The two of them were in seclusion.

During this week, Yun Xiao and Xiao Yao each chose to stay in seclusion. Yun Xiao stayed in the projection room all day except for eating and sleeping.

According to him, he wanted to learn a bunch of amazing skills for his Pokémon, and Xiao Yao? He was inspired by Shun and trained with the hunting swallowtail butterfly from morning till night.

Finally, under everyone's expectation, the gorgeous competition officially opened.

"Yun Xiao, Xiao Yao, you have to cheer up!"

Xiao Zhi, who was sitting in the audience, shouted loudly towards the competition stage. Today, he wanted to be a competent cheerleader.

"Pika Pika~"

Pikachu also waved the hydrangea in his hand to cheer Yun Xiao and Xiao Yao.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. I'm Vivian, the host of this event. Next, I'll introduce Mr. Conkenstein, the director of the Conference Affairs Bureau, who conducts strict and caring reviews for the participants."

"And Mr. Sumuzu, the president of the Fengyuan Pokémon Club, and Miss Joy from Kaina City. The coordinators who win the Kaina Conference can get our glorious honor badge. Now I declare that the Kaina Conference will start now."

After Vivian's introduction, everyone shouted excitedly.


"Don't be nervous, Xiaoyao, you can do it."

Looking at Xiaoyao who was shaking in the chair, Yun Xiao walked over and patted Xiaoyao on the shoulder, encouraging her.

"Yes, I will definitely work hard."

Xiaoyao trembled, but still answered with a smile. Yun Xiao sighed. This didn't look like a relaxed state.

"Hmph, you look like you can't even pass the first level."

Shun mocked Xiaoyao from behind, then walked to the competition stage alone, and at the same time, he did not forget to cast a confident look at Yun Xiao.

"You guy!"

Xiaoyao gritted his teeth and stood up, and the original nervousness was swept away.

Oh? Being mocked actually inspired her fighting spirit!

Yun Xiao looked at Xiaoyao who was gradually recovering with a surprised face, and secretly thought that Shun did a good job!

"Hmph, Poison Rose is on the stage."

Shun shook his confident green hair, sent Poison Rose on the stage, used Flower Dance to appear, and combined with Paralysis Powder and Magic Leaf, and finally ended with Flower Dance and Magic Leaf combo, and got a high score of 29.4.

"It's really beautiful! Shun is really a powerful opponent."

After watching Shun's performance, Xiaoyao couldn't help but praise him.

The next contestant No. 38 surprised Yunxiao, Xiaoyao and Shun because the Pokémon he used was Milotica and scored a full score of 30 points.

Xiaoyao, who was amazed by Milotica's appearance, felt even more nervous.

After hearing that she was No. 50, Xiaoyao, feeling uneasy, slowly walked towards the competition stage.

"Xiaoyao, don't forget what I told you."

Yunxiao cheered and encouraged Xiaoyao.

"Yunxiao, I will definitely do my best."

Xiaoyao mustered up the courage to step onto the competition stage, but she fell down because of nervousness when she first appeared on the stage, but this fall made Xiaoyao calm down a lot.

Sending out the hunting swallowtail butterfly, constantly showing the beauty and proficiency of the hunting swallowtail butterfly, made the audience forget Xiaoyao's mistakes at the beginning.

Finally, she finished with the silver whirlwind and completed the final performance.

Although she made a mistake at the beginning, she still scored 26 points and is currently ranked seventh.

"Huh, I finally finished the performance."

Xiaoyao, who was sitting in the contestant's seat, finally relaxed, and Shun took a rose and handed it to Xiaoyao.

"Is this for me? Thank you."

Xiaoyao was a little happy to receive Shun's rose, but Shun's next words made Xiaoyao angry again.

"It's not for you, it's for your swallowtail butterfly hunting. For beginners, the performance of hunting swallowtail butterflies is indeed good, but for you, it's still too bad."

Shun shook his hair and said proudly.

Looking at the relationship between Xiaoyao and Shun, Yun Xiao did not disturb her too much, after all, she still had to face the days to come.

But why did he have the illusion that his childhood sweetheart could not resist the gift from heaven?

Yun Xiao shook his head quickly and turned to walk towards the competition venue.

"Ah, Yun Xiao, you must do your best in the competition!"

Looking at Yun Xiao walking towards the competition stage, Xiaoyao stood up quickly and cheered for Yun Xiao.

Yun Xiao waved to Xiaoyao and then stood in the competition stage.

"Next is contestant No. 51 Yun Xiao, also a first-time

What kind of performance will he bring to us as a scholar? "

Vivian also announced the information about the last contestant, Yun Xiao.

"Menas, please, use Charming."


After Menas appeared on the stage, he used Charming on the field. Pink heart-shaped objects continued to fall from the sky. The heart-shaped objects shattered instantly after falling to the ground, and immediately formed pink crystal debris floating around. in the air.

"Oh my god, I didn't expect that player Yunxiao would also send Menas. His Menas is so beautiful. Even I was conquered."

Vivian's eyes were already wrapped in love. At this time, she and everyone on the field were conquered by Yun Xiao.

"Meenas asks the Queen of Rain to use the voice of enchantment."

A drizzle suddenly began to fall in the sky, and the original pink crystals had not completely dissipated yet, creating a hazy feeling on the competition stage.

Menas sang loudly inside, and the charming voice continued to flow in Menas' mouth, which made the audience and judges in the stands mesmerized.

"Oh my God, I even have a feeling that player Yunxiao's Menas is more beautiful than player Robert's Menas."

Vivian has now turned into the little fan girl of Yunxiao's Menas.

"Final finishing touches, drops of life."

A drop of water fell from the sky in front of Menas. After the drop of life water fell on the ground, it formed a circle of ripples. Menas danced in the ripples, then flew into the air and turned around in the air. Then fell back to the ground.

"It's so beautiful, Yun Xiao is so amazing."

Xiaoyao had already stood up at this moment, completely impressed by Yun Xiao's gorgeous performance.

Shun stood on the contestants' bench in surprise, thinking of Yun Xiao's angry look. Wasn't he just pretending?

“This is truly gorgeous!”

Robert also looked a little surprised in the audience. He stood up and looked at Menas in disbelief, who was even more beautiful than himself.

"Yun Xiao is really amazing!"

Xiaozhi also applauded wildly in the audience.

"Yes, after all, Menas is the most suitable for the gorgeous competition stage."

Xiaogang also said in agreement.

"That's right, no one can resist the charm of water Pokémon, ah, Menas."

At this time, Xiaoxia was still looking at Menas on the playing field with loving eyes.

As expected, Yun Xiao got a high score of 30 points, directly stepping on Rob, who originally had a high score of 30 points, and directly ranked first.

After Yun Xiao's performance, Vivian also began to announce the promoted players. Under Xiaoyao's nervous gaze, she successfully advanced to the competition in eighth place.

"Great, I made the cut!"

Xiaoyao jumped up happily and immediately high-fived Yun Xiao in congratulations.

In the second round, Xiaoyao met a passerby, while Yun Xiao faced Shun, and Luo Bo also met a passerby.

"Hey, the match between Yun Xiao and Shun is actually in the first round!"

When Xiaoyao saw the two people about to compete, he couldn't believe that they had met in the first round.

The eyes of Yun Xiao and Shun also met, and sparks burst out from both of their eyes. One had anger in his eyes, while the other's eyes were solemn towards his powerful enemy.

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