Chapter 98



I gave a small smile and finally told the servants to start serving the food. Kwanach lightly lifted the chair that was placed far away and approached me.


Tong. He placed his chair next to mine and sat down. The attendants kept a chair at each end of the table according to etiquette every time, but lately it had become useless. We always sat close together as we had meals together.


Kwanach looked at me and said,


“I’m sorry I’m late.”


“No, I know you’re busy.”


I ran my fingers gently through Kwanach’s slightly disheveled bangs.


Kwanach took my hand, holding it until his breath, which hardened like a military dog that had been ordered to stop. I laughed a little at his stiffness.



“Why are you nervous?”


“No, I… of course when you touch me like that….”


Kwanach murmured in a deep low voice. If anyone heard it, they would think that we had never had physical contact with each other.



‘We just did it last night…..’


The heat seemed to rise from my face as I recalled the night. Kwanach’s stamina was beyond admirable and frightening. How could he be so busy that he missed his meals but not get tired at night?


At that time, the appetizers were served on the table one by one. Kwanach rolled up his sleeves, and his strong and thick forearms were revealed.

I took my eyes off his arms and took a sip of water. Kwanach said as he picked some food for my bowl first.

“But I’m pretty much done with the trouble. Roman’s problems are all gone. More than that, I’m busy preparing for the wedding ceremony. I hope I’ll do well.”

“Don’t work too hard on your own, I’ll help you. It seems that I leave it too much to you alone…….”


“No, I’m doing this because I want to.”


What on earth kind of wedding was he dreaming of? Kwanach had been very busy lately with wedding preparations.

“Was it wrong to allow you to do whatever you wanted? I’m afraid you’ll spend too much money……”

I was already worried that it would be a huge ceremony beyond my imagination. Still, Kwanach was very buoyant and I just couldn’t keep him from it.

‘The wedding in my homeland was gorgeous enough compared to my previous life.’


This man was not satisfied with that.

“Have you thought about it?”


Kwanach asked carefully as he looked at me.


“What is it?”


“About being the head of the Relief and Assistance department?”


“I’ve been thinking about it. Are you sure the people in court are all right?”


“Of course. All kinds of people are praising you.”

I had at least noticed a change in the way people look at me since the White battle, but I still didn’t feel that I was recognized among the prestigious families and high-ranking officials in the North.

“But I…… I don’t know if I can do the job well.”

Kwanach lifted one eyebrow. He looked perplexed, as if he had heard something bizarre.


“It is unconditional that you will do well. The handling of the sclerosis-related work will be handled much faster with you in charge. If you are doubting your ability, I would say there is no need for that.”


“Is that right ……. Because I have never officially participated in national politics. Kwanach, what do you think? Do you want me to accept the position?”


Without realizing it, I leaned slightly toward Kwanach. It was a natural move, like a habit.


Kwanach gently wrapped his firm arms around my back.

“As emperor, I agree, because you are talented. As your husband……well, it’s 50-50. I think it would be too much for you to be involved in administrative duties when you must be busy with your duties as empress alone.”


Kwanach’s voice was quiet but carefully resonant.


“I’m worried, but…… If you want to work, I will do my best to help you. You can decide as you please, Usphere.”

Listening to him closely, I felt my disorientated heart straightened.


While I was thinking long and hard, Kwanach’s lips pressed my forehead. It was a gentle kiss.


“If it’s too hard for you, you can stop halfway.”


I leaned my head against his shoulder, forgetting that the attendants were next to us. Kwanach hugged me tightly.


“Do as my heart desires….”


I felt a sense of stability thanks to Kwanach, who always respected my will first. His words of “I will do my best to support you” were also reassuring.


Even if I get a little lost along the way, I will be fine with Kwanach by my side. Such trust has been established.


Together with Kwanach, we were to govern and tighten the vast empire. It was nerve-wracking, but worth the challenge.


“I think I made up my mind.”

