Chapter 100


Kwanach lifted me up and put me on his lap. I sat on his legs familiarly, and put my head on his shoulder.


After all the work, on the bed where only the two of us exist. The lighting was low, and a shadow was cast on Kwanach’s distinct facial features.


I glanced at him who was as beautiful as a sculpture. Even though I faced him every day, I was never tired of looking at his appearance.

Kwanach said, hugging me softly like a child.

“By the way, the tailor will stop by tomorrow. It’s time to make some dresses for the wedding. I recruited the most competent people on the continent. I told them to stay in the Imperial Palace for a while, so if you have a design you want, tell me.”

“Ah, isn’t it just one dress?”

Kwanach wriggled one eyebrow as if hearing a strange question.


“Isn’t it natural? The ceremony itself is held for three days and two nights.”




“In addition to the main ceremony, shouldn’t there be several things to wear for each subsequent banquet?”


“No, wait a minute. Three nights?”


It was the first time I heard something like that. In fact, I had been so busy with work, I completely entrusted the wedding ceremony to Kwanach. I even told him to do whatever he wanted to do.


“Did I not tell you?”


“I don’t remember hearing it.”

“Oh? First, a week from the day of the ceremony will be designated as a temporary holiday throughout the empire. In the capital, tents will be set up for three days and an outdoor banquet will be held. It will be a national festival.”


Kwanach’s face looked very proud as he spoke. It looked like a military dog asking for praise from its owner, so I kept my mouth shut, unable to show my bewilderment.


It was roughly expected that the wedding would be large, but I didn’t know it would be this large. Besides, to designate it as a week of holiday. It was a decision that was unlike the emperor who was crazy about his work to the extent that the bureaucrats had a hard time following.


“The whole nation will celebrate our wedding. Aren’t you excited already?” 


A rare soft smile appeared on his face.


‘I can’t even say anything if he smiles like that.’


The words that it was too much went up to my throat and then went down again.


‘Didn’t Oslin stop him?’


It must have been quite a headache for the Ministry of Home Affairs, which was in charge of national maintenance. A wedding of this size would have cost a huge amount of money. It’s not something that happens regularly every year, but it would have been necessary to reorganize the budget in a special way only this time.


“Usphere, are you okay?”


While I was drowning in bewilderment, Kwanach whispered in a friendly voice. There was even a childish look in that fluttering voice.


I couldn’t believe there’s a moment when such a huge, fierce-looking man looked like a boy. I thought he was cute without realizing it, and my lips moved first.

“Yes. It’s good.”


Then, Kwanach’s face, who was normally blunt, softened, and his eyes twinkled.


‘I don’t know anymore.’


I liked Kwanach so much, what can I do? This would be the first wedding for the Emperor in his home country, and he may want to do whatever he wanted.


I stared intently at Kwanach’s face, which had lit up with excitement, and inadvertently pressed my lips against his cheek. It was a kiss that passed briefly.


That alone made Kwanach shudder, flinched his shoulders and stuttered.


“What, what?”


“I just want to… Can I not?”


“Of course.”


A fierce heat began to spread across the face of Kwanach, who had been as cute as a boy. In a rush, he pushed me down on the bed.


In an instant, a huge black shadow covered my body. Rough, hot palms dug into my chemise.




A sweet moan leaked out at the touch of Kwanach’s hands, caressing my skin. I felt like I was going to melt away and seep into the bed as I quickly lost my strength.

Then, suddenly, my vision changed. My sobbing body was lifted up by Kwanach’s hands. Before I knew it, Kwanach was lying on the bed, and I sat down near his crotch.




As I staggered, I touched Kwanach’s abs with my hands.


“I wanted to do something a little different.”


“Ha, what?”






Kwanach looked up at me without saying anymore and stretched out his arms. His thick hands gripped my breasts over the thin chemise.


With each small movement of his hands, the cloth tickled my bare chest. A tickling, hot sensation that started in my chest quickly spread throughout my body.


It wasn’t even a provocative caress, but it was sweet. It seemed to anticipate the pleasure that would follow, and my body became sensitive to it.


“I think you’ve gotten used to this to some extent… .”


As Kwanach spoke in a low voice, he moved the hands that had gripped my breasts and ran it down my armpits and around my sides. A tingling energy spread as power entered my spine.


Kwanach continued speaking in a heavy voice.


