When the public’s view on the Rocket trio changed, the screen unexpectedly switched to another plot.

Surprisingly, this time the screen not only showed the Rocket trio and Xiaozhi’s group, but also a slightly abrupt character – that is, the gym trainer of EMI, Nanase.

“Gym trainers, you mentioned that before, right?”

“Yes, I’m sure I said she has great potential.”

In the video, Kojiro looked at Nana with a firm gaze, eager for the final confirmation.

“Yes, I did say that.

“Desert Naia, let’s say goodbye here. You should go to the gym trainer.”

After getting the confirmation from Nano, Kojiro made a decisive decision and prepared to say goodbye to Desert Naia.


Desert Naya obviously didn’t expect Kojiro to say that. She was stunned.

“I hope that Desert Naya can fully master the Absorption Fist.” Kojiro explained,”But staying with me will only limit your growth.”

“So, Desert Naya, you should leave me and become stronger!”

Kojiro quickly explained some of the reasons behind his decision.

However, this is only part of it.

In addition, there are many other considerations, but overall, Kojiro hopes that Desert Naya can have a better future.

Compared with a member of the Rocket Team like him, following a gym trainer can obviously provide a broader stage for Desert Naya.

“”Desert, Desert Nai!”

Hearing Kojiro’s words, Desert Nai’s eyes immediately filled with tears.

There is no doubt that there is a deep emotional bond between Desert Nai and Kojiro.

It is because of this emotion that Kojiro hopes that Desert Nai can have a better future; also because of this emotion, Desert Nai is unwilling to leave Kojiro

“”Go! Desert Naia!”

Although facing Desert Naia’s tearful eyes, Kojiro did soften his heart, but after a while, he rarely showed his firmness and toughness.

“Desert Naia!”

Desert Naia showed deep reluctance, but after a brief hesitation, it chose to obey.

“Desert Naia, I feel happy when I am with you, sincerely……”

“Goodbye, Desert Naia.”

Kojiro recalled the time he spent with Desert Naia while putting it into the Poké Ball.

“I’ll leave this child in your care.”

Kojiro stared at the Poké Ball containing Desert Naia for a long time, then solemnly handed it to Nabe.

“Is it really okay to do this?”

Although Nana had this intention, she was a little hesitant at this moment. She felt like a villain who took away someone else’s Pokémon.

However, after hearing Nana’s doubts, Kojiro nodded without hesitation.

“I will definitely cultivate it into a powerful spirit.”

Seeing that Kojiro was determined, Nanase had no choice but to make a promise.


After leaving these words, Kojiro resolutely turned and left.

Although he deliberately lowered his voice, everyone could still vaguely hear the sobbing coming from the direction he left.

In the Pokémon World Chat Group:

Kona:”It is surprising that such a decision to give Pokémon to others for the future of Pokémon came from the hands of a member of Team Rocket.”

Genji:”The sincere feelings between him and the elves are really touching.” Xia

Bo:”I think he sent Desert Naia away mainly because of his identity. He believes that only in this way can Desert Naia live a better life, and following him will have an uncertain future.”

Liu Bo:”Yes, if he was not a member of Team Rocket, it might be better.”

Mikoli:”I suddenly realized that the elves that can be favored by the vegetable species should not have bad potential……”

“What’s the potential of that Pokémon?”Mikoliat Caizhong asked, his tone revealing his expectation for the unknown.

Caizhong responded:”How can I predict the future now? But personally, I now hope that this Desert Naia will continue to follow Kojiro. This makes me feel like a nobody, but looking at my performance in the video, this Desert Naia should have the potential to be a superstar, otherwise the me in the video would not be so eager.”

And in reality.

Kojiro stared at his future self in front of the light curtain, an inexplicable emotion welling up in his heart:”It turns out that my future self will make such a choice?”

Although he was not familiar with Desert Naia, Kojiro could still feel his complicated emotions in the video, especially his reluctance to leave Desert Naia.

However, for the future of Desert Naia, he still made that decision.

Seeing this, Meow Meow, with tears in her eyes, pounced on Kojiro, crying more and more fiercely.

Although Musashi had tears in his eyes, he tried to stay calm:”Kojiro, if you don’t want her to suffer, you don’t have to send her away. We can work a few more jobs and support her together.”

Suddenly, Musashi exclaimed:”It’s Boss Sakaki!”

Their communicator suddenly made a sound, and Musashi quickly noticed and connected the communication

“Musashi, Kojiro, and Meow Meow, I have a new mission for you to carry out.”Sakaki’s voice came directly from the communicator.

“From today on, you need to maintain your image. I will take you as an example and a benchmark for the newcomers of the Rockets.”Sakaki didn’t say any more pleasantries and went straight to the point.

Obviously, Sakaki saw the high popularity of the Rockets trio and planned to use this to further strengthen the cohesion within the Rockets, and hoped to change some of the negative views of the outside world on the Rockets through this move.

The Rockets should return to the previous model, instead of being like a cockroach in the underground sewer, everyone shouting and beating them.

“We will definitely live up to your trust!”Miaomiao responded first

“”Boss Sakaki, please trust us!” Kojiro followed closely behind.

“Please rest assured, we will definitely become the benchmark of the new Rocket Team!”Musashi also expressed his determination.

After learning that Sakaki was going to do this to them, the three members of the Rocket Team all made a promise.

“Well, I believe you!” Seeing the three people’s serious attitude, Sakaki closed the communication.

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