Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 198 Husband and Son [Requesting recommendations and monthly tickets at the top of my lungs!

Luo Yan was the only one in Nuoda's living room. She sat on the sofa for a while, then she got up and silently took the teacup to the kitchen, washed it, then picked up the mop, mopped the dirty floor, and wiped the sofa Smooth out the wrinkles and place the pillows in their original positions.

After doing these things, Luo Yan stepped on her slippers and went upstairs alone.

As early as two years ago, after the incident happened when their son returned home after graduating from college, they moved to this suburban villa.

The transportation here is not convenient. It takes nearly an hour to drive to the city to buy things. There is no scenery nearby, only empty fields, desolate and lonely.

Of course, the reason they chose this place was precisely because it was so desolate and lonely.

No one would deliberately choose such a place to call home, except them.

Because of them, there is no choice.

There is no carpet on the stairs, and although the sound of slippers is not loud, the surrounding space is open enough, so it is very refreshing to hear.

The curtains on the second floor were all drawn, and the air was a bit cool, which made Luo Yan uncomfortable.

She opened the bedroom door and a hoarse voice asked: "Who is here?"

"It's my brother."

Compared with before, the voice seemed much older. Luo Yan came to the bedside with a bit of sadness and heartache.

Turning on the desk lamp, judging from the appearance, the man lying on the bed was about fifty years old. His hair was half white, but the skin on his face was dry and cracked with white marks. If you didn't look carefully, you would have thought they were wrinkles. The bridge of his nose was a bit flat, and his eye sockets were deep. , like a malnourished beggar on the roadside.

But Luo Yan was not disgusted at all, because this man was none other than her husband, Zhang Hong.

Luo Yan felt even more distressed when she thought of her husband's high-spirited appearance before.

"Are you feeling better today?"

"It's still the same. This disease is probably hereditary and cannot be cured."

Zhang Hong stretched out his hand from under the quilt. The skin on his arm was drier than that on his face. He looked exactly like an old man, but it was not yellow, but very white.

What's even more eye-catching are his hands. The fingers are as dry as branches, with no meat on the knuckles, and the skin is tightly attached to the bones. In comparison, his nails grow at a weird speed, measuring three to four centimeters. It is long, gray and has a tapered shape, which makes people think of the claws of a beast at a glance.

"Why is it so long again?" Luo Yan took his hand.

She remembered that she had just cut it this morning.

Zhang Hong could only smile helplessly.

He didn't know anything about the changes in his body. At first, he was just anorexic and felt nauseated after eating ordinary food. He also saw a doctor, but no matter what method he used, he couldn't regain his appetite. Until two months ago, his skin began to There were changes and I went to many doctors to no avail. Whether they were blood tests or X-rays, the diagnostic results were the same: no lesions were found.

Everything is normal with his body, but how is this possible!

Zhang Hong, who did not believe in evil, even tried hemodialysis twice, but to no avail.

Finally, thinking of his son, he resigned to his fate.

"Xiangzi is shouting that he is hungry again, I can hear him."

In the silent atmosphere, Zhang Hong suddenly said.

Luo Yan paused and looked at him with a bit of disbelief.

But the position of my son...

How could my husband hear it from so far away?

"Let's go and take a look. He hasn't eaten for two days since the incident at Dawn Center."

After Zhang Hong finished speaking, he closed his eyelids weakly and said no more words.

Luo Yan could only sigh, turned around and walked out of the bedroom, closing the door gently.

Looking at the dim corridor, she felt that the sadness and grievance that had been squeezed in her heart for a long time was about to burst out. She wanted to vent, but her son and husband were like this, and she could not fall down anymore.

"No more accidents."

She thought so.

In the past two years, there have been too many accidents, and the burden has been placed on her as a woman. It is really unbearable.

Now Luo Yan can only act coquettishly and willfully in front of her brother, and only her brother can tolerate and help her unconditionally.

