Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 202 Plague Doctor [Big Chapter! Please recommend a monthly ticket subscription! 】

Zhang Hong is a smart man after all. When he heard this question, he could think that his situation was probably not simple.

These three people seemed to have been specially sought out for this reason.

But he wasn't afraid.

On the contrary, his heart, which had been silent for a long time, began to beat slowly, and he felt... hope.

For more than a year, he has been traveling around and visiting famous doctors in order to find out the cause of his illness. However, whether it is a famous expert or some folk legend, after some examination, I can only shake my head and say that I can't find the cause.

His body was healthy but growing weak.

His body is very healthy, but his appearance is undergoing huge changes.

What a fuck!

One or two, he can still angrily call the other party a quack, but all the doctors he has seen say so, what else can he do? I can only accept my fate.

These are all external factors, but they are actually okay. If he values ​​his life enough, his family's financial resources can completely support him to travel across the land of Blue Star in search of hope.

What finally made him choose to give up and wait for death at home was another reason.

His son, Zhang Xiang.

The transformation that took place in him was very similar to when his son came back two years ago. From the moment he got sick, he knew why he was weak, but he just didn't want to admit it.

Because he admitted it, he became like his son, became weird, and could only hide in dark places and eat raw food...

It's impossible for the wife not to know, but both of them knew it tacitly and never mentioned it.

Zhang Hong doesn't want to be like that. He can do anything for his son, but there is no bottom line.

He is human.

Originally, if he continued like this, he would starve to death in less than a month. He was already prepared, but he didn't expect that at this moment,

Here they come.

"If it's not a disease, what is it!"

Zhang Hong tried his best to hold Xia Ren's hand, raised his head and asked loudly.

The two people standing at the door were startled by his sudden movement. Qin Yun and Liu Xiuxiu wanted to rush forward to protect Xia Ren, but the latter raised his hand to indicate that he didn't want to.

"Do you know what this disease is?"

Xia Ren thought for a while and asked.

If the infected persons like Mrs. Liu, Li Xuan, and Fang Bin were still alive, seeing his expression and tone, they would definitely not give him a chance to continue talking, and they would just fight to the death.

These are lessons of blood and tears.

After all, Zhang Hong had never been in contact with Xia Ren. He calmed down after hearing this: "You don't know either?"

"Of course I know, I'm just asking if you know."

Xia Ren breathed a sigh of relief, just because he was afraid that you would know.

He collected his thoughts and said seriously: "Strictly speaking, this can no longer be simply called a disease. This is a plague."


Zhang Hong subconsciously repeated it. Of course he knew these two words, but since the establishment of the Supreme Alliance Government, things like plague have been almost equal to legends, so it was still a bit shocking to be mentioned suddenly by the other party.

"Then your identities are..."

Xia Ren said seriously, "We are... plague doctors."

"What you have is a new type of plague. Because patients usually show weird appearance characteristics and look like ghosts, we named it "ghoul". It has quietly spread in the human world. This kind of plague Plagues are extremely rare and have almost no cure. If the epidemic is serious, the entire human society is in danger of being destroyed, and we are the ones who specialize in dealing with this kind of plague."

Liu Xiuxiu curled her lips quietly from behind. This guy's ability to deceive people has not weakened at all, so he rounded off the word "ghoul".

Qin Yun was listening carefully. Luo Bianshu's incident made her realize the shortcomings of her ability. Others would not believe everything she said. If one day she also has this kind of persuasive ability, then Xia Ren can feel more relaxed. .

Zhang Hong had never heard of such secrets. His disease was actually linked to the survival of human society. Although he was subconsciously suspicious, he had never heard of plague doctors, but it seemed that he was a very high-level profession. Frightened him.

"Is it that serious?"

Zhang Hong originally thought this was a family hereditary disease caused by a genetic defect, but now he had to worry about his son's safety.

"It's a lot more serious than you think."

The rich experience accumulated over a long period of time allowed Xia Ren to judge that the other party had begun to trust him just by looking at his expression, so he went a step further and asked directly: "When did your body start to change? The impression is that Are there no people in a similar situation to you, or have you come into contact with people who look and behave strangely?"


Zhang Hong was still hesitating and asked, "Do you have any treatment method?"

"I can't promise you that."

Xia Ren looked him up and down and said: "This plague will continue to evolve. So far we have discovered that it shows very different characteristics in different hosts. It is very difficult. Only by understanding the disease in detail can I make a judgment. .”

Zhang Hong was originally testing whether what the other party said was true. Unexpectedly, the young man did not agree immediately. Instead, he showed uncertainty. He first gave him a clear analysis, but in the end he did not give a clear answer.

What's this? This is professional performance!

Those who only talk nice things, don't care about the risks at all, and want to make a decision for you quickly, usually have other motives.

Zhang Hong, who considered himself well-informed and experienced in life, was finally able to fully trust Xia Ren and said, "Actually, I am not the only one in my family who has this disease. My son also has it, and it is more serious than me."

The three of them were a little surprised. Xia Ren asked: "Your son? When did it start? Can you tell me in detail?"

Zhang Hong looked struggling. This was the most secretive matter in their family. To tell an outsider like this, he had not yet made a complete decision.

"That's all."

After a long sigh, Zhang Hong didn't want to give up this glimmer of hope, and said: "That was two years ago..."

Over the next five minutes, he explained in brief sentences how it all started.

