Chapter 129 Alliance City, build ING

After that, Dak took everyone to the living circle for the selection of the house.

Although they are all people from the city of Qishui, they do not gather so much.

The relationship is close, and those who are not good at live a farther one, and it is quite scattered.

But without exception, everyone is quite satisfied with these houses, especially those who are not wealthy themselves. Such a three -story single -family villa is already a mansion for them, and the joy is overwhelming.

It was too late, and Dak did not toss these people anymore, but returned to the cultivation house to prepare to rest.

Tomorrow he will create some shops based on the identity of these people, let them prepare to open into a new life, and have to get friendly stores, so that these people can have a place where they can buy daily necessities.

As for the 1,500 preparatory members, they are now busy following the people at home.

Their task is to grow their Pokémon partners to grow up, at least they must be separated from their early years, and they can start working, because as long as they leave their young age, those Pokémon will have the combat effectiveness beyond the ordinary people.

At that time, these 1,500 preparatory members can be divided into several groups, and then they can be placed in the area where other branches are located for work.

It also has to subdivide the specific work content, such as more than 100 people responsible for inspection, dozens of people responsible for guarding work, and so on.

But all of this must be based on three premise.

One is Pokémon from his childhood.

The second is the establishment of a branch.

Third, the person in charge of the branch has to be found.

The next morning, Daka, early in the morning, left his bedroom and came to Pokémon Island.

Today, he will set up the alliance city as a whole, at least the general layout must be implemented, and other details can be set slowly in the future.

(Let’s put down the general layout diagram first, so that everyone can have a number.

The most important buildings now are the elves center and friendly stores.

The most indispensable thing for any city in Pokémon world is these two key facilities.

Whether it is the Elf Center or a friendly store, Dak is the largest exchanged directly from the magic store. This scale of elves and friendly stores generally appear in the largest cities and alliances in various regions.

The two buildings are not the kind of building of the activities, but the building with a complicated structure.

(as follows)

It is precisely because of the huge scale, complicated structure, and seemingly solemn and luxurious that each building is spent 1W magic.

The various areas and structures in the inside have been automatically divided. There is no need to divide the surgical area, outpatient area, etc. without Dacker. He only needs to add various equipment inside.

The Elf Center was placed not far from the entrance of the alliance base, near the west near the contest venue.

There is a sign of a red and white elves above the building.

Friendly stores are placed in the opposite position as the elves, near the east near the future coordination contest.

There is a sign of a blue and white elves above the building.

“Well, I have to hire some medical staff to come. It seems that I have to take a trip to the Drum Island; there are also friendly stores, and some employees need to be hired to sell goods. These staff should be found from the family members of the employees.”

There must be some jobs in the family members of the employees, but those who cannot find a job on Pokémon Island will just be a friendly store who needs to hire a group of people.

Dak looked at the tall buildings located on both sides, and slightly had some headaches.

There is still a key problem that Pokémon Island is not solved now.

That is a unified currency.

“Tomorrow a unified currency exchange.”

The unified currency is not a problem, Dak has already figured out the name of the exchange ratio and the new currency.

The name of the new currency is called Pokémon, the basic unit-copper, silver, and gold.

1 magic currency = 1 gold = 100 silver = 1w copper = 1W Bailey.

For now the money of people in Pokémon Island, basically there are dozens of dollars in the hands. Some of the more richest people may have thousands of dollars.

People in daily life are probably mainly based on units such as copper and silver.

And Pokémon Island will not use real currency trading methods.

Mainly use ‘virtual currency and mobile payment’. People ’s ID cards are their bank cards that can be used for expenditure and storage of their own property. When redeeming currency, they will set a payment password.

The Elf Center and friendly stores are located, and the lives of residents should be taken into account.

This is also related to the holiday life of those students in Pokémon and the travel experience of foreign tourists.

Dacka made a large area in the center of the league city to create various stores.

Dak first used a 5W magic currency to create a Pokémon Park in the center.

The center of the park is a clear lake. People can blow off here and see the scenery. There are signs of ‘deep water danger, paying attention to safety’.

