【Mary: Now it’s not just the trainer who is powerful, Xiaozhi’s skeleton is also very novel! He can withstand Guerrilla’s bear hug, which is not within the scope of human physique.】

【Xiba: How can he have such an outrageous physique with such a small body? It doesn’t make sense. If I was hugged by a strange force, I would have broken bones. If I was hugged by Gulden, I might have to stay in the ICU.】

【Kona: Those are dead muscles, just a form of training, but that’s not the point. The point is that Gul’ton seems to have a sharp increase in favor of Satoshi. Will it really become Satoshi’s Pokémon?】

【Dakoto: This is impossible. What kind of outrageous plot is this? You can become the owner of a first-level god Pokémon by giving him a meal. What kind of joke is this? It’s just nonsense!

As a senior god Pokémon man and a pursuer of the first-level god, Dakoto was shocked by Kona’s words and even burst out with swear words. After all, that was a first-level god Pokémon. It was bought with a meal. This is just too much nonsense!

Do you think it’s a little Snorlax? A meal can make a first-level god your Pokémon. It’s just like a dream!

Although Dakoto said so, he couldn’t help sweating in his heart. After all, this guy Gulden seemed to really like Xiaozhi. After all, the existence of the first-level god has always ignored humans.

But after seeing Xiaozhi, Gulden’s positive attitude was a bit too outrageous. Wouldn’t he really be sold? No way?

Dakoto said secretly in his heart.

At this moment, after finishing his sandwich, Gulden excitedly rubbed against Xiaozhi, making Xiaozhi laugh.

“Gulerton, be good! Sit down and stop tickling me!”


After hearing what Xiaozhi said, Gulerton immediately lay on the ground with all four limbs, just like a good dog, lying on the ground and no longer tickling Xiaozhi.

This scene really made everyone in the chat group amazed again, especially those trainers who regarded the first-level god Pokémon as the supreme. Seeing this scene, their eyes were dull and they began to doubt life.

【Sakaki: Aren’t you a fucking level one god? You should have some dignity! Why are you so obedient and lying on the ground like a dog?

Sakaki was really upset at this moment. After all, to him, a level one god is the supreme being. To tame and make it obedient, one can only use force to make it surrender, which is in line with the level of a level one god.

But this meal made the level one god, Gultun, behave! It does whatever Xiaozhi says, which makes Sakaki doubt whether Gultun in the light curtain is a level one god or some Pokémon that likes to stick to people?

“Does that mean that food can make Gultun surrender? Boss, do you remember the trio that was just knocked away? If they had held on a little longer, they might have been able to tame Gultun!”


At this time, Team Rocket’s cadre Athena remembered that the reason why Gulden appeared in front of Xiaozhi was because the three people of Team Rocket attracted it, and they also used food to seduce it.

This also means that if Team Rocket did not plan to use Gulden to attack Xiaozhi, then Gulden would directly follow Team Rocket! After all, Team Rocket has given Gulden a lot of food!

“In other words, I missed an opportunity to tame a first-level god?”

Sakaki’s eyes suddenly turned black, as if he was finished. The amazing operation of the Rocket trio made the Rockets perfectly miss the opportunity to tame a first-level god again!

Although Sakaki has always been very calm, but this first-level god was lost, which really made Sakaki feel his blood pressure soaring and his scalp numb, but he still stubbornly said

“If nothing goes wrong, Leton has not entered the Poké Ball of this kid, it shouldn’t be so easy to be tamed!”

Sakaki’s last stubbornness, if he can’t get it, he will pray that Xiaozhi can’t get it either. After all, it’s a pity for him to lose a level one god, but if Xiaozhi, the kid who repeatedly destroyed the Rocket Team’s plan, picks up a level one god for free, then Sakaki will really be scalp numb and difficult to let go.

In a simple sentence, seeing you make money is more painful than me losing money!

“No, boss, it has already entered, and just when you fainted, it has been tamed?”

“”Ah? ??? ???”

Apollo’s words made Sakaki look at the light curtain immediately. In the light curtain, Xiaozhi took out the Poké Ball and then said to Gulerton seriously

“Gulerton, although you are an obedient Pokémon, you are too big and too strong to be left in the wild. If you stay in the wild, you will cause trouble to others.”


Gultunda pricked up his ears. Xiaozhi’s words reminded Gultunda of the time when he went to Taizuo City to ask for food from humans, but ended up scaring the passers-by to tears.

Gultunda thought he was unwelcome, and now after hearing what Xiaozhi said, it seemed that his speculation was true, and humans did not like him.

“But, Gulden, I have a way to let you travel between cities!”

“Gus! (Suddenly recovered and looked at Xiaozhi excitedly)”

“That is to become my Pokémon! As long as you become a trainer’s Pokémon, those humans will not be afraid of you!”

Xiaozhi took out the Poké Ball and said very seriously. One of the purposes of his trip was to tame Gulerton. Now this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity must not be missed.


Gulden shook his head. Becoming a human Pokémon means losing freedom, losing the ability to run freely in the wilderness, and losing the freedom of the world.

【Adu: After all, it is still a first-level god Pokémon, and there are still some higher pursuits in my heart】

【Dandi: It turns out that taming a first-level divine Pokémon is not that easy. Although it behaved very docilely before, there are still many issues to consider!】

【Shirona: It seems that it will take a lot of external force to make Gulden obedient. A first-level god is not so easy to tame!】

“Don’t hesitate, don’t worry, become my Pokémon and you will have mom’s sandwiches for all three meals!”

“”Gas? Gas!!!”

Gulden was originally thinking that he shouldn’t waste his life, but when he heard Xiaozhi say that there would be delicious sandwiches for all three meals, he immediately threw the idea of thinking about his life behind his head. Why think about his life when there are sandwiches to eat? Xiaozhi, I, Gulden, will follow you!

Then Gulden obediently entered Xiaozhi’s Poké Ball directly. Yes, it was an ordinary Poké Ball, and the Poké Ball didn’t even shake much, and he successfully captured it!

A level one god will never be a slave, unless he is provided with food and shelter!

In this way, Xiaozhi successfully resolved the biggest crisis in the history of the Padia region, and the ancient level one god Pokémon was successfully tamed!

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