After being harassed by the Pop dolphins, Yun Xiao finally caught a sturgeon in the afternoon.

The sturgeon is not big, and because Xiao Sheng and his friends caught a few big fish, Yun Xiao simply gave the fish he had finally caught to Miao Miao to enjoy.

After waiting for a day, Miao Miao finally got the chance and ate up all the fish Yun Xiao handed over in no time.

The day passed quickly, and in the evening, Lin Bo took out the barbecue utensils and baked the delicious fish fillets under the moonlight.


The coal baked the fish fillets on the grill, and the fragrance from the fish fillets attracted Xiao Yao and Miao Miao.

Xiaoyao and Miaomiao were drooling at the sizzling fish fillet, waiting to be the first to taste it when it was done.

Xiaozhi and Xiaosheng were playing with their Pokémon on the deck, while Xiaogang was checking the physical condition of his Pokémon.

Yun Xiao lay lazily on the deck, letting the moonlight shine on him, with a hint of comfort in his expression. He liked this feeling at this moment. After two years of fleeing, coupled with the dangers of the journey, he always tensed himself up, and this rare rest time made him cherish it especially.

"It's done!"

Seeing the fish fillet gradually turn brown, Xiaoyao and Miaomiao began to cheer, and in their excited eyes, Lin Bo handed the baked fish fillet to them.

Xiaoyao and Miaomiao each brought a bowl to the table, and they were excited to bite the freshly baked fish fillet neatly, but because it was just baked, they all screamed in pain.

Because of Xiaoyao and Meowth's action, the people and Pokémon on the deck laughed, and they spent a wonderful day in laughter.

On the second day, everyone did not choose to continue fishing, but changed into diving equipment and entered the sea under Lin Bo's guidance.

Yun Xiao and others' water Pokémon jumped into the water and accompanied them to swim in the sea. Meowth, Longtailed Stingray and Pikachu were obviously curious about the sea. In their pitiful eyes, Lin Bo still lent the diving equipment of the children in the cabin.

As for the other Pokémon, they were not interested in diving and chose to rest on the boat, especially Charizard and Flame Chicken, who were quite resistant to the unknown depths of the sea.

Entering the depths of the sea, Gyarados, Milotic, Sea Thorn, Swampert, Meowth, and Longtailed Stingray accompanied Yun Xiao. Yun Xiao finally witnessed the appearance of the sea that made him depressed for a day.

The water corals covered the entire seabed, and many schools of fish were darting around in the corals. For some reason, there were almost no Pokémon here.

Yun Xiao looked for a long time before he saw a leisurely crab. There were many kinds of fish here, and the species were so rich that Yun Xiao felt very frustrated. With so many kinds of fish, he only caught one fish yesterday that was not worth much.

But he felt lucky to have caught a relatively rare Popo dolphin, but the Pokémon in his hand were limited, so he sent it back home.

The underwater world is beautiful and makes people linger, but time is passing quietly. With everyone's reluctance, time quickly came to the afternoon, and it was time to return.

Lin Bo directed the boat to return, and everyone watched the sunset gradually sink into the horizon reluctantly. When the sunset completely sank, everyone returned to the dock.

"We spent a short time together. Thank you for riding my Breakers. You are all energetic and powerful trainers. As a local fisherman, I welcome you to come back to Mushui Town next time."

Lin Bo stretched out his right hand and shook the hands of Yun Xiao and the other four people one by one, with sincerity in his eyes.

"Yes, we will definitely come back. These two days are the most leisurely time I have ever spent. Thank you for letting us experience the fun of fishing."

Yun Xiao thanked Lin Bo and then took everyone to say goodbye to Lin Bo. After finding the Pokémon Center to stay, the next day finally arrived. The day of the last Gorgeous Competition was finally held.

As expected, Yun Xiao and others saw Xiao Shun's figure. After learning that Xiao Yao also won five badges, Xiao Shun no longer had the intention to mock, but found a corner alone to wait for the start of the competition.

There was a small episode before the start of the game. Because Xiangwei Meow ran around, he accidentally met the contestants Li Shu and

Jiang Lizi.

Because she knew that Xiaoyao had obtained five badges, Jiang Lizi invited Xiaoyao to play against her, and Xiaoyao gladly accepted it.

But how could Jiang Lizi be Xiaoyao's opponent? With Xiaoyao's gorgeous performance, Galar Xiaohuo defeated Jiang Lizi.

This last gorgeous competition attracted many powerful players who have not yet successfully obtained five badges, so this one is still of high quality.

In the first round of selection, every player tried his best, making Xiaoyao feel that he had learned a lot. As expected, the champion of this competition was Li Shu, who had met them once. With his powerful strength of Houndoom, he won the last badge.

"It's really worthy of being the last gorgeous competition. I have to work hard."

After the game, Xiaoyao still felt a little aftertaste. At this moment, she was already imagining what it would look like when she went on stage at the gorgeous competition celebration.

"It's really exciting. I was also excited."

Even a battle fanatic like Xiaozhi was deeply attracted by this gorgeous competition.

"Yunxiao, are we going back to Izabel Island now?"

After watching the game, it was time to train, Xiaosheng asked Yunxiao.

"Yes, Izabel Island has many Pokémon resources, and it is also close to the gorgeous competition celebration that Xiaoyao participated in, so it is convenient to go back and forth."

Yunxiao nodded. If he trained on Izabel Island, he would have enough time to prepare.

"Then let's go quickly. I'm going to be rusty after resting for so long."

Xiaozhi looked eager to try, and he wished he could go to Izabel Island for special training now, and then compete with Yunxiao at the Hoenn Conference.

"I can't go now."

Yunxiao shook his head, looking helpless.


Xiaozhi asked Yunxiao curiously, didn't he finish watching the gorgeous competition now? Why didn't he set off yet?

"There are no more contact ships this late."

Xiaozhi: ...

It was already night, and the latest contact ship had already left the port. Everyone had no choice but to return to the Pokémon Center and wait until the next morning to go to Izabel Island for special training.

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