The old man was very angry, but he was very angry.

"Hahaha, little brother Yun Xiao, leave this scarred man to me. I'm afraid I don't have time to take care of the two fat and thin ones. Is it okay to leave it to you?"

Tie Xuan laughed and resisted the attacks of Bankiras and Crossbat alone. In his spare time, he asked Yun Xiao.

"There are still some problems, but I will try my best."

Looking at the strong chicken and the forest lizard fighting back and forth with each other, Yun Xiao answered helplessly.

"Hmph, you want to fight against two of us alone. You don't take us poachers seriously, do you? Spoon Snake uses poisonous tail."

The advanced Spoon Snake spit out its tongue and its tail was purple with poison and chopped at Strong Chicken. Strong Chicken jumped back to avoid it and then gave Spoon Snake a double kick.

"Ice Demon Guard, use freezing ray."

The fat third brother grabbed potato chips and stuffed them into his mouth while commanding his intermediate Ice Demon Guard to attack.

The Ice Demon Guard's freezing ray was blocked by the Forest Lizard with its seed machine gun, and then rushed forward to use a blade on the Ice Demon Guard.

In the first battle, the binding combination had some advantages, but the opponent's next wave of attack also came in an instant.

"Spoon Snake uses venom shock."

"Ice Demon Guard uses blizzard."

The two commanded the Pokémon to attack together, and the venom shock was hidden in the blizzard and rushed towards Strong Chicken and Forest Lizard.

"Forest Lizard, hold on. Brawn uses Charged Flame Attack on Ice Devil."

Forest Lizard unfolded a green barrier to protect itself and Brawn inside the barrier. The blizzard and venom impact hit the barrier with a sizzling sound. Although it was shaky, it was not destroyed. Taking this opportunity, Brawn jumped out directly and hit Ice Devil with Charged Flame Attack.

Ice Devil was hit by Brawn and hit the iron bars of the cage.

"I told you to train your Pokémon well, but you only know how to eat!"

The second child saw the third child's Ice Devil fall to the ground and scolded him. If this guy who only knows how to eat had trained his Pokémon well, he wouldn't be so embarrassed now!

"Yay, yay, yay, did my Ice Devil say it lost its ability to fight? Ice Devil, get up and use Freezing Beam!"

The third brother, who was upset by the second brother's scolding, told Ice Devil to get up quickly. Ice Devil got up shakily after hearing the trainer's voice and launched Freezing Beam at the Forest Lizard.

"He is alone, and commanding two Pokémon is already his limit. Let's send out one Pokémon each, and keep him busy! Come out, Wolfhound use Bite, and Snake use Poison Tail."

The second brother took out a Poké Ball from the back and threw it out. As soon as the advanced Wolfhound appeared, it pounced on the Strong Chicken. The Snake behind it was hiding itself with the help of the Wolfhound's body, trying to sneakily give the opponent a Poison Tail.

"Okay, come out Snow Fairy, use Freezing Beam."

The third brother also released his intermediate Snow Fairy, who immediately joined the battle after the Snow Fairy appeared.

"Who in the family understands? These two men are actually trying to bully the weak with their numbers."

Yun Xiao complained, but his hands were not idle. Instead, he took out his Poké Ball from behind and threw it out.


With a roar, Gyarados rushed out of the ball with Water Tail, and with one move of Water Tail, it dispersed the two freezing rays. The high-level momentum shocked all the Pokémon on the field.

Gyarados is a Pokémon that is weak in the early stage and strong in the later stage. The later the stage, the more powerful Gyarados is. For example, the flying-type Tenno-To in the Kanto region, his Dragonite reputation resounded throughout all regions at the beginning.

And when he captured a shining Gyarados, his main force changed from only Dragonite to Dragonite and Gyarados, which was enough to prove how powerful Gyarados was after reaching the Tenno level. Even the quasi-god-like Fatso could only be on par with him.

After obtaining Shiny Gyarados, he successfully joined the ranks of champions and became the strongest in the region.

After Yun Xiao's Gyarados reached the advanced level, it was able to hold back Ice Devil and Snow Demon Girl, and both Ice Devil and Snow Demon Girl were suppressed by Gyarados.

