The two of them were very close, and the two of them were very close.

At Manchong's invitation, Yunxiao and Xiaosheng came to the battle field next to the Pokémon Center.

"Mr. Yunxiao, after we separated, my Pokémon and I have become stronger. I will show you all my feelings."

Manchong stood opposite Yunxiao, holding a Poké Ball with high morale, not at all the weakness that he had when they met.

"Ahem, Manchong, you don't have to keep calling me Mr. Yunxiao. I'm a trainer who just started traveling at the age of ten, just like you."

Hearing Manchong calling him Mr. all the time, Yunxiao felt that it was a bit unnatural.

"Yes, Mr. Yun Xiao, let's start! Come out, Magneto."

Man Chong agreed, but his words did not change. Instead, he sent out the intermediate Magneto to fight.

Yun Xiao sent out Swampert. After the water slug evolved into Swampert, Swampert also gained a ground attribute, which can effectively suppress the attack of electric moves.

"Water-ground Swampert? Since you don't need to use electric moves, then use the triple attack, Magneto!"

Man Chong thought carefully for a while and issued an attack command, gathering three different elemental energies at the three magnets of Magneto. This skill has a chance to cause one of the effects of burning, freezing, and paralysis, which is a skill that Yun Xiao is more troubled by.

After Magneto in the sky condensed the energy, it directly attacked the Swampert below.

"Swamp, hold on and block with rocks."

The green barrier was formed instantly when the triple attack came to the front. The triple attack hit the green barrier, but it was not enough to destroy it. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Swamp quickly blocked it with rocks. Magnetron kept dodging the boulders falling from the sky, and was accidentally hit by a rock and suffered considerable damage.

"Is Magnetron okay? Use triple attack!"

Magneton staggered back to the sky and was about to use triple attack, but found that Swamp had rushed with huge waves.

The huge wave instantly submerged Magnetron and pushed it back to the ground.

"Use earthquake now!"

Swamp fell from the sky, and the ground began to shake continuously. After struggling for a while, Magnetron's three eyes turned into whirlpools.

"As expected of Mr. Yun Xiao, my next Pokémon is this one. Come on, Bluebird."

After Manchong took back the three-in-one Magneto, he sent out the next Pokémon, a mid-level Bluebird. Although it has not evolved yet, it has a hint of dragon temperament. It must be not far from evolving into Tanabata Bluebird.

"Then I'll leave this to you, Kokodora."

As a heavy tank in Yun Xiao's hands, it must be trained with emphasis. In addition, Kokodora itself has very good talents, which makes Yun Xiao look forward to its powerful growth when it grows into a complete form.

"Bluebird, use Dragon Breath!"

Although he was restrained by Kokodora's attributes, Manchong still planned to fight.

"Kokodora, carry it down and use Rock Slide."

It was obviously a suicidal act to let the heavy metal Kokodora dodge, so he simply gave up the possibility of dodging and played a defensive counterattack.

Kokodora didn't dodge, but took the dragon's breath directly, and then summoned a falling rock to knock down the defenseless blue bird.

"Use ram!"

Taking advantage of the moment when the blue bird fell, Yun Xiao immediately asked Kokodora to attack.


Kokodora ran towards the blue bird quickly, full of momentum.

"Fly up quickly, blue bird."

Man Chong looked at the blue bird worriedly. If it was hit by a slam, the blue bird would definitely lose its combat ability. With Man Chong's encouragement, the blue bird flapped its wings hard, and when Kokodora's slam came, it almost flew into the sky.

"Good job, blue bird, use dragon breath."

Watching the blue bird get up from the ground, Man Chong asked the blue bird to continue to attack.

"I didn't expect that Manchong and Xiaozhi have the same skills. Kokodora uses Hold and then uses Rock Block."

Hold is indeed a god-level skill. No matter how powerful the skill is, as long as it is of the same level, your attack will definitely not penetrate the protective shield of Hold. Hold blocks the dragon's breath.


