The old man was in a hurry to get married.

Chenghua City

A courier arrived at the Pokémon store.

"Thank you, Sucker!"

"Wow wow~"

Fujiwara Hui waved to the courier Sucker to express his gratitude. Sucker nodded to Fujiwara Hui and left in the courier car.

"A courier from Xiaoxiao?"

Out of curiosity, Fujiwara Hui opened the courier box and saw a championship trophy with the words "Primary champion, Yun Xiao" written on it.

Next to the championship trophy was a culture vessel with a Pokémon egg in it. The white culture fluid was constantly warming the egg inside.

Under the egg were 50,000 Alliance coins and a letter. Fujiwara Hui opened the letter and patiently read the contents.

The letter read:

Dear sister,

I read your letter. After unremitting efforts, I won the challenge held in Linxin Town and won a reward of 100,000 Alliance coins. Hehe, now I have a reliable partner to travel with.

I guess you are not used to being alone without me, sister? This is a Pokémon egg suitable for sister that I found in the gambling egg center. Let it accompany you temporarily instead of me!

Remember to buy a mobile phone that can video chat. If you miss me in the future, I will call you with the Alliance mobile phone!

Yun Xiao

After receiving Yun Xiao's letter, Fujiwara Hui's eyes were slightly red. It was impossible to say that she didn't miss Yun Xiao. Now seeing him getting stronger and stronger, Fujiwara Hui felt a sense of pride.

On Yun Xiao’s side, they had already left Rinxin Town. Since Magikarp was the only one left in the team who was still at the novice level, in order not to lose to his companions, Magikarp frantically challenged the opponents in every river along the way.

Finally, with unremitting efforts, he successfully kept up with everyone and reached the primary stage.

Yun Xiao and others almost succeeded in getting a three-month prison sentence. The reason was that they mistakenly entered a protected area. In order to upgrade their level, Magikarp directly hit Lulili in the protected area and lost her combat ability.

And by chance, they were just seen by Klee, the head of the protected area. She commanded the big wolfhound to surround everyone. The three people who knew they had made a mistake were taken to the interrogation room by Klee.

"Ah, it's over, will we be arrested and imprisoned? I don't want to, I just became a trainer."

Xiaoyao sat on the chair with a desperate look on his face, as if he had already thought of the prison life in the future.

"Okay, sister, things haven't come to that point yet."

Xiaosheng comforted Xiaoyao who was constantly imagining.


The Magikarp was placed in a small fish tank, which just accommodated its entire body. At this time, it obviously didn't realize that it had made a mistake. Looking at its primary body, it slapped the remaining water surface with satisfaction.

"You reflect on it."

Yun Xiao patted Magikarp's forehead with a helpless look. Who was it brought here for?

At this time, Keli brought the big wolfhounds to Yun Xiao and others. At this moment, she put her hands on her hips and looked serious.


Behind the big wolfhound, a coyote dog roared at the three people.

"Ah, it's a coyote dog."

Xiaosheng shouted after seeing the coyote dog.

"Ahem, I will announce your punishment results below."

Keli coughed and took out a watch and put it in front of Yun Xiao and the others.

"Since you are a first-time offender and a trainer who has just gone out to travel, and you have a good attitude of admitting your mistakes, we will not pursue it this time. However, you must pay attention next time. Pokémon in the protected area cannot be harmed or captured, understand?"

As long as they do not deliberately attack or capture Pokémon in the protected area, the league is still somewhat tolerant of new trainers.

"Woo, we are going to jail."

Xiaoyao, who has always fantasized about life after jail, did not hear what Klee said at all.

Fortunately, the matter came to an end. Yunxiao and the other two, led by Klee, said hello to Lulili who had been attacked before.

Xiaosheng learned about the experience of the coyote dog and decided to help the coyote dog evolve. So Xiaoyao and Yunxiao, who were sparring partners, had to release their own fire chickens to fight the coyote dog.

"Listen carefully, the secret of the coyote dog's evolution is to bite more, bite with teeth, not hit with the body, understand?!"

Xiaosheng excitedly commanded the coyote dog, and the coyote dog also nodded.

He nodded, but the coyote dog continued to use collision in the battle.

Xiaosheng, who was not progressing well, was a little worried when he saw the coyote dog. Yun Xiao came over and said something to the coyote dog secretly. The coyote dog immediately stood up excitedly.

"Try again, Xiaosheng."

Yun Xiao, who was standing on the opposite side, waved to Xiaosheng. This time, the coyote dog finally listened to Xiaosheng's instructions and used the bite to attack the fire chicken frantically.

"Cha ma cha ma ~"

The fire chicken couldn't help but sweat when watching the fierce attack of the coyote dog. If it weren't for the help of the acceleration characteristic, I'm afraid I would have died here.

In the battle, the coyote dog finally evolved into a big wolf dog as he wished. After the matter was successfully concluded, everyone left the reserve with the farewell of Klee and the big wolf dogs.

"Yun Xiao, what did you say to the coyote dog? Why did it suddenly want to use the bite?"

Out of curiosity, Xiaosheng raised his own question.

"Oh, nothing, just tell it that what's in front of it is not a turkey, but a roasted turkey."

Yun Xiao shrugged indifferently. Pokémon, who would resist eating?


The two turkeys that were happily leading the way in front trembled, and then ran back together, constantly pecking at Yun Xiao.

"Sorry, sorry!"

Yun Xiao, who was pecked, immediately apologized to the two turkeys. Everyone passed through the forest while playing, and finally arrived at the destination of this time, the Kanaz Center.

Arriving at the Kanaz Center means that it is not far from the Kanaz Gym, and there are many people gathered here, because this place is about to hold the Pokémon Grand Competition.

People who participated in the competition and watched the competition gathered in this area, and Yun Xiao and others were also wiping their Pokémon eggs in the Pokémon Center.

"I wonder what will hatch from it?"

Xiao Sheng was also somewhat curious about the pale yellow Pokémon egg that was about to be born.

"I think I won't disappoint you."

Yun Xiao, who has the ability to observe, obviously knows who the Pokémon inside is, but the birth of the unknown is often more exciting.

"Yun Xiao, the Pokémon egg in your hand has changed color!"

After Yun Xiao wiped it, the Pokémon egg in his hand finally returned to its original appearance. Xiao Yao looked at the Pokémon egg that was different from the original one and watched it curiously.

"Yes, this little guy should be stained with paint, which previously covered the color of the Pokémon egg, so the gambling egg owner thought that this one was also a bad guy."

At this time, the Pokémon egg that was completely cleaned was mainly blue, with some yellow stripes around it. Yun Xiao still had some expectations for the birth of this Pokémon.

"Sister, are you really not going to participate in this gorgeous competition?"

Xiao Sheng looked at Xiao Yao, who was indifferent and did not sign up, and asked curiously.

"Yes, there are still many more gorgeous contests to participate in. After all, I don't know the rules of the gorgeous contest yet, so this time I plan to observe and learn carefully."

After all, this is the goal, Xiaoyao also became surprisingly serious.

In the following time, Yunxiao and others stayed in the Kanaz Center for three days. Xiaoyao also met Huimei, a contestant here. At Huimei's invitation, Xiaoyao accepted the invitation to be Huimei's assistant in the gorgeous contest.

And Yunxiao and Xiaosheng also met a familiar person here.



"Yunxiao and Xiaosheng? And my name is Xiaozhi!"

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