Hey, kid, why is it you?

Yo, Team Rocket? What a coincidence! I can meet you here!

The moment their eyes met, they were both startled. Obviously, this sudden encounter was completely beyond their expectations. They would meet unexpectedly here.

Sorry, everyone, I have something to do above, so I don’t have time to play house with you. I’ll leave first.

Xiaozhi quickly adjusted his mentality. The urgent task of rescuing Pikachu flashed through his mind. Then he ignored the appearance of the three members of Team Rocket and rushed straight to the black Poké Ball that imprisoned Pikachu.

However, just when his fingertips were about to touch the Poké Ball, a cold mechanical arm almost reached out at the same time and clamped it tightly.

Faced with this scene, ordinary people might have let go long ago, but Xiaozhi, the boy known for his extraordinary perseverance, how could he give up easily?

Not only did he not let go, but he held the precious Poké Ball even harder, vowing to compete with the mechanical arm.

But the good times didn’t last long. More mechanical arms came like a tide, instantly wrapping around Xiaozhi and lifting him up.

Even in such a predicament, Xiaozhi’s tenacity remained unchanged.

He clenched his teeth and held his hands as firm as iron pliers, even making those seemingly indestructible mechanical arms unable to withstand the pressure and began to crack.

What’s more interesting is that this contest seemed to have touched a delicate balance.

The mechanical system designed by Mewtwo suffered a chain failure due to Xiaozhi’s tenacious resistance.

The entire device became shaky, and even the parts that were originally running smoothly seemed to be unable to cope.

In the end, with Xiaozhi’s unyielding persistence, he miraculously took back the black Poké Ball containing Pikachu, as if even fate was on his side.


Pikachu regained his freedom and jumped out of the ball, shaking his head at first, obviously feeling uncomfortable with the bumpy journey just now.


Seeing this, Xiaozhi’s eyes flashed with excitement and he cheered involuntarily.


Upon hearing the voice, Pikachu immediately turned around and ran towards Xiaozhi at the fastest speed. The joy of the two (one person and one pet) reuniting filled the air.

However, this joy did not shine on all the imprisoned Pokémons. Their fate was still undecided, waiting for unknown rescue.

Just as he gently took Pikachu into his arms, the replicas had quietly formed a line and filed into a hidden corridor.


Although the emergence of the clones was inevitable, Xiaozhi’s actions unexpectedly led to a turnaround – the machine used to copy Pokémon, after Xiaozhi’s maneuvers, exploded.

Then, a string of black Poké Balls scattered like raindrops. After landing, the Pokémon imprisoned in them appeared one by one, their eyes full of confusion and vigilance, looking around, preparing for battle while also looking for a chance to escape. In the city of Asagi in the Johto region, a scene unexpectedly came into view.

“Team Rocket? As expected! Before the video review, they were probably the biggest villains in the world!”

“Even the Kanto and Chengdu regions basically know that Mewtwo was created by Team Rocket, but they didn’t expect Mewtwo to be so strong! It’s simply an almighty existence!”

Ami’s eyes instantly focused when she met the Rocket trio, and her heart was full of doubts.

Although she had long known about the entanglement between Mewtwo and Team Rocket, now, in this place where Mewtwo is stirring up the storm, Ami even suspected that the Mewtwo in the video was actually Team Rocket.

After all, their appearance was regarded as a coincidence. For Ami, it was really hard to accept. How could it be such a coincidence.

Looking around at the sophisticated equipment, the importance of this place is self-evident. How could their appearance be just a coincidence?

What is particularly puzzling is that everyone entered the castle hall under the guidance of Miss Joy. Why did only the Rocket trio appear in this unknown corner?

But if Team Rocket really wanted to make trouble, just this level of trouble, they would have to start from… Judging from the video, this is too low-level!

Although their Team Rocket in the real world has been regularized, their strategies in all aspects, and even their strength and technology, are weaker than the three-member Team Rocket in the video.

But Ami has seen Sakaki’s brain, and such low-level things in the video should not be done by the people of Team Rocket.

