Sharsh walked slowly, followed by Genesa and the man. The world viewed through the eyes of Sharsh was quite different from the human continent.


Something like a group of shooting stars floated in the air. Elves’ land surrounded by dense greenery. I was actually seeing a scene that I had only heard from a legend.


All the trees were new to me. Branches hung like thin threads, the berries glistened like jewels.


‘How did she end up here?’


At the moment of questioning, several scenes passed by like a flash. When I first came into Sharsh’s memory, I was confused and puzzled, but I gradually felt integrated with Sharsh.


As what Sharsh went through naturally flowed into my head, I was able to grasp the situation more clearly.


I now perfectly understand why Genesa Catatel was Wood Elves’ eternal friend.


‘Genesa stopped Wood Elves’ extermination.’


This was a time when human and tribal exchanges were still active. Nevertheless, the elves were always secluded in their land.


Wood Elves, who were particularly friendly and docile by nature, began to engage in direct transactions with humans.


At that time, a human being had a dirty greed. The golden fruit that grew only in the land of the Wood Elves. If he could bring this to the human continent, it would surely be worth a fortune.


The golden fruit that grew only in Wood Elves’ land. If he took this to the human continent, it would definitely be a lot of money.


But when this ambition was discovered by Wood Elves, the human planned to extort the fruit by force.


On the land of Wood Elves, there was a huge tree that they called World Tree. It was a source of power and a tree that protected their species.


Wood Elves’ lifespan was about 500 years, and even if the heart stopped, they didn’t die.


It was because the soul permeated the World Tree and existed forever. Through this World Tree, they could freely communicate with plants far away.


However, the man blinded by greed formed an army of mercenaries to destroy the World Tree, the source of power, and then plotted to conquer the Wood Elves.


Wood Elves were peaceful among the elf races, and had a friendly and unsuspecting personality.


The men destroyed the World Tree for gold and silver.

The Elves couldn’t even imagine such dirty greed.


A time when they were so benevolent and pure, almost beaten by humans, Genesa Catatel appeared. At the behest of the Goddess and the silver forest.


If the World Water had really been destroyed, a huge war would have broken out between different races and humans and devastated the whole world.


With a mission to prevent this tragedy, Genesa came to Wood Elves’ land and drove out humans blinded by greed.


While carrying out her mission, Genesa fell in love with her partner. And after all the dangers were over, she asked Wood Elf for help because she wanted to get the fruits of her love.


It was in front of the World Tree that Sharsh arrived with Genesa. The overwhelming scenery through the eyes of Sharsh.


It was so huge that it could not be called a tree. The branches and leaves were thick as if covering the entire sky, and the wooden pillar could only be covered by a hundred people.


There was a crack between the trees, where a brilliant light was emitted. It was a scene that I couldn’t believe was real. It’s actually a memory from hundreds of years ago.


“Come on, Genesa.”


Sharsh called for Genesa. He held Genesa’s hand with one hand on the tree. The two who came into contact with the World Tree were directly connected to the northernmost forest on the human continent far away.


The view was all dark. It felt like the body disappeared for a while and only the soul remained. Then soon, a voice that I had heard rang out.


<Genesa Catatel. You carried out your destiny.>


It was the voice of the silver forest. The place where the half-human half-sister of the Fahar Goddess resided her soul. A huge forest blocking the end of the world. The guardian of the Catatel family.


“Are you the silver forest?”


Genesa’s trembling voice rang out.


<Yes, my child.>


“What do you mean by carrying out my destiny….”


<In times of chaos, a child was born with a fate of the savior. Capable of sustaining the world from collapsing. Of course, not all saviors carry out their fate properly. There have been a few dark ages, but you’ve done well done.>


The word “fate of the savior” was stuck in my head exceptionally clearly.


<So why did you seek me?>


“Well… I know that the Awakeners of our family can’t have children, but I’m wondering if there’s a way.….”


<It’s something I purposely blocked, so I can solve it. But it’s a dilemma.>




<I’m not like my sister, Fahar. I’m inherited half human blood, so I knows much more about the greed of human species than my sister.>


The voice of the silver forest that resonated somehow seemed to be angry.


<That’s why they didn’t genetically connect. For not believing in the greedy nature of man I just picked one of those children from the same generation who was born with the surname Catatel and gave her power.

That was you in this generation, Genesa.>




<If I didn’t put this restriction, well. Incest may have occurred because they wanted to make their power more pure.>


Surprisingly, the silver forest feared it would happen like what happened in the house of Pernen*. (*the family which Roman and Jaxor came from.)


