The five days passed quietly, and soon it was the agreed time.

Yun Xiao brought Circle Bear, Big Bear and Meow Meow to the bear's martial arts arena. It was not yet night, but a lot of Moon Bear and Circle Bear had gathered.

Moon Bear and Circle Bear showed fierce eyes when they saw Yun Xiao and the others, but they did not act rashly without the order of the Moon Bear Overlord.

Yun Xiao smiled bitterly. He didn't expect that the Pokémon in this secret realm hated humans more than the outside world.

Perhaps because they rarely saw humans, they all regarded humans as foreign invasive species.

At this moment, the Moon Bear Overlord walked out of the Moon Bear Group. Its huge appearance made it stand out from the crowd. It walked leisurely in front of Yun Xiao.

After the Moon Bear Overlord glanced at Yun Xiao, he nodded to Yun Xiao to signal Yun Xiao to follow him, and then he took the lead to walk towards the bear's martial arts arena.

Behind it, the Moon Bear Group and the Circle Bear Group also followed the Moon Bear Overlord's steps. Now it was getting closer and closer to the full moon, and the ceremony was about to begin.

Yun Xiao, Circle Bear, Meow Meow and Da Xianla looked at each other, and followed the Moon Bear Overlord's steps, all the way to the competition field of the bear's martial arts arena.


The Moon Bear Overlord roared at Yun Xiao when he saw Yun Xiao following him.

"It asked us to do the ritual dance together. After we finished, the bears stayed behind, and the rest had to wait outside the ring for the result of the competition. And we were not allowed to give any instructions to the bears competing in the ring, we could only cheer them on. Otherwise, it would be considered as abstention."

Meow Meow translated for Yun Xiao, and Yun Xiao nodded in understanding. The bears here were generally at the intermediate and advanced levels. There were only five elite bears, including his own, so Yun Xiao was quite confident that his bears could get the top three without his command.

"Come on, buddy. Whether you can evolve depends on you."

Yun Xiao hung a lightning stone and a peat block necklace on the bear. This was the lightning stone that he had promised to give back to the bear. The peat block was the item it needed for evolution.


The bear nodded with emotion, holding the peat block and lightning stone necklace given by Yun Xiao with care.

When the moon rose, the ceremony finally began. Moon Bear and Circle Bear began to dance the ritual dance of the full moon.

Yun Xiao, Miao Miao, Da Xianla and Circle Bear followed them and danced stiffly.

After the ceremony, all Circle Bears and Moon Bears, including the Moon Bear Overlord, left the competition venue, leaving only the Circle Bears participating in the competition.

Before leaving, Yun Xiao kept cheering for his Circle Bears, and then followed the Moon Bears out of the competition venue.

Although it was called a competition venue, it was actually a relatively open flat land. There were more than 30 Circle Bears left, and the lowest ones were at the advanced level.

Circle Bear looked around and found that these Circle Bears looked at him unkindly.


Seeing this situation, Yun Xiao, who was outside the venue, clenched his fists in worry.

"What's wrong, meow?"

Da Xianla and Miao Miao looked at him with curiosity.

"The bears here are all from the same tribe, and my bear is obviously an outsider, so they might focus on my bear at the beginning of the game."

Yun Xiao was a little helpless, because from their eyes, it can be seen that they really planned to do so.

"What, this is too much, meow."

The rules of the competition are that the remaining bears fight each other until the last three bears are qualified to evolve.

Looking at the current situation, other bears may only face one to three or four bears, while my bear will face all the bears on the field!


The Moon Bear Overlord roared towards the competition field, indicating the start of the game. The Moon Bears and the bears beside him also roared together, with great momentum.

Facing this scene that only happens once in a thousand years, Yun Xiao was not shocked, but was sweating for his bear.

As the match began, the high-level bear closest to Yun Xiao's bear immediately waved its arms and attacked Yun Xiao's bear.

Yun Xiao's bear's expression instantly changed from cute to fierce, with a white light blooming in its hand, and it used its arm hammer to hit the attacking bear hard.

How could the high-level Circle Bear be a match for Yun Xiao's Circle Bear, which has now been promoted to the elite level?

Under this arm hammer, the Circle Bear turned twice in the air and fell on the field, becoming the first Circle Bear to be eliminated.

The Circle Bears that were originally attacking Yun Xiao's Circle Bear paused and hesitated.

Obviously, under the powerful power of Yun Xiao's Circle Bear, they also realized the gap in strength between themselves and Yun Xiao's Circle Bear.

"Too cool, meow, I wish I had this kind of power."

Meow Meow was very excited, imagining that if he had the power of the Circle Bear, wouldn't he be able to punch the cat boss?

Yun Xiao was quite pleased to see his own Circle Bear on the field, but he was also worried about its future situation.

Two Circle Bears were seen running towards Yun Xiao's Circle Bear on the field, quietly condensing destructive rays in their mouths.

Yun Xiao felt lucky that many of the bears had already started fighting among themselves and did not join the group of bears that surrounded him.

However, that was a minority. There were more than ten bears surrounding him.

Yun Xiao's bears kept dodging the destructive death rays that attacked, but there were too many of them and they were injured to varying degrees.

The bears that surrounded Yun Xiao's bears were all at the advanced level, while the elite bears did not join the group. They stored their energy and waited for the snipe and clam to fight.

And these elite bears would naturally not be attacked by high-level bears that were ignorant of the situation. Unless they could get a place to evolve, offending a bear of the same race that was higher than themselves would undoubtedly be courting death.

As for Yun Xiao's bears, they obviously did not have this concern. They hoped that this foreign bear would be eliminated as soon as possible. Why should they share their own things with foreign bears?


Big Xianla looked at his companions being beaten up, and couldn't bear it and covered his eyes with his paws.

In the battlefield, Yun Xiao's circle bear was already panting, and even the hand swinging the arm hammer was much slower.

After it knocked down the seventh circle bear beside it, it finally couldn't bear it and fell down. However, it did not lose its fighting ability at this time. It held the lightning stone and peat block hanging on its chest with some fatigue.

In its eyes, Yun Xiao cheered for it, and then it slowly stood up again.

[I...can't lose, I must not...let Yun Xiao down! ]

Yun Xiao's circle bear's eyes turned red, and it burst out with even more powerful power.

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