit Silent on the back of his head with a club, and Silent fainted before he knew what happened.

"Silent, huh? Uremia, huh? Bullying, huh? You don't want me to leave, huh? Curse me, huh!"

Yun Xiao kicked Silent, who fainted, one by one, and then sent Strong Chicken and Forest Lizard to strip Silent of his clothes, and then tied him up in the woods.

Yun Xiao hung Silent's two Poké Balls with low-level Pokémon on his waist, and then quickly sent the information here to Daigo.

Just as he was about to leave, he received a message from Daigo.

"Keep checking, and be sure to protect the safety of the staff in the Weather Research Institute. I'm busy!"

After receiving Daigo's message, Yun Xiao really wanted to spit out blood. What kind of boss is this Li Baopi!

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