Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 189 The top power of mankind [Please recommend monthly tickets! 】


The bodyguard who fell to the ground coughed twice and spit out blood-streaked saliva with a tooth in the middle.

In fact, he himself didn't know what happened in the moment of the fight. He didn't even see the opponent's actions. In his eyes, Xia Ren just stood there without taking any action, just sitting there waiting for death. However, in his own eyes, When his right hand was about to touch the opponent's shoulder, a sense of crisis suddenly arose in his heart, and then he heard a slight sound of wind.

Yes, it was the sound of wind. There was obviously nothing in the room surrounded by walls, but the sound of wind sounded!

After all, he has rich combat experience. He has been training fighting skills since he was ten years old and has already integrated them into his instincts. Before his brain could react, he quickly retracted his right arm and put it on his side in a blocking posture.

The next moment, the attack came.

He couldn't imagine what hit him. The overwhelming force swept across his right arm and directly broke through his defense. He was hit by his own arm in the cheek. If he hadn't reacted in time, this attack would have been enough. Make him faint!

He could barely feel the touch feedback from his arm. The invisible thing was like a heavy sandbag, not hard, but powerful and heavy.

The right side of his cheek hurt. He ignored his dazed head and got up from the ground with a solemn expression.

After a brief moment of shock, Boss Hong saw that his bodyguards were no match for the opponent, and he reprimanded loudly: "Trash! You can't even beat a young man. You've been training like a dog for so long!"

The bodyguard didn't speak, just lowered his head and clenched his fists.

Seeing Councilor Zhao stand up in alarm, Boss Hong realized that if he didn't deal with him quickly, his party in a few days would probably be ruined.

"Tall man, go ahead! Just show your abilities to your next new boss."


The tall man nodded in agreement, took over the bodyguard's position, and stood in front of Xia Ren.

When the two of them passed each other, the bodyguard was uneasy and warned the taller one: "He is a little weird, so be careful."

"Will do."

The tall man grinned, showing his white teeth.

After getting along for a long time, the bodyguard knew that this was a sign that he was becoming serious, and the uneasiness in his heart finally eased a little.

"Can't we just sit down and talk? I really don't want violence."

Xia Ren looked at the two-meter-tall strong man in front of him and said helplessly.


Seeing that he was so confident, as if he had already decided that he would lose, the smile on the tall man's face grew wider, and his eyes sparkled.

"Can he beat it?"

The shock brought by the scene just now was too great, and Councilor Zhao still felt uneasy.

"Do not worry."

Boss Hong had a very confident smile on his face and said: "I have hosted many boxing matches before. You can tell the difference in strength between the two players at a glance. Apart from off-field factors, before the players come on stage, who will win?" I can make a good guess about whoever loses. It is rare that the prediction is inaccurate. The tall man known as the "Giant" completely crushes the opponent in terms of height, weight, and combat experience. There is such a huge difference between them. Under the circumstances, this young man has almost no chance of winning, let alone the glorious achievements of the tall man. From the first time he took the stage, he has never lost a game. No matter what kind of enemy he is, there is absolutely nothing he can do. Get benefits from him."

After hearing his boast, Councilor Zhao was unconvinced.

If the strength of this young man could be seen from his appearance alone, the bodyguard just now would not have been knocked away by the other party.

There was another question in his mind. Where had he seen this young man before? Why did he always look so familiar?

The thoughts of outsiders cannot influence the situation inside the field.

at this time.

"I'm going to beat you down."

The tall man said every word seriously.

"That's really scary."

Xia Ren said indifferently, not taking him seriously.

After all, ordinary people are just ordinary people. No matter how strong you are, it doesn't matter.

The tall man took a deep breath, then adjusted his breathing, clenched his fists with both hands, spread his feet slightly, and turned sideways to face Xia Ren.

Xia Ren still had a casual attitude and was not afraid. In the eyes of the tall man, he was full of flaws, but the fate of the bodyguard just now told him that he must not underestimate the other party because of this, otherwise he would lose miserably.