Around the lake is a small park with a variety of flowers and trees, the same seats and public fitness equipment.

This is a place where a good walk in the evening walks and the students of the students are dating to see the scene.

Outside the park, it is a new circle.

This is where the family members work, Dak has set up many all kinds of empty buildings here.

North of the park, Entertainment Street.

Here is a place for playing people to play. It will become one of the most commonly patronized areas in the future, and it is also a sacred place for couples to date.

Because in the future, in addition to some playgrounds, Pokémon battles, and video game halls, some hotels will also be set up.

Southern Park, Food Street.

As the name suggests, here is the place where various foods are sold, and it belongs to the place where people will come.

It is not all messy foods here that can be sold here. It must be famous in the world.

For example, the water and meat of the Seven Water City, as well as Yile Ramen in Muye Village, Naruto World, Qiu Dao barbecue and so on.

Of course, it is a situation that will only be in the future, but now there is no choice, now these shops must be dissatisfied.

West of the park, shopping street.

This is the streets used to buy various products.

Jewelry stores, stationery stores, clothing stores, electrical appliances, furniture shops, etc. will be set on this side.

The park east, leisure street.

This is to give those who are relatively idle but do not like noisy. In the future, most of them will be here to learn quiet children and fatigue adults who work.

There will be some afternoon tea shops, libraries, gym and other shops.

Dark was busy for a day to set these things.

Building such a huge area also spent Daks a huge amount of funds. Four streets and central parks consume a total of 25W magic.

During the period, the main cost was on the transformation of those terrain.

The flat grasslands are transformed into lakes, various beautiful flowers and trees are modified, and flat roads that are suitable for people to walk require a lot of money. Instead, those buildings are just small heads.

These spending will be doubled by Dak.

Because these shops are different from the residential houses in the residential circle, these shops belong to the Pokémon alliance and always belong to the Pokémon Alliance. They want to open the shop here and can only rent these shops.

The future of the alliance is the world of Pokémon Island, the most important city in the world.

In this location, how expensive is one -inch of land, refer to the capital of Dakk’s previous life.

People who just came to live in Pokémon Island came out and took a walk after finishing the house. If there was nothing, they looked around Darker to see what he was doing.

These people watched Dacc to build one building and facilities, and they were stunned on the spot. Some more superstitious people kneeled down on the spot, worshiped the first, and almost regarded him as a god. Essence

That’s right.

The gods of Pokémon Island are undoubtedly a few of them ride Laudina and Daklei. Now they are short. These people have seen several Pokémon, so they have no concept.

When it is a long time in the future, when they ride Latina and they gradually appear in people’s vision, they will start to become ‘legend’.

They will gradually leave their traces around the world of Pokémon Island, and more and more people will take them as gods and gradually evolve into the situation in the Pokémon world.

The same is true of Dark.

He did not plan to be the Lord of the Pokémon alliance for a lifetime. In the future, he will always feel tired and boring, and then choose a person who can host the overall situation to be the leader of the second generation.

Maybe Naruto’s goal is no longer the Naruto, but the league leader.

The onlookers have gradually started various speculations about Dak’s identity at this moment.

Originally, they only thought that Dak was a powerful human as white beard, but now it is different. Now Dak has been regarded as a god by many people.

The more you think so, they are more affirmed their thoughts.

It must be the real god that allows the powerful Pokémon as a god.

Daduk was too lazy to stop this process, because he didn’t know how to explain what he did to this group of people, so they misunderstood them.

In the future, in the mouth of these people, they may gradually evolve into Alzus, Pokémon Island.

But such a long time, Dak didn’t want to start his mind.

Now there is a lot of things that need to be handled whether it is Pokémon Island or the Pirate World. He doesn’t want to spend brain cells on such unimportant things.

After briefly introduced these areas to the people around, Dak left.

The nature of the streets on both sides will be marked at the junction between the streets and the street, so Dak is not worried that they do not understand.

These people do n’t know what to do, they start shopping everywhere. It is better to talk about which location. If you open a shop in the future, you should choose which shop.

(This chapter is finished)

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