After getting the Rock Badge, Yun Xiao and his group originally planned to go to the next destination, Wudou Island, immediately, but they learned that the contact ship was divided into three time periods: morning, noon, and evening.

Now that the noon ship has left, they can only wait for the evening ship.

"In this case, let's act separately and meet up before the evening."

It was still early, Yun Xiao suggested to everyone, seeing Xiaoyao's eager look, it was obvious that he planned to eat all the delicacies here.

"Great, I haven't had enough food here, and our next stop is Fighting Island, right? I'm going to buy a cute swimsuit, and then go to the resort island and resort hotel to eat enough!"

Xiaoyao ran out of the Pokémon Center with excitement, and her first stop was to feed herself.

"Then I'll go to Devon Manufacturing Co., Ltd. to have a look."

Xiaosheng ran happily outside the Pokémon Center. He had long wanted to take a look inside Devon Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Yun Xiao, who was left alone, walked out of the Pokémon Center slowly. He was going to the store to replenish the Pokémon's nutritional needs.

Now that his Pokémon are in the growth stage, if he doesn't lay a good foundation at this time, it will be too late when they are underdeveloped.

He originally had 30,000 Alliance coins on him, plus the 100,000 bonus he won as the champion before, and he had 130,000. He first spent 60,000 to buy the items needed for Pokémon eggs, then gave 50,000 to Sister Hui, and spent 12,000 Alliance coins to replace the primary energy cube on his body with an intermediate one.

Yun Xiao was now so poor that he only had more than 8,000 Alliance Coins left.

"I have to find a place to make money again."

After walking into the store and spending 6,000 to buy ten bottles of Moo Moo Milk and 2,000 Alliance Coins to buy a can of calcium tablets, Yun Xiao was completely bankrupt.

Yun Xiao, penniless, looked at his empty wallet and sighed. It must be said that Pokémon trainers are a profitable profession, but also a costly profession.

Who would have thought that a bottle of Moo Moo Milk alone would cost 600 Alliance Coins?

"Yun Xiao, help us stop him!"

At this moment, Xiao Sheng's voice came from a distance. He was chasing a young man in a white robe with a gray-haired middle-aged man.

The iron claw lobster in front of the young man guarded beside him to eliminate all threats for him.

"Elite level? You think too highly of me!"

Looking at the elite iron claw lobster rushing towards him aggressively, Yun Xiao raised his eyebrows helplessly.

"Get out of the way!"

The young man took off his white robe, revealing a blue sailor suit, and threatened Yun Xiao with a ferocious look.

"Team Ocean? Bonus!"

All trainers in Fengyuan know about Team Ocean. They are evil, often stealing trainers' Pokémon, and fantasize about awakening Kyogre to rule the world.

In contrast, Team Magma targets Groudon. These two evil organizations do not hide their ideas at all, so people in Fengyuan hate the members of these two organizations.

Miss Junsha's wanted price for the members of these evil organizations is quite high. For elite players like this, the alliance even offers a high price of 300,000 bonus.

Looking at this walking Alliance coin, how could Yun Xiao miss it? No matter you are elite or king level, uh, forget about the king level, I will take you down!

"Fire Chickadee, Wood Gecko, and Mosquito are out to make money."

Yun Xiao threw out three Poké Balls directly, and three Pokémon responded and stood in front of the Iron Claw and the members of the Ocean Team.

"Get out of the way, Iron Claw uses Crab Punch!"

The elite-level momentum is obviously not something that the three Pokémon in the primary stage can withstand. Even though they are far away, they still sweat from their heads when facing the powerful Crab Punch.

"Fire Chickadee, Wood Gecko flashed with lightning, and Mosquito uses hypnosis."

Fire Chickadee and Wood Gecko passed by the Iron Claw one after another. The Iron Claw looked at the Fire Chickadee and Wood Gecko scattered on both sides and ignored them, but directly attacked the Mosquito who was not moving.


The hypnosis of the Mosquito hit the Iron Claw, but the level difference was high, so it had no effect on the Iron Claw.

