Pokémon cultivation house starting from the pirate

125. 125 Starts to death? Is not old?

Chapter 125. Is not old?

The newspaper from the previous issue has passed a week.

Because Mooreschen has been pulling a big one in the past two weeks, everyone has recently been looking forward to a new newspaper content. People who have never had a newspaper have also rushed to buy newspapers.

Rather than paying attention to the content of the newspaper.

It is better to pay attention to what spending the Pokémon Alliance.

Last time, even a whole world was rectified. It was really a good eye for people all over the world. Now there are still a lot of people on the way to the city of Qishui.

The city of Seven Water, which had more than 30,000 people who had a resident population, would survive to to what extent will the population be said to be a standard.

The Seven Water City of more than 30,000 people usually appears to be crowded. There are so many unemployed tourists in the city, and they are still crowded here. If the situation does not change, the city of Qishui is destined to erupt many bad incidents. Essence

The root cause of this phenomenon is where to cultivate the house branch.

This is the only place where everyone knows that can be related to the Pokémon Alliance. If you want to enter Pokémon Island, you want to know more about Pokémon and other worlds. Of course, you have to run here.

There are more people who are not interested in One Piece in this world.

There may be only one of the hundred people who are willing to go out to sea in order to pursue the name of One Piece or One Piece, and then most of them are unknown or died in the sea.

However, there are too many people who are interested in other worlds and Pokémon.

Among the 100 people, there are fewer people who are curious about the gimmicks such as ‘other world’, but there are not many people who go to the city of Qishui, but the number is absolutely better than being a pirate. a large amount.

To solve the problem of the Seven Water City.

That is, the cultivation house will open the branch to other places so that others have the opportunity to contact the Pokémon Alliance.

Dark knew this, but there was really no condition to do it.

Too lack of hands.

No, it should be said that it is too missing.

If he wants to want his men, now, the Seven Water City wants to join the Pokémon Alliance at least 30,000 people, but there are any crooked melon jujube in this group of people. People watch?

Today, there are only a few core staff of the cultivation houses, and each of them has their own work content. Where can I get a hand to manage the branch.

There are many conditions to be a manager of a branch store.

Just praise such a character, he is loyal enough, but can he arrange him to guard the branch?

Just took office on the first day.

Either the branch was grabbed on the first night; or the worship was not clear within a week, and the products in the branch were defeated.

Not to mention that you must have the ability to protect the self -protection like Feng Kaili. This can be made up by the number of people and Pokémon, and the branch of Qishui City has the lizard king in the town.

But at least it must be free to communicate with guests like Feng Kilei, to introduce products and calculate transactions.

This is a bit high for people in the Pirate World.

Because many people in the world do not go to school, only those who can accept education are those who are not so poor at home or have learned these knowledge because of their growth experience.

Feng Kelei belongs to the latter.

It is because of the lack of such talents that the branches will not be able to open for a while.

And Dadak has no time to find such talents.

Because Feng Kaili had sent all the previous Pokémon eggs, the funds had returned, and Dacker was busy laying up Pokémon Island.

Now there are 107W magic currency among the system balance.


The number of pre -ordering Pokémon eggs in Qishui City is still growing slowly. Not only that, the first batch of people in the city of Qishui City who purchased Pokémon eggs is about to reach the incubation period. All kinds of products are purchased in branches for preparation.

Whenever he is too busy, Dak will be emotional, if you open the Naruto world.

After all, there is a shadow avatar, as well as talents like angle.

Now it has reached the end of 1511 of the Maritime Calendar, early December.

It is about two months of maritime trains. At that time, the return of the iceberg should slow down a lot of pressure.

Because the iceberg is a rare talent mentioned before.

From the mayor of Seven Water in the original book, and starting from scratch, it is enough to explain everything to the world’s first shipbuilding company.

At this moment, the new issue of newspapers are being sent around the world.

Essence Essence Essence

Fragrant Islands.

A group of pirates just got the latest newspaper newspapers and gathered in a tavern.

“I heard that the content of this Pokémon Alliance is a big secret!”

“Well, it seems to be very explosive.”

“I have a friend in the news agency. He heard him say that the big pirate world is about to end.”

“Hahahaha, it’s too exaggerated, it has been ten years in the era of Pirates.”