The binding combination directly found Snake, but unlike Gyarados's calmness, Snake was exhausted from resisting the fast attack of Forest Lizard and Strong Chicken.

, the venomous tail of the slithering snake was like a turtle in the eyes of the strong chicken.

As for the lone wolfhound, Yun Xiao sent out the slithering frog, Milotic, Magneto, Armored Bird, Kabutops, Seahorse and Water Leap, and directly fought seven against one.

"You were the first to use the head count to suppress me, this can't be blamed on me!"

Yun Xiao shrugged, playing rogue, oh no, he has never lost in a single fight.

"Damn, where did he get so many Pokémon! Third brother, let's continue!"

The second brother just wanted to take out the Poké Ball, but unexpectedly fell into a pit. Kokodora came out of the pit and pressed the second brother's hands under him. The heavy metal Kokodora pressed on his hands, and he felt that his hands were about to be scrapped.


Cocodora happily called out to his teammates. Lizard and Strong Chicken understood and knocked out the slithering snake with one move. Then they quickly came to the second one and tied him up like a dumpling.

After defeating the slithering snake, Strong Chicken and Lizard also successfully advanced to the advanced level, becoming the second and third Pokémon in Yun Xiao's hands to advance to the advanced level.

Although the third one successfully threw out the third Pokémon, it was instantly killed by Lizard and Lizard who were promoted to the advanced level.

And what about the wolfhound? Poor it was beaten to death in a duel with seven Pokémon and lost its fighting ability.

Seahorse and Water Leap also successfully advanced to the intermediate level, and Water Leap successfully evolved into Swampert.

"This experience baby is not bad!"

Seeing that all members were promoted to the intermediate level or above, Yun Xiao was satisfied. Swampert and Seahorse would become a great force in his hands in the future.

After beating the third brother's Pokémon to the point of losing its combat ability, the Forest Lizard and the Strong Chicken directly wrapped the third brother like a dumpling.

"Damn it! Do you know who we are? We are the famous poaching brothers. The bounty for the four of us is three million. Let us go if you know what's good for you, or you will be madly retaliated after we come out!"

The second brother yelled at Yun Xiao. With his arm broken, he just wanted to use the reputation of his four brothers to scare this boy who seemed to be only ten years old.

"Three million?!"

Yun Xiao was shocked. He didn't expect these people to be so valuable.

"That's right, you are scared, right? Let us go if you know what's good for you!"

The second brother was very happy to see Yun Xiao's appearance and immediately ordered Yun Xiao to let him go.

"Three million! Strong Chicken, Forest Lizard, you must keep a close eye on the three million, or we'll break it if you dare to run errands!"

Yun Xiao swallowed his saliva. When he was the richest, he only had about 1.8 million. He had never heard of a three million bounty. Now Yun Xiao looked at the second and third brothers as if they were his dream lovers.


The second brother was speechless. Are the kids nowadays so greedy? Doesn't he know why we, who have a three million bounty, are offered such a high bounty?


After Yun Xiao opened the six iron gates and the cage that held the Thunder Beast, the elves inside the iron gates fled outside.


After the Thunder Beast licked Yun Xiao, it also ran out of the cave.

"Hahaha, you are worthy of being Yun Xiao's younger brother!"

Tie Xuan laughed loudly. At this time, he had an absolute advantage. Even though there was Bankiras on the opposite side, he was still suppressed by his own Dragonite and Magneto. The opposite side's Crossbat had already lost its combat ability.

"Damn it!"

The scarred man had a gloomy face. As a poacher, he only had these two who reached the gym leader level. The rest were only high-level strength, and they could only give Tie Xuan a head.

Even if he saw Yun Xiao's actions, he had no time to care at this moment, because once he was distracted, Bankiras would be defeated by Tie Xuan.


At this moment, the scarred man had only this idea in his mind, but Yun Xiao had already brought Pokémon to him, and Kokodora directly pressed him under him, and the heavy metal body made him a little breathless.

Tie Xuan also took advantage of the fact that there was no one to command Bankiras and completely defeated Bankiras.

After using their Poké Balls to collect their Pokémon that had lost their ability to fight, they completely relaxed. The Forest Lizard and the Strong Chicken also tied up the Scar Man with a rope.

The four poaching brothers were arrested!

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