After waiting for a few seconds and seeing that there was no movement from the other party, Xia Ren said impatiently: "Are you going to fight or not?"

Just as he asked this question, a straight punch hit his face like a cannonball.

He is two meters tall and weighs more than 100 kilograms. When the tall man was still playing competitions, he was known as the strongest slugger in a century. His punch can hit a force of more than 1,000 kilograms, even the strongest cattle Can be killed easily.

If an ordinary person's fragile body were to receive a punch from him, it would be very disastrous, and they would not even be able to get to the hospital in time.

Xia Ren's eyes narrowed slightly, and he finally became more serious. He made a semicircle with his tentacles in the air, and gathered enough strength to meet his fist.

The moment the two came into contact, the force of the tentacles was stronger, forcing the other party to take a few steps back.

Seeing this scene, Councilor Zhao couldn't help but become worried. He tapped his fingers on the table subconsciously, hesitating whether to call security.

"Congressman, there is no need to worry."

The smile on Boss Hong's face did not diminish and he said: "This is a habit of a tall man. He will retain his strength at the beginning of the battle and test the opponent's details at the same time. Masters are always a little conceited. He will not use all his strength easily. This This is the end of it for a young man. After this trick, he will soon become honest."

After hearing what he said, Councilor Zhao felt a little relieved.

Compared with the original bodyguard, this tall man was indeed different. At least he was not killed instantly by one blow.

Sure enough, while they were talking, the situation on the field changed.

After the tall man was repulsed, he did not rush to continue attacking. Instead, he stood on the spot and moved his body quickly.

Along with various warm-up movements, the crackling sound of bones sounded in the spacious office.


The tall man grabbed the collar of his suit and tore it open, revealing the knotted muscles underneath. The veins were like small snakes pushing up against the bronze skin. He exuded an intimidating aura and was so huge that it was terrifying.

Normally, in order to ensure their speed and resistance to blows, boxers will retain some fat and will not exercise their muscles so bloated, let alone take muscle-building drugs such as steroids.

For muscles with such huge shapes, it is difficult to imagine that humans can achieve such effects through their own exercise, apart from taking drugs.

Only a few people know that he, who is tall, has never taken any medicine.

"How, how could..."

Boss Hong opened his eyes wide and murmured.

He thought the other party would be very powerful, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful. The tall guy... actually used all his strength!

"Boss Hong?"

Representative Zhao looked at him with questioning eyes.


Boss Hong kept a smile on his face, but this smile was somewhat forced.

"You are very good."

The tall man's breathing gradually became heavier, and a large amount of oxygen began to pour into his lungs.

Looking at the tall man, Xia Ren frowned slightly and asked Qin Yun and Liu Xiuxiu to step back.

He finally started to get serious.

"bring it on."

Xia Ren waved to him.

He also wanted to see how far human power could reach.


There was an explosion on the floor, and it was stepped on and cracked.

The two-meter-tall huge body crossed the three-meter distance in the blink of an eye and came to Xia Ren at a speed that was definitely not in line with his appearance.

"So fast!"

Xia Ren was a little surprised. The opponent was already close to him, with his fists raised high. It was impossible to resist with tentacles at such a close distance.

At the critical moment, the crowbar appeared in his hand. He used both hands, and he only had time to block the crowbar above his head. His huge fist was wrapped in the strong wind and slammed down quickly!


The tall man forcefully reversed the direction of his fist in mid-air. He did not hit Xia Ren's crowbar from the front, but only rubbed the crowbar with the back of his hand. However, even so, the indescribable force made the crowbar tremble.

Xia Ren's palms were numb and he could hardly hold the crowbar. His knees softened and he almost fell to his knees due to the force!

Xia Ren took half a step back, got out of the way, took the opportunity to wave his hand, and his eyes brightened slightly.

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