“Come, let me see, I am a bean in the newspaper!”

This kind of pictures are continuously staged around the world, and just the incense islands have been chaotic because of this news.

Shortly after getting the newspaper on the streets and alleys, shortly after getting the newspaper, they immediately got up towards the coast. Many unknown people ran away.

“What happened?”

“Stupid! Look at the newspaper, don’t stop my way, I want to go to the city of Qishui.”

“Who is this pirate, who is, who is not, Lao Tzu is not proper, wow hahahaha, I am going to be a trainer!”

“Has anyone escorted me to the city of Qishui?! I am the president of the Mitter Chamber of Commerce.

“Xiao Wu, my lover, I will definitely resurrect you.”

“Issuld, wait for me.”

The crowd of rushing into the sea.

The row of fleets traveling by one after another.

If someone stands down from the perspective of God at this moment, you will find that there are countless small black dots in various islands in the world, and go towards a certain point.

And that place is called -Seven Water City.

‘Rav Delu’ in the hearts of everyone.

There is one piece existence.

Many, many places have been chaotic.

Including and are not limited to Marin Van Duo, the Revolutionary Army Headquarters Barudigo, the World Government and Tianlong Ren Mary Joya, the White Beard Pirates Morbidik, the Bai Beast Pirates and the country of the Charlotte family, the Charlotte family Tram’s Sea.

All organizations, everyone, was restless after seeing this newspaper.

The culprit, which caused this situation, was laughing at the dark room at this moment.

A sense of accomplishment impacted his brain and made it very pleasant.

Among the many forces, only three are the most stable.

The Navy and Revolutionary Army, which have the same position or the same purpose as the Pokémon Alliance, and the Don Quixote family, which has already known these in advance.

There are too many forces that are not calm. It can be said that it is not calm except the three forces other than the above three.

As everyone knows, the Warring States Period had expected this for the first time, and arranged that Kuzan and Polusalino had been surrounded by overseas in the city of Qishui. die.

This is also one of the reasons for the Warring States for helping Dadak in the city of Qishui.

That is to watch the guys of the pirates and gangsters, so as not to let this group of goods close to the branch of the cultivation house.

The Warring States did not want the power of Pokémon to fall into the hands of this group of bad guys, let alone the opportunity to make these people have the opportunity to dye Pokemon Island and those miracle props.

In his opinion, Pokémon Island is the base of their navy in the future!

That’s right, the Warring States Period has regarded the Navy as an undercover organization of the Pokémon Alliance in the world government.

Of course, Dak didn’t know this.

However, there are some forces that come to interception.

For example, the world government is still the navy’s boss.

For example, the Vince Mock family is a world government franchisee, nor is it a evil organization.

These two forces are on the way to the city of Qishui at this moment. The intention is unknown, but basically it can be guessed.

Starting death, life is not old.

These two vocabulary just appeared like a low language of a demon, attracting everyone to control to approach and to sting.

At this moment, too many people come for such things.

They are more or less for those who want to do everything they want to resurrect.

At this moment, the Don Quixote family can see that since the newspaper appeared, Senol was caught in a state where he couldn’t sit still and was absent -minded.

“Calm, Pique.”

“I know, Dofer, I know.”

The cigarettes in front of Senore have accumulated into a hill.

This is the first time he smoked after Lu Xi’an’s death, and he couldn’t stop at all.

He wants to resurrected Lu Xi’an, resurrected Gimlet, and restores all his past mistakes, but he is also a member of Don Quixote. Dorifradige’s family, he also helps Dofzoming to achieve himself dream.

“Even if there is such a prop, the guy may not be given to others, unless he must have some of them, so don’t worry, even if the group of people go to the city of Qishui can only look at it.”

Do Doflamingo don’t want to live forever?

If he really doesn’t want to find the fruit of the surgical for so many years?

It’s just that he is very clear that even if he goes to the city of Qishui, he can’t get a prop that you can make people liveless. If you want to get such props, you must obtain it in accordance with the rules formulated by the Dax and Pokémon Alliance.

He knows this set.

Because he often plays such a game with people weaker than himself.

“Look, the world government has sent someone to the city of Qishui. No accident. This time the world government will suffer a lot.”

(This chapter is finished)

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