I leaned on Kwanach’s chest when I whispered with a refreshed feeling. Finally I noticed that the people carrying the food had stopped halfway through to look away from us.


“Hm, let’s eat now.”


I couldn’t believe that I had completely forgotten about the others and stuck to Kwanach. I was afraid of the habit that I had acquired. Only in front of Kwanach did my heart open too easily.


‘Everyone must feel awkward.’

I hurriedly slipped out of Kwanach’s arms and coughed. My ears were hot with embarrassment.


Ton, Kwanach touched my ear with his fingertips. I covered my ear with my hand in surprise. He chuckled, as if my reaction had amused him.


“What is it?”


“No, it’s cute. Let’s eat.”


I concentrated hard on my food, cooling the heat rising in my face.


* * *


Eventually, I accepted the leadership position. I was not only a special advisor, but now had the official rank and administrative authority of a first-level bureaucrat.


As such, this was the first regular meeting. I nervously faced the bureaucrats I would be working with. The first thing I said to them was this.

“I’m very happy that you all thought good of me, but I’m ignorant of the bureaucracy. So I want you to help me. Whenever I don’t know something, I’ll ask you for your opinions, so you can answer honestly.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”


All of the people who passed the imperial examination and sat in this room were talented people. Certainly they were far more profound and superior in their knowledge in the practical field than I was.


All I had to do was to listen carefully to their opinions, adjust them, and then give my final approval. When the superiors exercised self-righteousness, the organization would not last long and would crumble.


I felt this as I watched Diaquit. On the contrary, Kwanach was a good example for me to refer to. He was an emperor who listened to those around him surprisingly well.


A man who only knew how to fight ruled a vast empire in a stable manner because he was able to make good use of the people around him and accept their opinions.


Still, if Kwanach launched a radical policy, Oslin would catch him in the middle and make adjustments.

According to Oslin, at least in national affairs, it was rare for Kwanach to be stubborn. That was, unless it was a case involving me.


As a matter of fact, my marriage was the first time he had proceeded with stubbornness and silencing opposition. When I fell ill, he even lost his reason and lashed out.


Other than that, he was an emperor who valued practicality, inclusion, and harmony. Unlike his rough-looking appearance.


I believed that Kwanach’s way of ruling was the right way. I wanted to make the Relief and Assistance Department, which I would lead from now on, a flexible organization.


I looked at the ministers who attended the meeting one by one and memorized their faces.


“Let’s hear the first case.”


It was my first step toward being a ruler, not just an empress.


* * *


Above all, the most urgent case of the Relief and Assistance department was sclerosis.


Since I had declared that I would be in charge of the management of sclerotic patients for the rest of my life in the imperial household, there were many things to deal with.

First of all, the number of patients had to be accurately counted. Then we had to figure out how to efficiently distribute the medicines, how to regularly supply and demand the medicines, and so on. There was a lot of systemic work to be done.


In addition to those administrative tasks, there were other things I would personally look into.


The purification of the water of the Fahar River.


Since Roman, who had continued to curse the water, has died, the power of the curse will gradually weaken.


However, it was my desire to purify it as soon as possible. Even now the river water was used as drinking water, and until it was completely purified, it might give birth to new sclerosis patients.


I wanted to find a way to neutralize the curse. I thought that the clue might lie in the technique described in Roman’s experimental records.


However, it was difficult for me to decipher it right away, as I had not learned the ancient formulas. Few others besides myself would have interpreted it. It was a place where the life line of wizards had almost ceased to exist.


Still, I did not give up hope, and under Kwanach’s leadership, I searched for all the very few remaining wizards. Hopefully some of them would have some knowledge of the ancient formulas.


Every night after I finished my political duties, I searched through various ancient literature in an effort to interpret the formulas. Kwanach would spend time with me silently by my side.


Ten or so nights passed in such a preoccupied manner, and it was time for a clear sign of spring to spread across the empire.


I found the clue that would break the curse.




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