Kokodora stomped his short legs on the ground, and four or five rocks fell from the sky, constantly hitting the blue bird. The blue bird

The bird kept dodging the rocks. After being hit by a rock, Kokodora ran towards it.

The previous attack failed to hit the blue bird. The persistent Kokodora hit the blue bird again, and the blue bird lost its ability to fight.

"This kid..."

Looking at Kokodora's persistence, Yun Xiao raised the corner of his mouth dotingly.

"Although Manchong has tried very hard, Yun Xiao is still stronger."

Xiaosheng took a notebook and carefully recorded the data of the two people's fight, so that he could better command his Pokémon after becoming a trainer in the future.


After winning, Kokodora shouted happily, and then white light came out of his body.

"The little guy has evolved."

Yun Xiao smiled as Kokodora began to evolve on the field. After Gyarados, Milotic, Felocell and Forest Lizard evolved one after another, it has been anxious and worked hard to train itself every day.

Especially after the Water Leaper that came later evolved one after another, Kokodora was eager to evolve itself, and Yun Xiao also saw Kokodora's move and looked for an opportunity for it to evolve.


After evolving into Kodo, it also successfully broke through to the advanced level and danced happily.

"Well done, Kodo. Next, you should adapt to your body in the Poké Ball. Manchong, it has only been a while since we last met, and your strength has indeed increased a lot. I believe that you will be even more powerful in the Hoenn Tournament in the near future. I am looking forward to fighting with you at that time, but now I am not going to lose to you who has not yet started the journey."

Yun Xiao praised Manchong. Manchong, who has not yet started the journey, already has such strength, which is enough to prove how terrible his talent is.

Yun Xiao sent out Milotica. In the final battle, Yun Xiao planned to let Milotica play.

"Thank you Mr. Yun Xiao for your affirmation, but I haven't given up yet. Go on stage, Kirlia."

Manchong seemed very happy to get Yun Xiao's affirmation. Although he knew that he was not Yun Xiao's opponent at the moment, he also wanted to fight to the end.

"Mienshao, use Rainbow."

Yun Xiao took the lead in commanding Mienshao. The originally clear sky began to rain heavily under Mienshao's call.

"Kirlia, use Illusion Ray."

The change in the venue also made Manchong's eyes flash with a trace of solemnity, wanting Kirlia to fight quickly.

But how could Kirlia, who had just been promoted, be the opponent of Mienshao, who had been settled for a long time? Mienshao used a water cannon to break the illusion ray, and the water cannon directly hit Kirlia.

Kirlia, who was attacked by the water cannon, was blown away, and Mienshao's attack continued. It caught up with Kirlia, who was flying backwards, and a water tail hit Kirlia.


Kirlia fell to the ground in pain, badly injured by the two attacks.

"Come on, Kirlia, let Mr. Yunxiao see our strength!"

Manchong clenched his fists, cheering for Kirlia who was lying on the ground in pain. Kirlia slowly got up from the ground, but his eyes were full of love.

"Uh? Manchong... Is your Kirlia male?"

Looking at Kirlia who was in a fascination state, Yunxiao was stunned. Male loli?

"Yes, what's wrong, Mr. Yunxiao?"

Manchong nodded and looked at Yunxiao in confusion. Is there anything wrong with Kirlia's gender?

"You are not going to let it evolve into Gardevoir, are you?"

Yunxiao looked at Manchong with a serious face. A male Gardevoir is a bit too exciting.

"I haven't made up my mind yet. I plan to obey Gardevoir, no, obey Kirlia's opinion."

Manchong also expressed his thoughts. After all, it is more important to obey the wishes of Pokémon.

"I see, then I will continue to attack. Milotic, use Water Cannon!"

Yun Xiao nodded and continued to let Milotic launch the attack. Kirlia, who was in the fascination state, quickly lost her combat ability.

After making an appointment with Manchong to fight again later, he said goodbye to Manchong and came to the place where Xiaoyao trained Pokémon. However, he saw that Xiaoyao was fighting with someone at this time, and the person he was fighting was the person who defeated Xiao Shun today, the Masked Messenger.

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