Two summers ago, Zhang Hong and his wife originally planned to go to the airport the next day to pick up their son who had graduated from Shanghai University in Shanghai. Unexpectedly, late that night, there was a knock on their door, and Zhang Xiang was covered in blood. came back.

Zhang Hong and his wife were surprised and quickly let their son into the house. Then they discovered that Zhang Xiang's appearance had changed dramatically. His canine teeth were very sharp, his nails were long, and his skin was extremely pale. More importantly, his mother Luo Yan When his clothes were washed, some fragments of tissue were seen on them.

The next day was originally the day to pick him up from the airport, but because his son came back early, the family didn't have any arrangements.

Zhang Hong has the habit of watching the news, so this morning, he saw a tragic dismemberment case occurred near his home last night. Part of the victim's body tissue disappeared, and it was suspected that he had been bitten by wild animals, and his whereabouts were unknown.

For the first time, he turned his head to look at his son and found that his son was also looking at him.

The moment their eyes met, there was no need to ask for answers to certain things.

After going through a period of dark days, they finally had to consider the rest of their lives. Their son would die if he didn't eat. However, whether it was the funeral home or the hospital, for some reason, the control of the corpse was extremely strict, and they could not get stability at all. Therefore, under the approval of his mother Luo Yan, the Dawn Center was quickly established.

Luo Yan's initial plan was to place his son in the small building where students were detained, but in less than five days, that building turned into a bloody hell. Almost all the first batch of students were wiped out, and none of them died. Everyone has become crazy. If Luo Yan's brother Luo Bianshu hadn't taken action, this matter would not have been suppressed at all.

They had to change their plans and build a secluded building far away from the city, where they would live and the bodies would be transported regularly by trucks.

This lasted for about a year.

Over the course of a year, Zhang Xiang's body gradually returned to its original appearance. Except for the color of his skin, everything else was normal. However, at this time, Zhang Hong, the father who had been responsible for moving the body into the basement for his son, He discovered that his body had undergone some terrible changes.

He could sometimes hear obscure whispers echoing in his ears. When he slept at night, he could always dream of strange and terrifying scenes, and occasionally he could see things that others could not see.

As time went by, the frequency of these strange things became more and more intensive, and he began to feel that he had some terrifying desires in his heart, which frightened him.

While suppressing this desire, his body was getting worse day by day.

Until now.

Zhang Hong's narrative concealed a lot of information, such as his son's eating habits, and the Shuguang Center directly stated that Zhang Xiang was afraid of light, so he was imprisoned in the basement for two years and was never released.

Of course Xia Ren could know what he was hiding. Human beings are creatures that seek good fortune and avoid misfortune. They will always selectively ignore information that is not good for them. It would be too unrealistic for him to tell him everything to a stranger. .

And, knowing this is enough.

"You mean, your son is in the basement now?"

Zhang Hong didn't realize that the crisis was approaching and said, "Well, his mother is here too. She just went there not long ago."

Xia Ren said: "I have another question. Are the two bungalows in your yard used by the gatekeeper? How did you find the gatekeeper?"

Zhang Hong recalled for a while and said: "My wife is responsible for this, and I don't know much about it. Are you going to check on my son's condition?"


Xia Ren smiled and said, "But before that, I need to solve your problem first."

"Is there any way..."

The surprise on Zhang Hong's face didn't last long when he saw a terrifying huge tentacle stretched out from behind the young man's head, circling, and the dense white suckers on it kept trembling, occupying his entire field of vision.

"You lied to me, who are you!"

Zhang Hong, who had not eaten for half a year, was unable to resist and was rolled up into the air by Xia Ren.

"I'm a plague doctor, my name is...well, Gu Jun.

If you want revenge, remember this name. "

While saying this, the feedback from the system also arrived in my mind:

[Target pollution value 30/100, distortion value 22/100, pollution resistance 3, sanity distortion, first-class distortion. 】

"It turns out to be a type of aberration."

Xia Ren couldn't help but be a little excited.

The tentacles couldn't wait and began to shrink violently. The suction cups on them clung tightly to Zhang Hong's flesh and blood. The latter didn't even scream, and the remaining look in his eyes completely disappeared.

[Storage level: a type of aberration. Optional redemption items:

Increase pollution resistance*7

Eliminate 20/100 of one's own pollution value

Increase own pollution value by 30/100

Earn 700 achievement points, which can be exchanged for important items in the store. 】

"Is this the reward for a type of aberrant body? Although it is slightly larger than the contamination body, it feels a bit shabby. Is it because the containment difficulty is too low?"

[Increase pollution resistance*7! 】

After confirming this option, except for the pollution resistance in the personal information column in my mind, which rose directly from 11 to 18, I didn't feel any changes.

"And the pollution value added was ten points more than the pollution value eliminated. Is the system so impatient..."

Xia Ren then temporarily put away these thoughts, his tentacles loosened, and Zhang Hong's body fell on the bed.

"Come on, let's go to the basement, there's another one there."

"No, no, no!"

Lily got out and hugged his calf tightly.

Xia Ren looked at her doubtfully.

"That one!"

She was probably very hungry. Lily jumped on her short legs and pointed at the big bed with her hands. Crystal liquid dripped down from the corners of her mouth. She was so anxious that she couldn't even speak.

I've wanted to do this for a long time, hehe.

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