It was the goddess Fahar who blessed the Pernen royal family. The silver forest, which was half human, doubted humans, but the Goddess believed in human goodness more.


But the Goddess’s pure faith was returned hundreds of years later with profanity and conspiracy.


“So I can’t have …… children? If that’s what the Silver Forest means, I accept.”


Genesa’s voice trembled.


<But you’re a savior, so I think you can make an exception.>




<If you keep it a secret that I have granted your wish.>


Gradually the voice of the silver forest faded away. The sense of incompatibility as I had entered Sharsh’s body  deepened.


Then, at one moment, I fell into a shallow sleep and suddenly woke up, and I felt like my body was pulling all the way down. The black vision changed completely.




It was in the palace room again. I looked around for a moment in raptures. Sharsh smiled faintly as he pulled his hand away from my forehead.


“Did you find the answer you wanted?”


“Sharsh. Everybody…… Did you really go through this?”


“There are many stories that have disappeared without being written in the history books. We live longer than humans, so we live with more of those stories. Yes, it’s all true.”


I recovered my breath and slumped into a chair. My eyes touched the tea cup on the table. The tea was still warm. I thought it had been a few hours, but in reality, it’s been so short that the tea didn’t even cool down.


I was dizzy because I put too much in my head at once. But I found a definite answer.


‘……I have to go to the silver forest.’


I didn’t know if the silver forest would grant my wish like it did with Genesa. I opened my mouth as I calmed down my pounding heart.


“Thank you for coming all the way here, Sharsh. It was really helpful. I’m almost done with what I’m curious about.”


“I’m glad you did. If you need our help, call me again. Our species will always be with the Awakener of the Catatel. I will keep my loyalty to my friend to the end.”


“I’m grateful to hear that you’re still loyal to her, even though it was a long time ago.”


“For you, Genesa is a person of the old days, but for us, we are friends. Come to think of it, you and Genesa look quite alike.”




“It’s not the features, it’s the energy.”


Sharsh grinned with a neutral face. I was happy to hear that I looked like my ancestors who protected the world from danger hundreds of years ago.


‘The Destiny of the Savior…….’


The words mentioned by the silver forest kept ringing in my head. It sounded overlapping with what Goddess Fahar told me about fate.


‘Will the silver forest tell us the answer?’


I was going to go to my country to see Jenner around summer. At that time, I had to stop by the silver forest.


What would happen was unknown, but I could only hope that, just as I had gained strength by recklessly visiting the Silver Forest in my childhood days after the regression, I would have a good result this time as well.


* * *


Much had been gained by the visits of Sharsh and Dwarves.


The other day, it was speculated that Gullier had signed a deal with this species to produce large quantities of sclerotic drugs. The cure would have involved magic, and mass production wouldn’t have been possible in this land where the wizards were extinct.


The conjecture turned out to be true. It was said that the Dwarves consistently sold manastones to the Gullier. Manastones were rarely mined only in heterogeneous continents, and it contained a lot of magical power.


It was a rare item among ethnic groups, so it was not traded often and the price was very expensive. The Gullier made a lot of money from monopolizing the treatment, so it could have filled the price of the manastones.


However, the circumstances of the royal family were different. We have decided to provide free lifelong treatments to existing patients with sclerosis. It was not beyond state coffers, but it’s been pretty troubling for the Ministry of interior.


But when we explained our situation, the Dwarves unexpectedly did us a favor.


“Because of you, we will be able to trade more actively with the human continent, so we will lower the price of the manastones.”


Dwarves were a race famous for being greedy for wealth. So, even though they knew that the human continent was dirty, they couldn’t give up on trade and stopped by here once or twice a year.


But now that the power of the Goddess Fahar has returned and the river has been purified, trade between races will be much more free, as it was in the centuries before.


‘There we go. The cure’s been solved.’


With this, all the proposals to help the people victimized by Roman’s barbarism were now in place.


“Did you say your name is Usphere Catatel Radon?”


The leader of the Dwarves said to me. Since he was a heterogeneous race, he did not pay particular courtesy to me, the empress. He wouldn’t bend because he was a proud race.




Dwarves were short, so they only reached to my shoulders. He looked up at me and suddenly bowed his head. It was an unusual courtesy for a proud Dwarf.


“When you return to our land, I will make sure to spread your name widely.”




“The emperor said you saved the Goddess Fahar. No?”


Kwanach, who was standing next to me, only raised his eyebrows and gave no answer. It seemed that he praised me highly when he spoke to the Dwarves.

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