Somewhere in the Kanto region, the three members of Team Rocket looked at the lost look of the little devil in the video and couldn’t help but sigh.

“This is reasonable, right? We already knew the result when the little ghost didn’t bring the first generation of elves.”Kojiro said regretfully.

“I didn’t expect the Sinnoh region to end this way. What a pity, kid.”Musashi also felt it was a pity. The final battle with Pikachu was so exciting.

“It’s really a pity, the Darko on the other side is not invincible, meow.”

Seeing Pikachu and Latios lose their fighting ability together, the three members of Team Rocket all expressed regret at the same time. Although they already knew the result, they didn’t want the little devil to come back at the last minute.

“But Pikachu is still so powerful that it can fight against the legendary beast Latios on equal terms. That’s where the difference in race value lies.”

“It seems that our vision is indeed unique. That Pikachu is indeed the most special one. Not only Pikachu, but also other Pokémon of the little devil are also”

“That’s right, Pikachu’s strength has been revealed, proving that the vision of our Team Rocket trio is correct. So next, let’s continue to carry out Boss Sakaki’s mission, follow the little brat, and keep training him. Meow, let’s continue to apply for funds from above, because there is not enough money to build this robot!”

“Got it, meow, don’t rush me!”

The Rocket trio is worthy of being the Rocket trio. They quickly adjusted their mentality and began to prepare for the next mission and the training of the little devil, to see how to fully tap the potential of the elves in the little devil’s hands. Anyway, their physical fitness has been counted before. Although it is far inferior to the physique of Saitama of the little devil, it is at least at the level of Genos, so there is no need to worry about safety issues.

In addition to the lack of direct combat bonus, the body’s recovery ability is only slightly weaker than that of Wolverine and the like.

Then think about the battle between Pikachu and Latios just now.

Although Latios has experienced fierce battles with the Lizard King and the King Swallow, the King Swallow is almost a foil. The Lizard King has also defeated Darkrai. He no longer had the energy to continue fighting.

Pikachu, relying solely on its own strength, defeated a powerful enemy, and the difference in race values was almost double. How could such a feat not make people excited?

What’s more, Pikachu is the Pokémon that the Rocket Team trio has been optimistic about since the first time they saw it. Isn’t this scene in the video the best proof of their vision?

Anyway, the little devil has already lost, so instead of being sad and thinking about those things, it is better to quickly make the latest robot to increase the strength of the little devil in the current timeline, so that there will be more protection when fighting that Darko in the future.

At the same time, in the Kanto region, in the new Rocket Team base, Sakaki looked at Pikachu, who had finally burst into combat power, and showed a hint of surprise.

“Die together? This result was unexpected.”

Not only him, but everyone was surprised that Pikachu, who usually doesn’t show his strength, actually hides such amazing power.

But Sakaki was not overly surprised, and his eyes fell on the Beedrill beside him.

Although the Pikachu in the video is strong, the power it burst out in the end is only at the peak of the king, and it was a temporary burst. If we talk about the performance in the video, it is not enough to be compared with Beedrill.

He firmly believes that since Pikachu can do it, there is no reason why Beedrill can’t do it. After all, it is a Beedrill at the peak of the champion. It is only a few levels away from breaking through level 100, and it will have no problem killing the opponent’s Darkrai and Latios in seconds.

Of course, if it is the legendary partner series Pokémon, it may not be the same. Certainly, just look at the Pikachu in the video, it seems that it is not a partner series, and does not have the exclusive skills of the partner series.

Of course, this is just Sakaki’s calculation in his mind. He knows that the actual situation may be more complicated and changeable.

It is not difficult for Beedrill to defeat Latios.

After all, the small Pikachu can firmly restrain Latios, making it difficult for many of its skills to be used.

Although Beedrill is not good at doing those actions, hard power is the foundation. If Pikachu has the strength of a champion, it will be easy to beat Darkrai and Latios.

Although there is only a difference of one level between the champion and the king, the gap is revealed in the use of the rules.

In the Kanto region, Xiaomao and his partners witnessed the scene where Xiaozhi lost to Darko.

“Although defeated, it is still an honor. It is not easy to be in the top four.”Although Xiaomao felt regretful, he also recognized Xiaozhi’s outstanding performance.

He was puzzled that in the decisive battle, Xiaozhi’s Charizard, Venusaur and other original veterans did not show up. If they participated in the battle, and Darko did not have the help of the third beast, the outcome might be rewritten.

Unfortunately, none of them showed up.

This speculation is not groundless, because in Xiaozhi’s team, except for Heracross and Pikachu, the rest are mostly from Hoenn or Sinnoh, and they are obviously recently captured.

Xiaomao can judge that Heracross’s affiliation and strength should be captured during the Chengdu area.

Only Pikachu, as the initial partner, has been with Xiaozhi from beginning to end, without a doubt.

So, where are the Pokémon that Xiaozhi captured before?

Kanto, Johto and even Even further away, in Hoenn, Xiaozhi’s footprints are everywhere. Unless there is a big change, why didn’t the first generation of veterans come?

Xiaomao couldn’t help but feel confused. Did Xiaozhi really underestimate the enemy? Or did he just bring some baby teams to practice? That’s too conceited!

If he gave his all and competed with Darko, the outcome would be unknown.

However, the situation suddenly changed. Xiaozhi was defeated with only two Pokémons defeated by Darko, and the third Pokémon was unknown.

The dust settled on the competition, and the light and shadow of the stadium gradually dimmed.

Just as everyone was holding their breath and preparing for the next interactive session, a new inventory video quietly emerged on the light curtain.

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