Therefore, we cannot let my brother get involved.

Luo Yan walked to the first floor and took out the flashlight and keys from the cabinet. When she saw the dagger next to her, she struggled with her eyes and didn't touch it.

With a flashlight and a key, she walked to the deepest room in the living room, opened the door with the key, and locked it after entering.

There are some furniture normally placed in the room, and they are all clean. It looks like an ordinary reception room.

However, they had no guests.

For two years, except for her brother Luo Bianshu, the couple never received any guests, so no other living person came into this room except her and her husband.

Remove the coffee table and the carpet under the coffee table, and you can see a metal secret door hidden underneath.

This door, like those corpses, was relatively heavy for a woman like Luo Yan. She gritted her teeth and used all her strength to open the secret door, revealing the dark passage below.

As soon as it was opened, a cold chill poured out from the door and filled the entire room.

What's more important is the evil aura mixed in it. Luo Yan shuddered and finally suppressed the crazy thoughts in her heart.

She turned on the flashlight and walked slowly down the stairs.

"Mom, is that you?"

Hearing the noise, a voice shouted from below.

"it's me."

Hearing this cry, Luo Yan showed a smile on her face and walked down the stairs faster.

The deepest part of the secret passage was a simply decorated basement. With the dim light, Luo Yan could see a young man standing on the sofa in front of him.

He is tall and tall, with an unusually handsome appearance. His silky black hair hangs down to his shoulders. If he hadn't known each other for so many years, as a stranger, he would never be able to tell the difference between male and female at first glance.

Especially his skin and eyes. Even if the light is so dim, you can still see that his skin is as white as if it had just been fished out of milk, as if it could be broken by a blow. His dark eyes are staring at his mother, his eyes are so gentle. Enough to melt the ice.

"Do you feel okay?"

Although there was nothing unusual about his son on the surface, Luo Yan knew that he had not eaten for two days.

"Mom, I'm hungry."

Zhang Xiang came over and hugged his mother like a spoiled child.

It was this hug that made Luo Yan instantly feel that her previous hard work was worth it.

"Be good, Xiangzi, it's a bit chaotic outside these days. As soon as you calm down, mother will find you something to eat as soon as possible."

She gently stroked Zhang Xiang's hair, as if she was a child.

Although at this time, her son was already taller than her.

But Zhang Xiang was not satisfied, and continued reluctantly: "But Mom, I'm really hungry. Why don't you put me back to the same place as before? I'll go down and pick out my own food every night."

"Don't say this again!"

Luo Yan didn't know what bad memories she remembered, and her expression immediately changed, and she said, "I only left you there for five days, and you just, you just..."

She hesitated to speak, but could not finally say the word "kill".

Children are all mothers' treasures. Even if Zhang Xiang becomes like this, Luo Yan still doesn't want to admit it. Although forcing people to death may be more cruel than killing them directly, there is always a difference.

"I didn't kill it myself."

With this difference, she can use it to comfort herself and sleep more peacefully.

For some reason, hospitals and funeral homes have extremely strict control over corpses, so Luo Yan and her husband had no choice but to build a Dawn Center.

Otherwise, do you want your son to starve to death?

Seeing his mother angry, Zhang Xiang's eyes showed a harsh look, but after a moment, he returned to his original gentle gaze.

Suddenly, there was a noise from above. Someone opened the door and was walking towards the basement.

"who is it?"

Luo Yan and Zhang Xiang looked behind together.

Under the dim light, a figure stood at the top of the stairs.

Thanks to Super Fantasy Menglei for the 3,000 starting coins! Thanks to the cute Xiaofan for the two thousand starting coins! Thanks for the reward of 1 Midnight in the Day, Fifty Strings, The Wandering Musician, The Final Chapter of the Fearless Battle, The Old Man Driving a New Car, and Zero World Logic! Thanks also to those friends who subscribed! Thank you for your support!

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