After saying goodbye to Fujiwara Hui, Yun Xiao came to the Pokémon Center to register for the Fengyuan Conference and then walked to the door of Chenghua Gym.

"Gym Challenge?"

Yun Xiao held the Poké Ball but did not step into the gym. At this time, he only had the Uglius and Magikarp in his hands. Before they evolved, they were weak and could not be used at all. What's more, there was no water source in this gym, which greatly reduced their strength.

Although Qianli was a new gym owner, his strength was recognized as strong in the Fengyuan area, and there were even rumors that he was a king-level gym. Therefore, there was a rule for challenging his gym, that is, to collect all four badges and then have a 3v3 duel.

Let alone four badges, even if it was Pokémon, he couldn't gather three. After looking at the Orange Gym, Yun Xiao sighed and took back the Poké Ball. He decided to come back to challenge after gathering his team.

"What's wrong? Don't you plan to go in, Yun Xiao?"

A voice came from behind Yun Xiao. Yun Xiao looked back curiously and saw Qianli standing behind him. Beside him were his daughters Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng, who were curiously looking at him.

"Good morning, Teacher Qianli."

Yun Xiao bowed respectfully to Qianli. After all, he had been in Qianli's training class for a month, so he was still very respectful to Qianli.

"How is it, has your Pokémon evolved? Do you want a training class?"

As Yun Xiao's teacher, Qianli naturally knew Yun Xiao's initial Pokémon. Although they were powerful after evolution, he still couldn't deny how weak the two Pokémon were before evolution.

Moreover, without the help of the Evolution Foot, the evolution of Magikarp and Smelt is as difficult as ascending to heaven, and some Magikarp and Smelt cannot evolve in their entire lives.

"No, my Pokémon has not evolved yet, and I haven't gathered all three Pokémon. I came here to say goodbye to Teacher Qianli. Today is my departure day for the trip."

Yun Xiao didn't plan to use Magikarp or Smelt to fight Qianli's Ape. If they really fought, Magikarp would have to be made into sashimi.

"Eh? Is today also your travel day? What a coincidence!"

"I envy you so much. I also want to go on a trip."

Xiaoyao behind Qianli was excited because today was also her departure day, and Xiaosheng seemed a little envious.

"Is that so? Then can I ask you to accompany my daughter on the trip? Today is the day she sets out to get her initial Pokémon. I'm still worried about her traveling alone."

Qianli looked at her daughter beside her, a little worried. After all, Xiaoyao, who had never been far away, might run back home and cry because she had no food before she even left the Orange Forest.

"Okay, Teacher Qianli, I understand."

Yun Xiao nodded. He was happy to accept this request from the teacher who had helped him.

"Then I'll go with you. I'm really worried about my sister going alone."

Xiaosheng also pointed at himself, wanting to travel with Xiaoyao.

"Well, with Xiaosheng's knowledge of Pokémon, I'm sure your journey will be smoother."

Qianli nodded and agreed with Xiaosheng's decision.

"Then please teach me, Xiaoyao, Xiaosheng."

"Please teach me."

"Please teach me."


After Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng joined, Yun Xiao and his team were heading towards the Odajuan Research Institute in Weibai Town. At this time, they chose to go up near the river.


The Magikarp and the Ugliano were jumping happily in the river. They had been soaking in the basin before and could not swim freely like now.

In this month, the two Pokémons are still in the entry stage, but under Yun Xiao's feeding, the two Pokémons have gained a lot of weight and length.

"They look so happy."

Looking at the happily jumping Magikarp and Ugliano, Xiaosheng seemed very excited. He loves Pokémon and will not despise them because of their appearance or strength.

"Pokémon is so magical. I didn't expect that one of these two little fish would grow up to be fierce and the other would grow up to be so beautiful."

Xiaoyao was also surprised to see the two happy fish, especially when she looked at the Clownfish. After hearing Xiaosheng say that the Clownfish could evolve into the most beautiful elf, she borrowed Yunxiao's illustrations to check what the Clownfish looked like after evolution, and was immediately attracted by the beautiful appearance of Milotica.


