The two of them were very busy, and the two of them were busy.

Following the road, Yun Xiao and others came to the bottom of the Odaki Institute. They were about to visit Dr. Odaki when they met by chance on the roadside.

"Oh? Aren't you Yun Xiao, Xiao Yao and Xiao Sheng? It's been a long time since we last met."

Dr. Odaki poked his head out of the SUV and greeted them.

"Hello, Dr. Odaki, where are you going?"

Xiao Yao walked forward and greeted Dr. Odaki.

"I almost forgot that the Pokémon deep in the Twinleaf Forest are rioting and are about to attack Twinleaf Town. I was just about to go over and take a look."

Dr. Odamaki immediately remembered the seriousness of the situation and was about to start the car. Yun Xiao and the other two immediately got in.

"Take us with you. We can help."

Yun Xiao sat in the co-pilot and fastened his seat belt and said to Dr. Odamaki.

Dr. Odamaki nodded and said, "Then you have to hold on tight."

After that, Dr. Odamaki immediately started the car and rushed towards the depths of the Twinleaf Forest. In order to speed up the process, Dr. Odamaki took everyone to play a cliff jump and fall off the cliff, so that everyone could experience what it means to be in shock.

Fortunately, everyone arrived at the entrance of the Twinleaf Forest safely and found that the Pokémon around them were constantly attacking the surrounding trainers. Many trainers and police were resisting the crazy Pokémon.

Miss Junsha saluted Dr. Odamaki after seeing his car.

Dr. Odawara stuck his head out and asked Miss Junsha: "Hello, Miss Junsha, what's the situation here now?"

Miss Junsha glanced at Yun Xiao and others in the car, and then said truthfully: "The Pokémons have gone crazy for some unknown reason. We asked Miss Dujuan from Kaina City for support. Now Miss Dujuan is taking Miss Joy to investigate in the depths of the forest."

"I know, I'll go to support now!"

Dr. Odawara nodded and drove towards the depths of the forest. There were many traces of battles along the way, many fallen trees along the way, and some wild Pokémon that had lost their combat ability and were put together by Miss Joy.

The levels of these Pokémon are not high, only elementary to intermediate. Yun Xiao opened the observation eye to check the data of the Pokémon and found that they were not controlled by humans or drugs.

"Dr. Odawara, they don't seem to be controlled by drugs."

Yun Xiao also shared the clues he got with Dr. Odawara.

Dr. Odama nodded and said, "Yes, I saw the state of the Pokémon along the way. I think it's more like something they are guarding was taken away, and they are taking revenge on the trainer."

For Dr. Odama, who has observed Pokémon for many years, he can analyze the Pokémon's cry and action to find out why the Pokémon is crazy.

From the fact that the Pokémon in this forest are all crazy, it can be seen that they must have lost the most important treasure in this forest.

"What kind of treasure is it that makes the Pokémon in the whole forest so restless?"

Xiaoyao also asked curiously.

"I don't know, maybe it's a legendary Pokémon? Or maybe it's the crystallization of this whole forest."

Odama can only think of these two factors. After all, if ordinary evolution stones are taken, these Pokémon will not react at all.

"They are there, Miss Dujuan and Miss Joy."

Xiao Sheng, who was observing the surroundings, quickly saw Miss Dujuan and the others, pointing to the bushes next to him. Dr. Odaki immediately stopped the SUV and led everyone to gather at Miss Dujuan.

"Is it you?"

Dujuan was also slightly stunned when she saw Yun Xiao and the others, and then walked to Dr. Odaki to greet him. Miss Joy was taking a blood sample from a high-level Nidoking that had lost its combat ability.

"Long time no see, Miss Dujuan."

Yun Xiao nodded at Dujuan and glanced at the gym leader Chao Bei Jubi beside her. Originally, he thought that Dujuan was a rookie gym trainer who inherited the gym elders like Yasha in Fuyan Town, but he didn't expect that Dujuan herself was a gym-level trainer.

Dujuan was only a few years older than him, and she was indeed a genius girl trainer.

At this time, Miss Joy, who was taking a blood sample, sighed after checking the blood of Nidoking.

"What's wrong with Miss Joy? Is Nidoking dying?"

Dr. Odamaki

He immediately rushed forward to ask, and everyone also hurriedly gathered around. Could it be that Nidoking was poisoned too deeply and was going to die?

"Ah? No, this Nidoking is fine, on the contrary, it is still very healthy. I sighed because this Nidoking is too healthy, and it was not catalyzed by the toxins. What exactly made them so angry?"

Miss Joy supported her chin with one hand in distress and thought about it. Everyone was relieved when they heard that Nidoking was fine.

"Then let's do this. We will go in two groups, maybe we can see more clues. I, Yun Xiao and Xiaoyao will be in one group. Xiaosheng, Miss Dujuan and Miss Joy will be in one group."

Dr. Odaki thought for a while and asked everyone's opinions. Everyone nodded without any objection.

"Xiaosheng, brother, do you have Pokémon?"

Miss Dujuan asked her teammate Xiaosheng. It might be difficult for her to protect two people alone. If Xiaosheng was able to protect himself, she would be relatively relaxed.

"I have an intermediate-level electric monster."

Xiao Sheng nodded and sent out the electric monster. His electric monster had successfully advanced to the intermediate level during the Jirachi incident.

"That's great, let's go."

Du Juan nodded, and then took Miss Joy and Xiao Sheng into the depths of the forest.

"Let's go too. I hope we don't meet the overlord of this forest."

Dr. Odama also took Yun Xiao and Xiao Yao into the depths of the forest. The overlord here is not the overlord-level Pokémon, but the king-level Pokémon in this forest. These Pokémon rule the entire forest. If they meet them and are as violent as the Pokémon in the forest, then they will never survive.

Although Dr. Odama is a doctor, he is not a former champion like Dr. Oak. On the contrary, his strength is quite weak.

Under the leadership of Dr. Odama, they quickly found the nest of wild Pokémon.

"This is the area suitable for the cunning Tengu to live in. It looks very violent."

Dr. Odamaki ran to the angry cunning Tengu and touched him left and right, which made Yun Xiao and Xiao Yao very worried. Although it was only a high-level cunning Tengu, it could hurt people now.


The cunning Tengu howled angrily.

"Well, the howling represents anger. You are angry now, right?"

Dr. Odamaki said happily, but the response to Dr. Odamaki was the seed machine gun of the cunning Tengu.

"Strong Chicken, go and save Dr. Odamaki."

Xiao Yao immediately sent Strong Chicken to save Dr. Odamaki. Her Strong Chicken has now successfully advanced to the high level, so it is not a problem to deal with this cunning Tengu.

"Yun Xiao, leave this battle to me."

Xiao Yao said to Yun Xiao beside him. Yun Xiao nodded to Xiao Yao and then looked around. Under his observation, he saw that a gym leader-level Pokémon was heading towards this place.

"Pterosaur, Gyarados, come out and prepare for the battle."

Yun Xiao vigilantly sent out Pterosaur and Gyarados, waiting for its arrival.


The bushes made a loud noise, and then a huge Pokémon appeared in front of everyone.

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