Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 206 Sir, times have changed!


Cursing secretly, Zhang Xiang cheered up and fought with Xia Ren again.

After suffering a loss, Zhang Xiang changed his attack method this time. He no longer wanted to control the opponent. The lesson just learned was clear enough. The opponent didn't even defend his crotch and just chose a headbutt. This is a man who doesn't care about his life. , the way of thinking cannot be judged by common sense.

Fortunately, Zhang Xiang is faster than Xia Ren, so as long as he is careful, no matter how crazy the attack is, it will be of no use if it does not fall on him.

In the basement, the fists roared, and Zhang Xiang was suppressed by Xia Ren and kept retreating, unable to fight back.

On the surface, it is obvious that Xia Ren, the attacker, has the upper hand, but anyone who knows a little bit about fighting or has watched a few boxing matches can see that Xia Ren is actually at a disadvantage.

Although his attacks were swift and violent, they never really hit the enemy. They were just a waste of energy. On the other hand, Zhang Xiang, although he was retreating, did not panic in his movements. Instead, he seemed to be able to do it with ease. He was just afraid of fighting the opponent for his life, so he There was no immediate counterattack.

Zhang Xiang originally planned to drag Xia Ren off like this and wait until the opponent's strength was exhausted before taking action himself. However, one minute passed and Xia Ren's attack momentum did not decrease at all, and even became more fierce.

"How is this going?"

Zhang Xiang dodged a sweeping attack and couldn't help but feel doubtful in his heart.

Is his power infinite?

He dodged an uppercut again. Although Zhang Xiang had turned his head in advance, he was still almost hit on the bridge of his nose.


Suddenly, Zhang Xiang realized a very serious problem.

Compared to the beginning, Xia Ren's fighting skills are growing at an alarming rate.

"He's training on me!"

Although it is unbelievable, if you think back carefully, you will find that this is the fact. From the beginning, he could only throw straight punches, to now uppercuts, kicks, kicks, and even blocked moves. From a reckless novice, he is quickly adapting to fighting!

Although it is said that there are only exhausted cows and no damaged land, this sentence also depends on the situation.

The other party has been moving. Although I am passively accepting it, I still have to react.

And after such a long time, Zhang Xiang had to be careful when dodging because he was wary of the opponent's desperate fighting style. Therefore, although the energy consumption was less than that of the opponent, it was not easy to add up.

He hadn't eaten for two days, and his body was already a little weak, not at its peak. However, the other party was as powerful as a beast, never tired, and it looked like he couldn't squeeze it out at all, and he kept consuming it passively. , in fact, you are suffering!

Realizing this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but feel cold in his heart, and almost boiled a frog in warm water.

Fortunately, he discovered it not too late, and the situation was not irreversible. He was still being crushed in all aspects.

But in this case, the problem is back to its original point.

The reason why he keeps dodging is that he is afraid of the opponent's life-threatening. If he gives up dodging, he will inevitably fight with the opponent.

Whether to continue hiding or to fight head-on is a difficult choice.

When Zhang Xiang hesitated, Xia Ren's attack did not stop. Another half minute passed. Seeing that the opponent was trying to get closer several times, Zhang Xiang gritted his teeth and pursed his thin lips tightly.

"We can't delay it any longer!"

The retreating figure suddenly stopped. Faced with Xia Ren's next punch, Zhang Xiang no longer chose to dodge, but followed his example and punched the opponent in the face.

"Then let's see who is stronger!"

The ferocity in Zhang Xiang's heart was also aroused.

The two attacks arrived almost at the same time, falling on each other's faces. They both did not dodge or dodge, and participated in this battle in the most direct and brutal way!


Xia Ren and Zhang Xiang flew out at the same time. They were still in the air. Xia Ren opened his mouth and spat out a few mouthfuls of blood mixed with teeth.

[Warning, the host has been contaminated, and the current pollution value is 6/100. 】

Wiping their mouths, the two looked at each other across the blood on the ground, roared, and fought together again!

[Warning, the host has been contaminated, and the current pollution value is 8/100. 】

[Warning, the host has...]