"But why do we have to walk along the river? Are we going to capture some Pokémon?"

Xiaosheng pushed his glasses and made his own inferences about Yunxiao's decision. After all, seeing Yunxiao's careful observation along the way, he knew that Yunxiao must have the Pokémon he wanted.

"Yes, I just looked at the illustrations. Fortunately, Magikarp's characteristic is the dream characteristic of timidity. After evolving into Gyarados, it will become overconfident."

"And the characteristic of Ugli is the dream characteristic of adaptability. After evolving into Milotic, it will become a charming body. Although it is a pity that it is not the magical scale characteristic, I still need an auxiliary hand to exert their greatest strength. Xiaosheng, can you guess it?"

Yunxiao deliberately kept it a secret. Yunxiao was still very curious about Xiaosheng's knowledge reserves. He actually knew all the Pokémon along the way and could roughly describe the skills he was good at.

"Hey, what is the characteristic?"

Xiaoyao, who knew nothing about Pokémon knowledge, immediately asked after hearing the new word "characteristic".

"Really, please, sister, learn more. Characteristics are the abilities of each Pokémon. Each characteristic can bring different combat effects. Once you are familiar with your own characteristics, you can often get unexpected results in battle."

Xiaosheng looked at his sister with a helpless look on her face, but still explained.

"Hehehe, I know, I am not working hard to become a trainer?"

Xiaoyao stuck out her tongue and smiled, but it was obvious that she didn't take it to heart.

"Well, if we talk about assists that can bring out the greatest strength of Milotic and Gyarados, then the ones who can bring out their strength in the rainy day team are Mosquito and Long-winged Gull. And the ones who survive in the river are Lily Leaf Boy and Mosquito. Lily Leaf Boy's leisurely swimming characteristic requires rainy days to play its advantage, um!"

Xiaosheng crossed his arms and thought carefully, and then shouted happily.

"Ah! It's a slug. After the slug evolves into a bullfrog, its characteristic has a chance to change to rain. With the blessing of rain, Milotic and Gyarados can become truly powerful, right?"

As if to prove his guess, Xiaosheng asked Yunxiao excitedly.

"Yes, I do plan to capture a slug with the dream characteristic of swimming freely. Only slugs with this characteristic can evolve into the rain characteristic."

Yunxiao did not hide it and nodded to Xiaosheng. Now he can not only see the true level of Pokémon, but also recognize the characteristics of wild Pokémon with his own eyes.

Generally speaking, the Pokémon Encyclopedia can only display all the information after you capture the Pokémon, and you cannot view the characteristics of the Pokémon that you have not captured.

"What's wrong with the rain characteristic? Is it a very powerful characteristic?"

Xiaoyao of Pokémon Xiaobai asked curiously. At this moment, she realized how seriously insufficient her cultural reserves were.

"The rain feature can change the weather on the field after the Pokémon appears. Rainy days can enhance the water skills of water Pokémon and weaken the fire skills. On the contrary, there is the sunshine feature, which enhances the power of fire skills and weakens the power of water skills. There are also some skills that can also change the climate on the field, such as sunny days, rain, hail, sandstorms... These are all auxiliary skills that can help your Pokémon."

Xiaosheng pushed his glasses. He was absolutely confident in his knowledge.

"So that's it."

Xiaoyao nodded in understanding. While everyone was chatting, Yunxiao finally found the target this time.

"Ah, it's a group of mosquitoes!"

Xiaosheng also shouted excitedly. There were six mosquitoes playing in the river. Yunxiao also carefully observed the characteristics of these mosquitoes.

Three of the six mosquitoes have water storage characteristics, two have moisture characteristics, and the other one is Yunxiao's target, the leisurely and free characteristic.

"Are you interested in a fight, tadpole?"

Yun Xiao walked directly in front of the tadpole. Yun Xiao could still fight with the tadpole, which was only at the entry-level level.

The tadpole saw someone inviting him to fight, and quickly took a fighting stance, waiting for Yun Xiao's attack.

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