Because this will mean that Team Rocket may have easily mastered the manufacturing technology of black Poké Balls, or even that the birth of these mysterious Poké Balls originated from their research.

Compared to Mewtwo accomplishing such a feat alone, in the video, Team Rocket as the behind-the-scenes promoter seems more logical and convincing.

But these machines are really made by Mewtwo alone.

“He is truly worthy of being the legendary super true rookie. This is not even the real Satoshi. The Satoshi in the video alone can disintegrate those giant mechanical arms by himself. Such a feat is something that even a strong man like me would be ashamed of.”

Sheba couldn’t help but admire Xiaozhi’s heroic rescue of Pikachu and the moment he broke free from the mechanical restraints.

If he hadn’t witnessed that shocking scene with his own eyes, he might have really forgotten Xiaozhi’s extraordinary strength and tenacity.

Xiaozhi’s physique is indeed extraordinary, as solid as a mountain, and it is difficult to estimate.

Facing the siege of many mechanical arms, Xiaozhi not only did not retreat, but with amazing perseverance and strength, he not only rescued Pikachu, but also severely damaged many mechanical arms, causing the entire device to be paralyzed, and freed all the trapped Pokémon.

Such a feat is difficult for even Sheba to achieve.

Imagine if it were Sheba himself, he might be able to use the brief gap to exert his strength at the moment when he first captured Pikachu, but once the mechanical arms swarmed in, he would also find it difficult to escape unscathed, not to mention reaching Xiaozhi’s level, causing such a large-scale destruction with brute force alone………

Not to mention Xiaozhi in real life, whose fighting power is even more outrageous

……(To read the most exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Not only the audience in front of the screen are suspicious of Team Rocket, but even the elves in the story are also looking at them with scrutiny.

Team Rocket’s previous notoriety has long been notorious in Kanto and even in the elf world, and everyone knows it. Even these elves are highly vigilant against it.

Although in reality, they have turned over a new leaf, but this is not the case in the video. Their sudden appearance itself is enough to arouse vigilance.

Sure enough, when the stinging jellyfish appeared, it did not hesitate to use its sharp tentacles to tightly bind the three members of Team Rocket.

In this small battlefield, except for Xiaozhi who fought side by side with the elves, the positions of the others are self-evident. Xiaozhi

, the trainer who has experienced ups and downs with the elves, is now in danger with his elves. He naturally becomes the most trustworthy existence, and the suspicious behavior of Team Rocket is even more obvious.

However, these three sudden strangers undoubtedly aroused layers of doubts in everyone’s hearts.

Could it be that they are the ones who are behind the scenes and imprisoned these elves here? Otherwise, their appearance would be a mystery that is difficult to solve.

“Squirtle! Bulbasaur!”

At this moment, Xiaozhi’s eyes were shining with joy. He quickly went to the two partners who had regained their lives and hugged them tightly. The scene was warm and touching.

But this warmth did not last long, because Charizard was released soon after.

Among the many Pokémon, Charizard was known for its hot temper. As soon as it got out of the cage, it sprayed hot flames mercilessly, pointing directly at the mechanical devices that bound it, as if foreshadowing that they were about to turn into ashes.

Just when everyone thought that everything would develop along this trajectory, the scene unexpectedly turned. Everyone was surprised to find that Mewtwo led three copies of the three starter Pokémons to form a confrontation with the trainers who had lost their Pokémons.

“Humans, I have no intention of taking your lives, leave quickly.” Mewtwo’s voice echoed in the air, revealing a hint of unquestionable majesty.

Fortunately, Mewtwo did not intend to imprison them. It waved its hand gently, and the door behind it slowly opened, as if giving them a chance to escape.

However, behind this move was a deeper consideration – how could they survive in the raging storm without the protection of the elves, let alone cross the ocean to leave this isolated island?

If the storm does not stop and there is no hope of rescue, they will face a desperate situation.

Everyone present is not the kind of person who gives up easily, so despite the uncertain road ahead, they still choose to stay where they are and confront Mewtwo, unwilling to easily embark on the unknown and dangerous journey home.

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