Let’s not guess what the beast is thinking, let’s go back to the video.

In the video, Xiaozhi brought the Nunuan pig to find George East.

However, the tragedy is that he unexpectedly ran into the Rockets again.

But unlike the previous situation, the Rockets did not capture the Nunuan pig this time. Instead, Pikachu was knocked unconscious by the water otter and was unfortunately captured by the Rockets.

“Stop!”Seeing Team Rocket trying to escape, Xiaozhi immediately chased after them with Nunuan Pig in his arms.

However, due to his haste, he failed to notice the puddle on the road, accidentally stepped into it, and fell to the ground.

At the moment of falling, Xiaozhi lifted Nunuan Pig over his head in time to prevent it from getting hurt.

“”Nuannuan!” It was Xiaozhi’s action that inspired Nuannuan Pig’s determination.

It quickly ran to Xiaozhi and shouted with high morale.

“Are you willing to fight with me, Nuannuan pig?” Xiaozhi immediately understood Nuannuan pig’s intention and asked

“Nuan Nuan!” Nuan Nuan Pig nodded firmly.

“Very good, Warm Pig, use Sparks!” Xiaozhi gave the order decisively.

Following Xiaozhi’s order, Warm Pig took a deep breath, sprayed a ball of fire from its nose, and rushed towards the Rocket trio.

The flame instantly hit their strange flying machine, causing Pikachu to fall from the sky.

Xiaozhi, who had been worried about Pikachu’s safety, immediately noticed this situation and quickly rushed to the direction where Pikachu fell.

At the moment when Pikachu was about to fall to the ground, he slid over and successfully caught Pikachu. n said:”Although there were accidents in the process, but… Xiaozhi and Warm Pig’s relationship developed rapidly. Warm Pig quickly accepted Xiaozhi. This is the way humans and elves get along. I feel so happy.”

Cattleya said in a deep voice:”Through the video, I can deeply feel Xiaozhi’s sincerity to Warm Pig. For Warm Pig, this feeling is something he has never encountered before. After all, the first trainer was a scumbag, so the rapid integration between them is also reasonable.”

Sarina sighed softly:”Despite this, Xiaozhi always seems to be harassed by Team Rocket. They are too obsessed with Xiaozhi!”

Xiaoguang nodded in agreement:”Indeed, their luck seems to drop sharply every time they meet Xiaozhi, but it will rise sharply after helping Xiaozhi.”

Professor Oak held a different view:”But then again, if Xiaozhi’s luck was really bad, how could he encounter these rare starter Pokémon? It can only be said that his luck is a little special. He has encountered several legendary Pokémon.”

Yulong Du said coldly:”The rampant behavior of Team Rocket can no longer be ignored. We must take action to clean them up.”

Daigo said self-deprecatingly:”You are always so busy, Du, it seems that my decision to resign as champion is correct. The identity of champion is indeed too cumbersome for my life.”

Mikoli immediately broke down:”Daigo, you ***, I *** you.”

Yulong Du:”Well, I can see that your mouth is very clean!”…

“As expected, Xiaozhi is really different and unique.”Nancy stared at the light curtain in front of her, with pink love in her eyes.

As a cold-faced beauty who had just been taught a lesson by Xiaozhi, Xiaozhi did not lose badly this time. With Xiaozhi’s powerful wave power and Charmeleon’s outrageous characteristics, they not only defeated Nancy, but Charmeleon also successfully evolved into Charizard.

It is not the thin image in the anime. It is 2.5 meters tall, taller than the normal 2.2-meter adult Charizard, and it can grow in the future.

It is too strong to restore 1/4 of its physical strength each round, and it can’t kill his old Charizard at all.
-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

Instead, under Xiaozhi’s stimulation, Nancy’s own superpowers actually reached the level of champions, and even her Bravest evolved into Alakazam.

Combined with the perfect super evolution stone of Alakazam given in the previous inventory of rewards.

(The Mega Evolution Stone awarded by the system can allow the Pokémon to retain its non-mega evolutionary characteristics after Mega Evolution)

In the end, Nancy still lost to Ash. Ash’s Waveguide was still too strong. Nancy’s superpowers were too many. Coupled with the cooperation of the bond force, Charmeleon successfully evolved into Charizard, and also successfully bonded and evolved, adding 150 racial values, which was much stronger than Nancy.

“It seems that the champion and runner-up of this Quartz Conference have been determined.”

Yes, before fighting with Xiaozhi, Nancy also fought with Xiaomao, a potential king of psychic, and now the strength is an elite psychic.

With an evolved Brawlhalla and a Stottle that received the inventory reward, as long as they evolve to the final form, basically except for Xiaozhi, other rookie trainers or elite trainers will not be the opponent of Xiaozhi and Xiaomao’s new duo.

“It seems that the Kanto region is going to rise again!”

Looking at Xiaozhi in the video, Nancy’s eyes showed love!


Back to video

“Great, I have captured Nunuanzhu!”

After seeing himself capture a new Pokémon in the video, Xiaozhi cheered excitedly.

Xiaozhi has always been open to Pokémon, after all, he once captured thirty Kentaro at once.

As Nunuanzhu is one of the three starter Pokémons and a fire Pokémon, he naturally has no reason to dislike it.

Xiaozhi loves Pokémon very much, even if it is a Muddy Pokémon, he can tolerate it.

“Pika Pika~”

Pikachu also cheered with Xiaozhi. After all, Nunuan Pig will be its new partner in the future, but it is not known when this day will come.

Xiaogang fell into deep thought while watching the video.

He noticed that there was no figure of himself in the video, which made him realize that in the near future, he might end his journey for some reason.

Although this future is difficult for him to accept, the facts are in front of him and he has to face it.

You know, he should have started traveling at the age of ten, but now because of his irresponsible parents, he has dragged it to now. Of course, that unreliable mother is more disgusting.

Before, when he saw the inventory video became popular, he wanted to sell the gym to open other stores, but was directly taught a lesson by Xiaogang’s brothers and sisters. In the end, he was captured by the alliance and reformed by labor for 1 year. After that, he had to take good care of his husband and children.

In other words, he has been yearning for travel for at least fifteen years.

However, why did he suddenly give up this long-awaited journey in a year, or even less than a year?

This is indeed difficult for him to accept.

Or has he found a new and more suitable future path for himself?

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