The two of them were busy, and the two of them were busy.

We took the liaison ship to a port. It was already evening, and Yun Xiao and the others found a Pokémon Center to stay overnight.

The next morning, after Yun Xiao replaced the Pokémon in his hand, he took Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng into the forest.

This time, Yun Xiao replaced the five main Pokémon except the fossil pterosaur, and replaced the black seahorse, the swamp jumper, the desert dragonfly, the Absol, and the Kodora.

Now the black seahorse and the swamp jumper are still in the intermediate stage. When all the Pokémon are above the advanced level, they are obviously a little behind, and the black seahorse is also on the edge of evolution. Yun Xiao plans to evolve the black seahorse on the way to Inyu City and let them break through to the advanced level.

Yun Xiao had thought about letting Kabutosaurus join the team, but maybe because of the evolution, Kabutosaurus became less and less active. Sister Hui said that Kabutosaurus stood in the same place every day. For a moment, Sister Hui thought Kabutosaurus was dead.

Arriving in a forest, Yun Xiao released Ink Seahorse, Swampert and Absol, and the three Pokémon stood side by side.

Although Absol is a high-level Pokémon, Yun Xiao wanted to see the power of Absol's super lucky characteristics.

"Sister, look at Yun Xiao, he is so strong and works so hard, you can't lose to him."

Xiao Sheng looked at Xiao Yao who was eating jelly on the side and said seriously.

"You are right, I have to train hard too."

Xiao Yao ate the jelly in no time, and then sent out Water Leap and Catkin. Xiao Yao planned to let them play in this longevity gorgeous competition.

"Are you interested in a Pokémon battle?"

Yun Xiao, who was just worried about not having a battle partner, was stopped by a voice, so he looked at the trainer who issued the challenge.

This man had yellow hair and looked very arrogant. He looked at Yun Xiao with a strong desire to fight.

"I am Xiao Yu from Green Ridge City. I see that the Pokémon in your hand is quite strong. How about a battle with the three of us?"

Xiao Yu sent out three Pokémon, namely the intermediate Scorpion, the intermediate Rumblestone and the intermediate Mouth.

"Okay, I accept your challenge."

The opponent was an intermediate trainer, which was in line with the opponent Yun Xiao wanted to find. In addition to the restraint relationship, these three Pokémon were undoubtedly the experience babies sent to his door.

"Anyone who is tall and big, I despise them all."

Xiao Yu smiled slightly and let Scorpion fight first. Xiao Yao and Xiao Sheng stopped their work and watched.

"Go, Seahorse."

Yun Xiao sent out Seahorse. Although the terrain was not favorable for Seahorse, Seahorse was superior in attributes.

"Scorpio, use the cross scissors."

Seeing that Yun Xiao was willing to give up the initiative, Xiao Yu was not polite and immediately asked Scorpio to attack.


Scorpio's claws glowed red and rushed towards Seahorse. On land, Seahorse moved slowly and could not dodge as flexibly as a forest lizard.

"Use water gun on the ground."

Yun Xiao looked indifferent. Seahorse jumped high with the impact of the water gun, and Scorpio's cross scissors missed.

"Chase it and continue to use the cross scissors."

In the air, Seahorse was a living target. Xiao Yu immediately ordered Scorpio to continue chasing.

"Rotate your body and use the water gun."

Yun Xiao obviously would not let the opponent get what he wanted. With the help of the rotation of his body, the water gun of the black horse increased its penetration. The rotating water gun hit the cross scissors. With the power brought by the rotation and the inertia power of falling from the sky, the water gun of the black horse directly penetrated Scorpio.


Scorpio cried out in pain. Fortunately, he did not lose his ability to fight. He retreated to Xiao Yu's side panting.

"Use rapid return."

Xiao Yu, who was hit by the attack, was a little anxious and wanted to change Pokémon to fight against Yun Xiao's black horse.

"Hold on and use water wave."

If Yun Xiao let the opponent run so easily, he would not be Yun Xiao. A green barrier blocked Scorpio, making Scorpio's rapid return invalid. It stood there blankly, wondering why it did not return to the Poké Ball.

Seizing this opportunity, the black horse immediately used water wave, which hit Scorpio's body and Scorpio instantly lost his ability to fight.


After the game, the black seahorse finally began to evolve, and its appearance changed from its original simple and cute appearance to a cold-eyed one.

The characteristics of the evolved Seasaurus also changed from free and easy to poisonous stings, and the level remained at the intermediate level, without a breakthrough due to evolution.

"Alas, it's a pity that it's not a sniper characteristic."

Although it was a bit regrettable that this Seasaurus was not the characteristic he wanted, Yun Xiao would not abandon his Pokémon. Since it became his Pokémon, he would also bring out the potential of this Pokémon.

After collecting the evolved Seasaurus, Yun Xiao sent out Swampert, and Xiao Yu also sent out the second fighter Rumble.

"Rumble uses hardening and rolling."

The combination of hardening and rolling has obviously become the mainstream fighting style of the trainers of the Geodude family. After all, it is simple and violent and does not require thinking.

However, Yun Xiao has a hundred ways to deal with this fighting style. After all, he has seen it so many times that he is immune to it.

"Swamp Jumper, use rock blockade."

Swamp Jumper summoned five huge rocks to fall from the sky. The rolling Rumble Stone hit the blocking rock wall. Although it smashed the huge rock in front of it, its relative speed was also slowed down a lot.

"Muddy Current."

A column of dirty water rushed towards the Rumble Stone. If the speed was not slowed down, the rolling speed of the Rumble Stone would be enough to bounce off this attack, but after being slowed down by the rock blockade, its rolling was obviously not enough to bounce off this attack.

The turbid current directly blocked the rolling Rumble Stone, and the Rumble Stone also stopped rolling under the turbid current. After losing the protection of rolling, the turbid current directly knocked the Rumble Stone away, and the Rumble Stone hit the rocks produced by the remaining rock blockade.


Swamp Jumper jumped high, and then fell like a meteorite. The ground continued to shake. The Rumble Stone, which had already suffered a lot of damage, directly lost its combat ability in the earthquake.

Yun Xiao won the two consecutive matches easily. In the third match, Xiao Yu also sent out the Big Mouth. Judging from the momentum of the Big Mouth, it was obviously Xiao Yu's main Pokémon.

"Come on, let me see the strength of your Absol."

Although Xiao Yu lost two games, he was still eager to fight at this moment, looking at the Absol beside Yun Xiao with passion.

"Well, how about I use Swampert?"

Yun Xiao couldn't bear to use the high-level Absol to bully the middle-level Big Mouth, so he wanted to continue to send Swampert.

However, Xiao Yu resolutely refused. He just wanted to compete with Absol, so Yun Xiao had no choice but to send Absol.

The result was no suspense. Absol only used a whirlwind sword and triggered the super lucky feature. It hit the vital point and increased the damage. The Big Mouth lost the ability to fight and fell to the ground.

(Calling some book friends to join the book. There will be a main plot in which Yun Xiao is beaten up, and there will be a gorgeous competition in which Xiao Yao is beaten up. No doubt, it is definitely a beating. If you are interested, fill in the name and occupation of the book reviewer here, as well as Pokémon. No legendary beasts are recommended, because they cannot withstand it. In addition, Yun Xiao is preparing to welcome a legendary beast to join the team, so you can make bold guesses.)

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