The lobster took advantage of the situation to knock the mosquito coil tadpole away, and the mosquito coil tadpole immediately lost its ability to fight.

"Come back, mosquito coil tadpole, you are still

Is it too much of a stretch? "

Looking at this huge gap in strength, Yun Xiao seemed a little helpless, but the mosquito-repellent tadpole was just a feint after all, and the real main force was...

After the wood gecko and the fire chicken bypassed the iron claw lobster in a flash, they directly pressed the members of the water fleet under them.

"Ah, iron claw lobster you idiot, come and save me!"

The members of the ocean team who were held down by the fire chicken and the wood gecko shouted at the iron claw lobster in front of them, and the iron claw lobster immediately turned around and rushed towards the fire chicken.

"Wind speed dog, use speed!"

And at this moment, an elite wind speed dog quickly hit the iron claw lobster, and the iron claw lobster was directly knocked out.

"Damn it!"

The members of the ocean team desperately broke free from the control of the wood gecko, and then threw the stolen culture medium bottle into the sky.

"Oh no! Help me catch it quickly. "

The middle-aged man standing next to Xiaosheng shouted.

Looking at the culture medium bottle that was about to fall, the wooden gecko and the fire chicken didn't care about the water fleet members under them, and caught the culture medium bottle steadily.


Taking this opportunity, the marine team members immediately threw a smoke bomb. When the smoke dissipated, there was no trace of the water fleet members and the iron claw lobster.

"My 300,000 flew away."

Yun Xiao was petrified on the spot. He had already received 300,000 in his hand, but the duck in his mouth still flew away.

"Great, fortunately the culture medium is fine, and it's right that these are the two bottles of culture medium that were stolen."

The middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief after taking back the stolen culture medium bottles from the wooden gecko and the fire chicken.

"President Zifuchi, please don't take risks like this. You are facing the most dangerous organization in Fengyuan. If something unexpected happens, how can I explain to Mr. Daigo. "

Miss Junsha and Zifuchi's secretary Kuroda looked at the middle-aged man in front of them with a serious face.

"Oh, it's really difficult, hahaha."

President Zifuchi laughed loudly, without any reflection.

"Are you Xiaosheng's partner?"

President Zifuchi turned and walked in front of Yun Xiao. If it weren't for Yun Xiao's help this time, their company would have suffered huge losses. That was the most critical research result of resurrecting fossils!

"Yes, hello, President Zifuchi, I am Yun Xiao from Chenghua City."

Although 300,000 was gone, Yun Xiao quickly adjusted his mood. After all, if he really handed the people of the Ocean Team to Miss Junsha, he would definitely be retaliated by the Ocean Team.

"Thanks to your help this time, please accept my small gift."

President Zifuchi handed a check to Yun Xiao's hand. Yun Xiao took a look and saw that it was a full one million Alliance coins!

"Too expensive, I can't take it! "

Scared by the amount, Yun Xiao immediately stuffed the check to Zifuqi. He had never seen so much money since he was a child. This was a full one million!

"Take it. The value of this research result is more than one million. If it weren't for your help, I would have lost nearly ten million."

Zfuqi pushed the check to Yun Xiao. One million was nothing to him. It was just like an ordinary person spending one dollar.

Yun Xiao was surprised and happy after receiving the check. This happiness came too quickly. Just when he was hungry, someone came to bring him food.

"Little brother Xiaosheng, little brother Yunxiao, if you encounter any difficult problems in the future, you can go to Wudou Town to find my son Daigo. He will answer you. He was once the champion of Fengyuan."

Zfuqi Mujin put on his hat and told everyone the location of his son. Without Yun Xiao's knowledge, he secretly stuffed the navigation device into Xiaosheng's hand.

"Then we'll see each other again. "

President Zfuchi waved to everyone and followed his assistant to walk towards the direction of Devon Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

"Former champion of Fengyuan?"

Hearing this title, Yun Xiao clenched his fists excitedly.

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