“Why don’t you try it yourself today?”

“Uh, try what?”


My head was dizzy because I didn’t know what Kwanach was talking about, while his hot hands dig into my chemise and grab my buttocks. My mind was all hazy.


“You can do whatever you want.”


“Ha, what does that mean…”


I mumbled stupidly, and Kwanach rolled up the corners of his mouth and smiled.


“You will know when you do. You are a fast learner.”


Kwanach spoke softly, moving his hands around under my chemise. His thick fingers swept the hollow in my back.


“Huh, ah…… Are you kidding me or a compliment?”


“Of course it is a compliment. Take off your clothes.”


I paused for a moment at the sound of a loud slap in my ears. Come to think o f it, Kwanach always took my clothes off himself, so it was the first time I took them off myself.


I was wearing only one chemise. It was easy to take off, and 

it has not been a day or two that we’ve seen each other naked, but somehow I felt embarrassed.


I licked my lips and hesitated for a while, then grabbed the end of the chemise and lifted it up. Kwanach was watching it intently without blinking an eyelid.


Shallow goosebumps appeared on my bare body exposed to the air. Kwanach’s gaze, scanning every nook and cranny of my naked body, was stinging and fierce.


“If you look at it like that… It’s embarrassing.”


“It’s beautiful.”

Kwanach put his hands on my flat belly. His hands were so large that they covered my stomach completely.


Embarrassed, I sat down on Kwanach and frowned. I didn’t even know that something more difficult and embarrassing was waiting for me to follow.


A woman moving directly on top of her husband. I had never known of such a thing, and, of course, had never imagined it.


It felt like a new world opened up every time I mixed with Kwanach. It was embarrassing, it was dizzying, it was lewd, but it was not distasteful. A sweet new world.




The Radon empire where spring has come. Everything proceeded surprisingly smoothly. The relationship with Kwanach and the purification of the Fahar River.


The department of Relief and Assistance, which I was in charge of, started a new business. After several meetings, I had identified two issues that need to be addressed in the long term.


The first was the state-led nursery school project. Watching Roman and Jaxor, it occurred to me that the childhood environment had a profound effect on the human soul.


Children who had lost their parents early on or were abandoned by their parents. Until now, such children would go to an orphanage funded by private donations.


However, there were often cases where the director embezzled the donations or abused his power. The facilities of such orphanages were often poor, and the children did not grow up properly. Most of them would join bandits or become criminals.


In order to prevent this, the government decided to evaluate the existing childcare centers and grant them licenses.


Second, it was a re-education project. The illiteracy rate of the Radon Empire was very high.


Until the previous dynasty, slaves were not taught to write. It was taboo.


Kwanach also said that he did not know anything about writing until he was 17. Since he met me, he risked his life and learned to write little by little.


No matter how much slavery was abolished, those who had already lived their entire lives without knowing how to write would not learn to write again.


Farmers in the countryside were also the same. In the case of non-nobles, only some merchants or city residents were literate.


‘What Kwanach wants is a unified, practical country.’


In order to achieve the image of the empire Kwanach wanted, I thought it was necessary to lower the illiteracy rate.


Kwanach worked tirelessly to build roads throughout the empire so that the news from the center could be delivered to each province quickly.


However, in the current situation where only the aristocracy could read, the central policy might not reach the commoners below.


It meant that the local lords might be arrogant. It’s been a while since the new empire was born, and everyone was watching the emperor.


To know writing meant power. If not only the nobility but also the commoners were widely acquainted with writing, the emperor’s command would quickly spread downward. Power would not be gathered around just the local lords, but would be a little more equal.


If the power of the provinces were to decline, the power would naturally be shifted to the center.


If Kwanach was trying to create a centrally unified empire through various key projects, I wanted to help him in the invisible cultural area.


So, by establishing a re-education institution in the provinces, he thought that anyone who wanted could learn to read at any time. A welfare project for the people of the Empire that did not charge a separate fee.


Of course, if this project was announced in earnest, there would have been opposition from the conservative aristocracy. If commoners learned to write, the Iords might find it difficult to control their people.


That was why I had to move forward with this project even more quickly now. The birth period of the empire, when the power of the emperor was overwhelming. As the generations of Kwanach passed, it was unknown what would happen.


In the midst of this, the servants were busy running around. Before I knew it, the date of my wedding with Kwanach was fast approaching.





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