In the reception room, Qin Yun held Lily's little hand and stood at the entrance of the basement. Listening to the noise coming from below, she said worriedly: "Is Xia Ren okay alone?"

Although they have been together day and night for so long, from Qin Yun's perspective, most of what she experienced were peaceful daily routines. Xia Ren was doing all the complicated things like buying groceries and cooking, knitting sweaters, and teaching Lily. Qin Yun didn't know his specific strength and could only confirm it from some previous experiences.

But recalling those experiences, she could only draw one conclusion: Xia Ren was probably not very good at fighting.

His body controlled by the Rootless Water kicked him until he vomited blood. He was blocked at the door of his house by his pursuers and did not dare to go out. He was so frightened that he coded tens of thousands of words for updates overnight. He was dragged into a dream by Huang Qiuyuan. If Lily hadn't been outside, Maintaining their bodies, I am afraid that they will never wake up. Even Tang Tangtang, who can even torture himself and Lily when combined, beat him to the point where he can't stand up.

Xia Ren probably could only bully D-class personnel like Liu Xiuxiu. When he heard that Liang Wan was coming, he wanted to take him and run away from home immediately.

So the order of battles for several people in the family should be like this:

Lily\u003eXia Ren\u003eLiu Xiuxiu\u003eSelf

But thinking about it from another perspective, Xia Ren has gone through so many things, but he is still intact until now. I don't know if it is luck or other reasons.

Liu Xiuxiu sat on the sofa nearby and didn't worry too much: "He won't do anything he's not sure about."

"Brother is very strong!"

Lily waved her little fist and said in a childish voice.

After devouring a type of aberration, she felt much more energetic than before. Not only did she replenish the strength she had lost in the morning, she also had an extra meal and grew a lot taller.


Qin Yun sighed, touched Lily's head, and said nothing.

She wanted to be useful, but she was too weak after all, otherwise how could Xia Ren let her out.

He would rather face a powerful enemy alone than suffer any harm to himself and others. Qin Yun felt happy, but naturally couldn't help but worry.

It was a ghoul after all.

[Warning, the host has been contaminated, and the current pollution value is 27/100. 】

Xia Ren broke free from the wall and brought up a ball of sand.

The walls of the basement were filled with cracks, black stains, and smoke, proving how fierce the battle was.

Xia Ren was now covered in blood, and his pants were torn everywhere. Even the beggar was unwilling to wear them.

Zhang Xiang was not much better than him. He stood up coughing. His hair was messy, his whole body was covered with fine wounds and bruises, and the black stains on the wall were all his blood.

"Really resistant to beating."

Xia Ren used his tongue to explore his mouth a few times and found that all the lost teeth had grown back. The power of the rootless water was truly terrifying.

"the same as you."

Zhang Xiang's face was gloomy, with a dangerous light brewing in his eyes.

The situation of both of them is not good, and the next battle will directly determine life or death.

"Come again!"

Xia Ren rushed over with great momentum. Zhang Xiang took a deep breath and prepared to face the opponent's violent attack.

The opponent's speed was not fast. Although he was still running fast, it was indeed much slower than before. He thought to himself that he was finally tired.

Next, is his main battlefield!

Zhang Xiang is ready, he just needs to wait a little longer.

He watched Xia Ren running over, and his steps became lighter and lighter, like a kid coming home from school.


With this idea popping up in his head, Zhang Xiang became even more vigilant.

He watched Xia Ren getting closer and closer to him, and was about to be in front of him.

But he didn't raise his hands, as if he didn't intend to attack.

"What is he going to do?"

Zhang Xiang watched Xia Ren come to a position one meter in front of him, suddenly paused, then raised one foot and lifted it up.

He wanted to make a move, such as clamping his legs or moving sideways to get out of the way,

But, I can't move.

He found that he couldn't move!

what happened!


In surprise, he saw Xia Ren open his mouth and give him a simple and honest smile.


The opponent slowly ran over and kicked him, hitting him directly between the legs!

Then, Zhang Xiang finally regained control of his body, couldn't help but squeeze his legs and screamed in pain.

"Eat poop!"

In a daze, he heard Xia Ren shouting.

Then a metal object like a coin was forced in while the other party opened his mouth.

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