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Sometimes, some obvious words without evil intention can cause tons of critical damage to people.

For example, on the way to Perch Isle, after Ash knows that Altaria is not Luther Pokemon, he asks “Have you not got a Pokemon that can fly?”

Ash’s consistent style is to ask for an answer in every pot without reminding me.

It was Dawn who made the round: “Luther’s mouth is always very picky, almost like you.”

Ash doesn’t recognize it yet. He feels that he is actually not picky about taking Pokemon.

“That is to meet the eye, the personality, the atmosphere is in place, and then I will subdue.”

Well, are you not picking this?

Luther feels that Ash has redefined the word “critical”.

Serena pressed the hat that was blown by the wind and asked curiously: “We heard that you and Sinnoh Alliance had a conflict while traveling. Is this true?”

Ash also wanted to know the whole story of this incident. After all, the information circulating was endless, except that Luther had hit an official named Ron.

With Ash’s understanding of Luther, it made him angry enough to do something, then Ron must have done an extremely excessive thing.

“It’s true.” Luther replied simply.

Such a direct answer made Ash a little dazed, but then he boldly stated that he believed in Luther’s personality, and if he hit it, he hit it. Ron must not be a good thing.

Luther laughed freely and echoed: “Ron is really not a good thing, you are right.”

Every time Cynthia gets irritated by Ron, he always scolds him with such disgust, and Luther will surely agree as long as he is around.

In Perch Isle, scolding Ron is a way of decompression, just as usual with Lucian.

Not only Ash, but Tobias and Eitole are unconditionally standing on their side.

Although they have left Sinnoh, they still have their own information channels, so after learning of the incident of Ron assault, they frequently sent messages asking for details.

And I have a lot of thoughts of coming back to help Luther.

Eitole did not participate in the upcoming Indigo Plateau Conference. Instead, he chose to return to his home and began a short break.

During this period, he and Moa also went deep into the jungle and mountains of Kanto Region, deep into uninhabited places.

Eitole’s heart has not changed. He still wants to meet Mewtwo again, even if Luther tells him that Mewtwo is a very free Pokemon and the probability that he wants to meet is very low.

Eitole’s answer is also simple.

“Look for it first, then I will treat it as an indulgence before marriage.”

Luther was taken aback by the message from Eitole, and after asking reluctantly, Eitole finally let go.

After the separation of Lily of the Valley Conference, Eitole officially confessed to Moa and even met his parents.

“The matter between you and Miya infected me, and it was not good for Moa to wait for a reply, so I secretly bought Moa’s favorite Present, and confessed it in one go.”

Looking at this line of words on the phone screen, Luther was full of emotion.

Eitole treats feelings dumbly, and Moa is the most active party.

Moa will show love to Eitole without the slightest hesitation, and will tell Eitole that it is because of him that he finds traveling so interesting.

Eitole is not like Ash, he knows the meaning of this emotion, but knowing it means that he has to respond, and after responding, he will usher in a different life.

He was always worried about his abilities, thinking whether he was worthy of Moa’s liking, so he learned to play dumb.

After the Lily of the Valley Conference, when the four people exchanged their travel experiences, Luther’s words made him face his heart directly.

“How much power does a person need to hold his own happiness?” (Chapter 148, 163)

This is a question that the confused Luther kept asking himself after experiencing the Mob incident.

As long as the other three people present here, Ash felt that as long as his Pokemon was still with him, it would prove that he was very happy.

Tobias solves the problem the fastest, which means this is not a problem, it should be an answer.

Only Eitole did not answer his own answer.

“Congratulations, you finally have your own answer.” Luther is sincerely happy for Eitole and Moa who is silently by his side.

Across multiple Regions, looking for the silhouette of freedom, I don’t know how many dangers he has experienced, and how many scenery he has seen, Moa finally waited for Eitole’s consciousness.

Tobias told Luther afterwards that if Eitole still hesitated, don’t let him come to the party in the future and look down on him.

Although Tobias is not too cold about love, watching Moa show his love like this, Eitole insists on wearing small dragon shrimp and feels very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Eitole didn’t disappoint him in the end.

Tobias is sweeping the Gym in Unova Region, but he won’t be on his way this time. Instead, he slowly enjoys the scenery along the way, learning Ash to walk slowly around where the main Gym of Unova is.

A Slaking and a Girafarig are enough to play Gym. Darkrai and other Pokemon only stand by for the raid, and occasionally catch a new member into the team. Tobias began to cultivate his heart and tried to keep himself from being so impatient.

During the Unova walk, Tobias shared a lot of things with Luther, two of which caught Luther’s most attention.

A Trainer named Trip, when Tobias visited Professor Aurea Juniper, asked for a match.

Tobias didn’t want to talk to him. After all, he had a good vision after being beaten by the Lily of the Valley Conference.

Luther, Ash, Eitole are my favorite opponents. They are friends and rivals. They learn from each other, share with each other, and are harmonious and loving.

Tobias often complains about Luther. What kind of status is he now? Any cat or any dog ​​on the side of the road challenges you to accept all the challenges, and that’s fine. Just beating him directly, why bother to be the main force?

Who made Luther such a character that is easy to get over certain things, it can’t be changed.

However, Tobias, who had complained about Luther several times, still took up this challenge. For nothing else, he just thought this guy named Trip was too bad.

He didn’t win the Lily of the Valley Conference and he didn’t want to shout that he was runner-up, but this one came up with the attitude of giving me someone else…

Tobias confronted the Trip who had just taken Snivy, and figured out Slaking.

Luther wanted to ask what happened, Tobias said, there is no such thing.

Trainer world is very cruel. It seems that Tobias helped Trip make up this lesson.

The other thing is not as simple as attracting Luther’s attention, even with some Astonish ingredients.

“I met a guy named N, who is not Trainer, but he seems to be able to communicate with Pokemon, and I have a lot of criticism about Pokemon battles.”

“How do you say, it’s a weirdo.”

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