The old man was very happy.

"This place is so abnormal. There are no relics of human activities, but there are ancient ruins. It's really incredible."

Natsume stroked the shabby table here, and at the same time, he did not forget to admire the ingenuity of the ancient people.

"Indeed, the feeling here looks more like modern construction to me."

Bai Ye nodded in agreement, but what made him curious was that the architectural style here was almost the same as that in the current world. Although they were all made of stone, they all had some modern style.

"This world should be protected by Arceus, right? I don't know what kind of creature can make Arceus unable to deal with it, so that the residents here hide in this cave."

It was obviously not Arceus who forced them to hide in the cave to survive. After all, this is a secret place created by it, and it knows everything here. It is obviously unrealistic to rely on this cave to hide from Arceus.

"Who knows... maybe this opponent can't even deal with Arceus."

"I'm really looking forward to it..."


Fairy Fountain

Xuan Yi and Dai Xiaolin are carefully exploring this area. The scenery in this area is pleasant, giving people the feeling of being in a fairyland on earth.

However, this place seems to be full of murderous intentions in Xuan Yi's eyes. He has released Lucario and is always using the power of waveguide to explore the surroundings.

Dai Xiaolin followed Xuan Yi and curiously checked the surrounding scenery. She had already released all the Pokémon.

She and Xuan Yi have different views on this place. This is obviously a tourist attraction. How could there be any danger?

"Huh? What is this? Deputy Captain, come and have a look."

Looking around, Dai Xiaolin suddenly found an item in the flowers, but she didn't recognize it, so she quickly called Xuan Yi, who was on guard in front, over.

After Xuan Yi used the waveguide to detect that there was no danger around, he took back the waveguide power, and then came to Dai Xiaolin with Lucario.

"This is..."

Looking at the things Dai Xiaolin handed over, Xuan Yi was shocked, his eyes full of disbelief.

"What is this?"

Looking at Xuan Yi's appearance, Dai Xiaolin became more and more curious about this item.

"I don't know."

Xuan Yi shook his head quickly. He carefully thought about the knowledge stored in his mind, but he didn't have the slightest impression of this item.

Dai Xiaolin fell down after hearing it. It turned out that you didn't know it either, so why are you so serious?

This is a white bead that exudes powerful energy and looks quite beautiful. This force was very gentle, and when it wrapped around Dai Xiaolin's arm, Dai Xiaolin did not feel any pain.

"I'll put it away first, maybe Calum will know."

He took out a long white cloth from the backpack and wrapped the white bead, then stuffed it into the backpack. Perhaps Calum, who was well-informed, would know what it was.

Xuan Yi scratched his head. If he was asked to explain what mega stone was, he could still say something. For things involving stones, the authority of the stone world, a bastard who only cared about digging stones and handed over dangerous tasks to them, should have more say, right?

After such a small episode, Xuan Yi and Dai Xiaolin continued to move forward. The further they walked inside, the more Xuan Yi and Dai Xiaolin felt that this was not a dangerous area.

The Pokémon that generally live here are the kind of gentle Pokémon that will not attack outsiders, such as Butterfree, Pipi, Lily Root Doll...

Even some bold Pipis came close to Dai Xiaolin intimately.

"Okay, okay, good boy, good boy."

Dai Xiaolin stroked Pipi who came close to him, and then took out a normal energy cube from the energy box behind him and wanted to hand it to Pipi.

"Pipi is a fairy Pokémon, you should feed it a fairy energy cube."

Xuan Yi hurriedly stopped Dai Xiaolin's behavior. Although there would be no other side effects after eating energy cubes of different types, there are also different tastes between Pokémon of different types. For example, fire-type Pokémon prefer spicy tomato fruit, while insect-type Pokémon prefer sweet peach fruit.

If you use a strong fire-type energy cube to feed an insect-type Pokémon, although it will not cause physical damage, it will not cause any damage at all.

It does not have any bonus effect, and Bug-type Pokémon do not like to eat this type of energy cube.

"Ah? Hasn't Pipi always been a normal-type?"

Xuan Yi's words made Dai Xiaolin stunned. Did he recite a fake attribute table?

"After the discovery of the fairy-type, Pokémon such as Pipi, Pixie, and Jigglypuff have been classified as fairy-type. This is a research report that was issued a year ago. Didn't you pay attention to it?"

Xuan Yi explained to Dai Xiaolin, and at the same time, he was curious whether this guy had no habit of reading newspapers? That caused quite a stir after Pipi and others were classified as fairy-type.

After all, it is well known that fairy-type restrains dragon-type Pokémon. I didn't expect that there would be such a powerful fairy-type Pokémon around me.

And Du, who was far away in Chengdu, was also miserable. Since the report announced that Pipi, Jigglypuff, etc. were classified as fairy-type. There are always trainers visiting, using intermediate and advanced fairy-type Pidgeot or Jigglypuff to challenge Du mercilessly.

Of course, these guys were easily dealt with by Du. To be immune to the damage of dragon-type skills, you have to be at the same level to be immune!

Taking a group of low-level Pokémon to challenge Du, Du has just taken office as the champion. If he refuses the challenge of these trainers, he will undoubtedly be considered too proud and hypocritical.

Du had no choice but to use Dragonite to kill a little kid in one bite to make them face the reality.

"How is it possible? Why can Mr. Du's Dragonite use Dragon Wave to hurt my Pidgeot?"

A boy in shorts seemed a little unbelievable. Fairy-type restrains Dragon-type and is immune to Dragon-type, so why was his Pidgeot knocked down by a bite of Dragon Wave?

"If you are not good, just practice more. If you can't afford to lose, don't play."

Du left a line of words lightly. These days, he has accepted countless challenges from trainers. I have already been a little impatient. None of these guys have a clear understanding of their own strength.

In comparison, Yun Xiao is much cuter. In order to avoid the challenge of the new trainer, Du quickly changed the challenge rules, that is, to win the championship of a league, and then be eligible to challenge himself.

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