Principal Clavell’s words instantly triggered a climax in the Light Curtain chat group. All the trainers present were surprised and started discussing in the chat group.

【Chibana: Hey, hey, hey! What a joke! Defeating Dantei? Becoming the new world champion? Are you kidding me! Defeating Dantei two years ago, that is, defeating Dantei at the age of sixteen? This is too incredible!

Chibana couldn’t help but get anxious. After all, he was a partner who grew up with Dantei and had devoted his life to defeating him. As a result, every time they fought, the outcome was destined. Chibana was always weaker than Dantei.

No, not just one, but a complete crushing. It’s just that Dantei didn’t fight with all his strength because of his past feelings. In other words, even the top regional champions in this world can’t make Dantei, a strong man, use his true strength!

But Clavel’s words in the light curtain deeply shocked Chibana’s world view. After all, Dantei is the sky of trainers, the goat of the trainer world, but he actually lost, and was stabbed by a sixteen-year-old boy!

【Ka Wu: It’s really unbelievable. Although I know that there will be younger generations who can defeat Dandi in the future, this boy is a little too young! At the age of sixteen, he would become a king-level trainer, and he would be a dragon among men!】

【Nie Zi: This kid must be from the Kanto region. I didn’t expect that such a legend would appear in such an old region after so many years. It’s incredible!】

【Sonia: I didn’t expect to see Dantei defeated by others. It’s really a cause for celebration. Congratulations to Xiaozhi for becoming the second trainer to defeat Dantei. As for the first one, that’s me! 】

However, Sonia’s words were just a joke. At that time, Sonia was able to defeat Dantei because of the flying advantage of the housebird. After that, he never won again. Xiaozhi defeated Dantei two years ago, which was two years later in the real world.

This achievement is simply unimaginable. As a childhood sweetheart, Sonia often teases Dantei for being a boring person, but there is no doubt that his strength is far ahead of his time!

Even if all the regional champions from all over the world challenged him, the final outcome would be a complete defeat. Even Miss Sirona, the first female champion in history, could not defeat Dantei.

But now this young man who appeared in front of the world for the first time, he did it, which made Sonia open her eyes for a while.

【Professor Oak: This is a bit dreamy. Although this kid dreams of becoming a Pokémon Master, his strength is far from that. It is quite good to be the champion of the tournament at the age of 20. He actually became the world champion two years later. This is too outrageous!

Professor Oak, who has always been indifferent to Xiaozhi’s amazing performance, can’t sit still at this moment. Although Professor Oak is a scientist, he has also done a lot of research on the trainer world.

Dantei’s strength, in terms of his status in the scientific community, even surpasses Professor Oak! It can be said that Xiaozhi’s record of defeating Dantei is equivalent to Xiaomao, who has just become a Pokémon researcher, creating a Pokémon illustrated book with his bare hands that records the number of Pokémon species in the world!

It is equivalent to a super scientist who directly promotes the great development of the world’s Pokémon technology! It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a genius among geniuses!

【Xiao Mao: Oh my God! I must be dreaming. This is actually happening. Becoming a world champion at the age of 16 is too exaggerated!】

【Shinji:(Shinji’s brain has crashed, and words cannot describe it)】

【Dakoto: This, this, this is too incredible. Three years, just three years. Did this kid pick up a level one god Pokémon for nothing and then become the world champion? 】

Dakto was so angry that he vomited blood. After all, he had six wild level two god Pokémon, but he couldn’t beat the regional champion Sirona.

Sirona even let Dakoto win the battle while instructing him. Dante is even more powerful than Sirona.

In terms of Pokémon species, Dante is the level one god Pokémon among trainers!

Invincible, dominating everything!

But he was defeated by Xiaozhi, a trainer who can only be called an ordinary Pokémon!

The impact brought by this made Dakoto fall into a state of doubting his life again.

It was the kind of feeling that he had no basis for it.

Could it be that Xiaozhi, this kid, was like the protagonist Long Aotian in the online article, who awakened the golden finger halfway through, or picked up a ring that hosted the soul of an old man?

Otherwise, this is completely unexplainable!

【Sirona: It is a bit too shocking. This has exceeded my expectations for Xiaozhi.】

【Kaluni: This should be called Xiaozhi’s cheating life! My acting career is not as smooth as his.】

【Daigo: Indeed, even if I had the sponsorship of Dewen Group, it took me five years to become the regional champion. How did Xiaozhi, an ordinary boy, do it in two years?

The regional champions were full of questions at this moment. They were all interested in Xiaozhi’s growth path, which was beyond their expectations of the growth of trainers.

【Dandi: Just look at the light curtain, the light curtain will give us the answer! It’s really exciting, someone can actually defeat me! Dandi is open-minded, he is not shocked, nor does he question, but he is expecting, the same expectation as Nimo, he wants to know how strong Xiaozhi is! Dandi is too strong, after defeating his master Mashide, he has been invincible. Dandi longs for an enemy, a strong man who is equally matched!

And the appearance of Xiaozhi just satisfies the missing part in Dandi’s heart, an enemy, a strong enemy that can make him give up everything and fight for it!

Inside the light curtain, Principal Clavel finished speaking, and���Zhi, however, had a calm expression and said lightly:

“It was just good luck. It happened two years ago, so it’s nothing.”

Xiaozhi’s words caused a stir in the chat group of the light curtain, especially the old friends who knew Xiaozhi well, and they all asked Xiaozhi in disbelief.

【Xiaoxia: Is this Xiaozhi? He was a kid who was so proud of winning a fishing competition! How come he is so calm now?】

【Xiaoguang: Indeed, this is unlike Xiaozhi. Xiaozhi is a sunny boy who can be happy for a long time when encountering a small thing. This time, the principal of Orange Academy and the president of Padiya Alliance praised him, so how can he be so calm? His mentality changes too quickly!】

【Alice: I agree. The most obvious thing about Xiaozhi is that he can’t help but praise him. This abnormal state really makes people think deeply. Could it be that he has grown up in these four years? 】

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