Then Nemo handed a crystal bead emitting dark energy to Xiaozhi. Xiaozhi held the crystal bead tightly, and in an instant he felt a huge force erupting from his wrist!

“Xiaozhi asked me to help you, but you may not be strong enough to use the power of the Taijingzhu!”

The Taijingzhu requires a lot of power in the trainer’s body, so that it will be exhausted after using it once, so Neemo wants to step forward to help Xiaozhi use the Taijingzhu.

【Yeci: Once the Taijingzhu is opened, it will burst out unprecedented power. At least the strength of the wrist needs to reach 100 kilograms to lift the Taijingzhu. Of course, in addition to strength, it also requires strong willpower. Even if they are locals from Padia, trainers who can control the Taijingzhu are outstanding.】

【Shirona: What do you mean by 100 kilograms? Xiaozhi is just a teenager, how can he lift such a heavy crystal bead? I didn’t expect that the conditions for using the crystallization are more stringent than those for using the Dynamax.】

【Nemo: It’s okay, Miss Sirona, I will help Xiaozhi. Generally, new trainers who don’t know about Taijingzhu can’t lift Taijingzhu. Although Xiaozhi is a world champion, I think he is no exception. He can’t control the power of Taijingzhu! 】

Nemo’s words are not mocking Xiaozhi. After all, in the Padiya region, it often takes several years of hard work to control Taijingzhu. Even the regional champion Nemo spent a school year to successfully lift Taijingzhu. Nemo is the trainer who spent the shortest time in the entire Orange Academy.

Generally, young trainers who come into contact with Taijingzhu are lucky enough to be able to lift it in three school years.

Those who are unlucky may not be able to lift it even after graduation.

After all, Taijingzhu requires not only strength, but also the ability to sense the power of attributes.

After all, the core of Taijingzhu is to allow Pokémon to transform their own attributes or strengthen their own attributes.

Only those with top-level sensing ability of attributes can extract the powerful energy in Taijing!

Inside the light curtain, Xiaozhi held up Taijingzhu at this moment. Nemo, who was standing beside him, was about to help, but heard Xiaozhi shaking his head and saying

“Senior Nimo, I feel like I can use it myself, to sense the attribute power in the Taijing Pearl, right? It’s okay, I can do it!”

“Ah? Can you sense it? How did you do that?”

Nimmo was stunned. At this time, Xiaozhi’s eyes were emitting blue, and a spiritual power like the waves of the ocean emanated from Xiaozhi’s body, as gentle and harmonious as the sea.

【Kearney: That’s the power of waveguide! I was wondering what the blue light that appeared in Xiaozhi’s eyes was? I didn’t expect it to be the power of waveguide!】

【Sirona: The power of waves? Isn’t it only possible for a trainer who has tamed Lucario to use it? Did Xiaozhi also tame Lucario in the future?】

【Yaxuan: This is not ordinary wave power, but the wave power of the wave hero!】

【Sirona: Yaxuan? Wait, aren’t you the only wave hero in the Sinnoh region? You said that Xiaozhi’s wave power is the wave power of the wave hero? 】

Shirona was surprised. She didn’t expect that the wave hero Yaxuan would also appear in the chat group. The many incidents of the second-level god Pokémon rampage in the Sinnoh region were controlled by the hero Yalang using the power of the wave hero.

It is said that the power of the wave hero can sense everything in the world and strengthen the Pokémon’s own strength. When Yaxuan faced the powerful second-level god Pokémon, it seemed that he used his own powerful wave hero power to make Lucario, an ordinary Pokémon, burst out with the strength to fight against the second-level god.

And all of this came from the power of the wave hero, the powerful mental power comparable to superpowers, which surprised Sirona. After all, in Sirona’s eyes, Xiaozhi was just an ordinary boy. She didn’t expect that he actually hid such power!

【Xiaozhi: The power of the wave hero? I remember that Xiaoyao and I accidentally got it at the festival celebration on Rota Street. It was obtained from the Lucario of the hero Aaron. It seemed that it pulled the wave power out of my body. It also said that I was the next wave hero.】

【Yaxuan: What waveguide hero Yalang? That was the waveguide hero from a hundred years ago! He was known as the strongest waveguide hero who stopped the war between the two countries. I didn’t expect that your waveguide power was inherited from him. No wonder your waveguide power in the light curtain is so strong, even stronger than mine!】

【Xiaozhi: Huh? Is that so exaggerated? I have never used the power of wave before!】

【Yaxuan: I am a wave hero. I can clearly feel the flow of wave power, even through the light curtain. To use a suitable metaphor, Xiaozhi’s wave power in the light curtain is comparable to an ocean, while my wave power is just a river. If this wave power is fully released, it can even increase the combat power of ordinary Lucario to the level of a first-level god! 】

Yaxuan’s words instantly amazed the audience in the chat group. A first-level god can make Pokémon’s strength reach the level of a first-level god? This is too outrageous!

【Adu: Don’t tease me! I remember that the power of wave can be released from the body of human beings. Could it be that Xiaozhi has the strength to rival the first-level god?】

【Kornai: This is incredible. I never thought that there is someone in this world who can cultivate the power of wave to this level. It seems that this boy named Xiaozhi is really low-key. The power of wave was previously used only for reconnaissance or to explore the hearts of Pokémon.】

【Xiba: On par with a first-level god? If Xiaozhi’s personal strength is so exaggerated, then why does he need Pokémon? He can just fight the opponent without restrictions!】

【Kona: What you said is a bit outrageous. The rules of Pokémon battles do not allow trainers to get involved. Otherwise, you, a fighting master like Siba, will probably kill people indiscriminately!】

【Yaxuan: Ahem! You misunderstood. I didn’t say that the strength of Xiaozhi’s normal wave power in the light curtain is that of a first-level god. It is to release it all, that is, like the brave Aaron a hundred years ago, burning his life and releasing all the wave power, so as to reach the level of a first-level god Pokémon. You think too much of the wave power! 】

A hundred years ago, the wave hero Aaron, fully released the wave power in his body, and directly resolved a major war between the two countries. The scope of influence spread to the entire region, involving millions of people.

This kind of wave power is only one level inferior to Xiaozhi’s wave power. Xiaozhi’s wave power is slightly stronger than Aaron’s wave power.

【Adu: That’s also outrageous! Sacrificing one’s life to explode directly can kill a first-level god. If you encounter a first-level god going berserk in the Kanto region, just push Xiaozhi up. 】

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