The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

[Yun Xiao, I have something to tell you. ]

Palkia ignored the eager eyes of the crowd and looked at Yun Xiao instead.

Originally, it was sleeping and recuperating in the Xicui Secret Realm. After sensing Yun Xiao's breath, it woke up from its sleep and waited for Yun Xiao to come and find itself.

Yun Xiao nodded, put Rayquaza back into the Poké Ball, and then walked towards Palkia. It was obvious that Palkia had something to say to him.


When Yun Xiao came to his side, Palkia grabbed Yun Xiao and flew away.

"Yun Xiao!"

Everyone was frightened by Palkia's actions, and they were all worried about Yun Xiao who was taken away by Palkia.

"Don't worry, if Palkia really wanted to attack you, he would have attacked you just now."

Li Le comforted everyone calmly. The strength of this group of people was not enough for Palkia to slap.

"Li Le, why do you live in this Xicui Secret Realm?"

Since Yun Xiao was fine, Ye Xiu raised his own question. Obviously, everyone wanted to know this question, and they all pricked up their ears.

Li Le didn't mind, so he simply told everyone about his own affairs.

While everyone was discussing in full swing, Palkia, who took Yun Xiao away, had already put Yun Xiao down.

Yun Xiao looked around and found that this was a temple, and the stone sculpture of Arceus was majestically standing here.

"You are not Palkia at this time, right?"

Yun Xiao expressed his doubts before Palkia spoke.


Palkia was stunned for a moment, then nodded to Yun Xiao.

"Then why can you appear here, but Arceus can only appear in my dream in the form of a thought body?"

In theory, Arceus is much stronger than Palkia, but the two Pokémon appear in different forms.

[That's because in our time period, Lord Arceus had already self-destructed. In that foreign invasion war, Lord Arceus chose to sacrifice himself in order to cover humans entering the Washing Cui. ]

Palkia's words revealed sadness, as if Arceus' death had just happened not long ago.

"Can you tell me in detail? What happened in the future?"

Yun Xiao has heard about the future more than once. Even the strongest Arceus died in that battle. Is Wujitai really such a terrifying guy?

[There are many unknown powerful creatures in this world. The creatures on this planet are just one of them. In a distant place, there is a group of Pokémon that live by aggression. They are called the Infinite. ]

[They have a huge population and are born with their own unique talent, the Infinite Dynamax. Even if Dialga and I return to our original form, we can only tie with the Infinite Dynamax of the same level. ]

[They are brutal by nature. Wherever they pass, they will be completely destroyed by them, leaving no creatures alive. Ten years after this time period, Lord Arceus predicted the arrival of the Infinite. Because he pitied the humans and Pokémon on this planet, he created the current Terra Chimaera with me and Dialga. ]

[Yes, the Terra Chimaera here was created by us in the last life, but time was in a hurry so we only copied the Sinnoh region. Before we could stuff all the humans and Pokémon on the planet into the Terra Chimaera we created, they came. ]

[In order to cover our escape, Lord Arceus and your future self resisted the invasion of the Infinite together. But it was all in vain. The Infinite was extremely powerful. We tried our best but still couldn't stop the invasion of the Infinite. ]

[So Lord Arceus resolutely chose to self-destruct to buy us time. And your future self also used the power of eight gods and forcibly transferred the planet at the cost of his own life. Let us have peace in this life. ]

[After ninety-nine times of time reshaping, there are also ninety-nine more timelines. In the last timeline, the cruelty of the war has not changed. Because Dialga and I couldn't bear to see you and Lord Arceus sacrifice, we exhausted our last bit of divine authority and chose time reshaping again. ]

[So, in this life, we no longer have the ability to use the power of space and time. In other words, this 100th time reshaping will be the final battle

, if we fail, we will never have any chance again. 】

Palkia's words made Yun Xiao unable to calm down for a long time. He had seen the cruelty of future wars in his dreams. In ten years... could he really fight against those powerful Infinite Taina?

"Will you fight with us?"

Yun Xiao asked Palkia tentatively. If he could get the help of Palkia in the future timeline, wouldn't it mean that there would be two powerful Palkia joining the war?

[Unfortunately, I can't intervene in anything in your world. Time reversal and space shuttle have exhausted all our strength. Dialga has left before me. After so long, I should go to another world to accompany it. 】

[Because of space shuttle, I happened to meet Li Le who was in distress. Then I brought him to this Xicui Secret Realm. Because of interfering with the events in this world, my body suffered backlash, and now I am at the end of my strength. 】

[Yun Xiao, I am about to leave. The only person I am worried about is Li Le. Please make friends with him and take him away. 】

Palkia's telepathy was filled with a hint of prayer, and Yun Xiao nodded heavily to Palkia.

[Find more powerful partners to fight against the infinite together. Yun Xiao, I believe that you will be fine in this life! 】

Palkia was determined, and then took Yun Xiao back to the original Sinnoh Temple, and everyone gathered around.

[I will send you back now, Li Le, it's time for you to leave. 】

After Palkia finished speaking to everyone, a space vortex appeared behind it.

"Leave? Palkia, what are you talking about? I won't leave!"

Li Le hurried over and looked at Palkia anxiously.

[I don't belong to your world. I should return to my world, and you should also return to your world. 】

Palkia's words were very firm, and Li Le also understood that he could not stop Palkia from going home.

"Then... can we meet again?"

Li Le asked, wanting to get Palkia's answer.

[There will definitely be a chance. ]

Palkia replied affirmatively, and then urged everyone, so everyone walked into the space vortex, and Li Le also stepped into the space vortex with reluctance.

[The fate is in your hands. I believe that the mere Wujitai will never be able to defeat you in the future. With your strength, you can definitely change the outcome of the future. Dialga, my old friend. I have fought with you for so long, and now I am not used to not having you around. Now, I am here. ]

When the space vortex disappeared, Palkia murmured to himself, and his body gradually flashed with light spots. It used its last strength to bring this Xicui Secret Realm back to the future time point, and it gradually disappeared in this world.

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