Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 191 My woman will never let him go! [Please recommend monthly tickets! 】

Is this guy human?

Xia Ren even had some doubts.

No matter how you look at it, there is no smell of pollution on the tall man's body, and he is as clean as a large white pig that has just shed its hair in a slaughterhouse.

But he did catch his tentacle without even blinking.

And it's one-handed.

Looking at the other party's burly body, Xia Ren can guarantee that this is the strongest person he has ever seen in his life. His muscles are as strong as large pieces of granite that have just been cut from the top of the mountain. Just standing there can It reminds people of the huge power contained in it, and even the movie special effects dare not be so exaggerated.

This is not normal.

So, is this guy still human?

When he was thinking about this problem, the tall man opposite him was also very surprised.

When Xia Ren fought against the bodyguard for the first time, he imagined many possibilities. What kind of move did the other party use to repel the bodyguard? And when he personally confronted him later, Xia Ren's strange figure It simply violated the rules of physics. His legs didn't move at all. He jumped backwards into the air to dodge his attack. If not for this, he should have been able to hit the second punch, but at that time he was using all his body and mind. Put it all into the battle and don't have time to think too much.

So, what's going on with this clear feeling in my hands now? Mingming's eyes can only see air.

Curiosity drove the tall man to increase the strength in his hands and squeeze hard.

Xia Ren's expression became a little strange.

The tentacles are now considered one of his weaknesses. Although this fifth limb is thick and easy to use, the pain it shows after being injured is also doubled. In other words, it is more sensitive.

Xia Ren tried to free the tentacles from the tall man's hand, but the opponent's strength was too great. The tall man's body remained motionless, like a statue. The tentacles had no substance. It was okay to deal with infected bodies, but facing an enemy like the tall man. At that time, the strength seemed to be somewhat insufficient.

Xia Ren shook his head helplessly. The crowbar appeared in his hand again and hit the tall man's head. He wanted to break free. To be honest, the feeling of having the tentacle held by someone else was a bit indescribable.

Although the tall man was confused about what this invisible thing was, he did not dare to be careless in the face of Xia Ren's attack.

The arm holding the tentacle was pulled to the side. Xia Ren immediately became unstable and the attack failed. At the same time, his body was driven by the tentacle and hit the wall next to him.

The thick walls were shaken by the shock, and there were even a few cracks, and the wall skin peeled off.

"What's this?"

The tall man didn't expect that his casual response would have such a big effect. He looked at the invisible thing in his hand in confusion.

Xia Ren had stood up again and dusted himself off.

Being hit was nothing to him, and it didn't even cause minor injuries, but he really didn't want to play any more, it was boring.

The suction cups on the tentacles attracted the tall man's palm, absorbing part of his strength. The tall man felt his forearm suddenly become soft, and then the invisible thing in his hand disappeared.

"Hey, you better let go."

Qin Yun said as she walked towards this side.

She didn't know the real situation at the scene. From the surface, it seemed that Xia Ren was really suffering, so she couldn't stand it anymore.

With Xia Ren's warning, the tall man didn't care at all when he saw the woman with him rushing towards him, so he stretched out his hand to control the woman.

Faced with a hand that was thicker than her own thigh, Qin Yun, as an ordinary housewife, naturally could not avoid it.

The tall man originally wanted to strangle her neck, but his height advantage was too great, so from Qin Yun's perspective, this hand reached down from above, and the target seemed to be her chest.

Any woman would be offended if she were treated like this.

Of course, Qin Yun was very angry. She also stretched out a hand, trying to slap away the tall man's arm, and then hurriedly came to Xia Ren's side.

But as a boxing champion, the tall man, no matter how strong his physical fitness is, first of all, he has extremely rich fighting experience. Qin Yun can predict what move the opponent wants to make next if he moves his shoulders.

One step ahead, he moved his arm slightly, anticipating Qin Yun's movements, and grabbed her palm.

"Oh my God!"

In just a moment, the tall man regretted it.

"This woman is so strong!"

Unable to dodge, Qin Yun took over forcefully.

Although she had never been in a fight in her life, after becoming an infected person, she had seen so many scenes with Xia Ren. At least she knew how weak ordinary people were, so she was not afraid of tall people.

With their fingers clasped together, there was not much ambiguity. Qin Yun found out that this big guy didn't seem to be that strong...

The tall man was different from her illusion. He felt as if his palm was clamped by a pair of steel pliers, and there was a clear pain between his fingers.

No longer caring about pity and pity, he could only increase his efforts to try to make the other party let go.

On the other side, Qin Yun felt the force on her hands getting stronger and stronger, and started to fight back hard.

As the strength of the two gradually increased, the tall man's face turned red from suppressing it, and he felt unspeakable pain in his heart. The strength of the other party seemed to be endless and kept adding up. If this continued, his palm would be crushed.

Unknowingly, Qin Yun's hair turned the same green as Lily's, and the indescribable power forced the tall man to use both hands to resist.

As a result, the two people faced each other with four palms, like a fighting scene in a martial arts movie, or like two wrestlers competing against each other for strength.

"Click, click..."

The sound of rubbing knuckles kept sounding, and the tall man's face turned purple, and he was completely at a disadvantage.

His feet gradually lifted off the ground, and his body of more than 100 kilograms was lifted up by Qin Yun!

At this moment, Newton closed his eyes under the coffin board, and a humble tear flowed from the corner of his eyes.

"Okay, okay, I'm fine."

Xia Ren stopped him.

If he continues, the tall man's palms will become useless.

"Xia Ren!"

Hearing his voice, Qin Yun threw the tall man to the wall next to him, making a hole, then ran over, held his shoulders, and asked, "Are you okay?"

Xia Ren looked at the hole in the wall, was stunned, and said, "It's okay."

Under the damaged wall, the tall man squatted on the ground, looking at his trembling hands with a dull expression, muttering to himself: "I lost, I actually lost in strength..."

Liu Xiuxiu in the corridor, Boss Hong and Councilor Zhao in the office, and the bodyguards all had their jaws hanging open.

They never expected that the tall man could be defeated so easily, and they never expected that the person who defeated him would be a woman who looked weak and incompetent.

This world is so crazy...

"What's wrong with this?"

Xia Ren glanced around. Although the process was a bit... twisty, things were still not out of control.

Everyone looked at him.

Generally speaking, what should you say at this time? Yes, according to the routine in the novel, it is best to say a harsh word at this time to expand one's deterrence.

But strictly speaking, people are not defeated by themselves...

Xia Ren thought for a long time, cleared his throat, and said, "Did you see, whoever dares to attack me, my woman will not let him go!"

Well, it's very majestic, at least it has momentum.

But something doesn't feel right.

"Sir, I will protect you, please run away quickly!"

Boss Hong was also panicking at this time. These three people are all monsters, and there is still one who has not taken action yet!

Unexpectedly, Councilor Zhao didn't seem to hear him and stared straight at Xia Ren with a bit of uncertainty.

The familiar feeling in his heart became more and more obvious, and he remembered that he had seen a photo.

"Are you... Sima Gangdan?"

Mu Susu is back, everyone, go and see it!

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