Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 212 Natural Born Killer

One day when I was ten years old, it was the happiest moment in my life.

Because I was on that day,

He dismembered his classmates.


A shrill meow came from Liu Fusheng's feet, startling him and subconsciously clenching his mother's hand.

A big cat with pure white fur jumped out from the grass and blocked their way.

The white cat crouched down, staring at him with its brown eyes, baring its fangs and growling menacingly.


Liu Fusheng subconsciously raised his head and asked his mother for help.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

While comforting her son, Mother Liu looked at the cat with complicated eyes for some reason.

Legend has it that cats can see things that humans can’t.

"It's probably hungry."

Mother Liu said.

There are many stray cats in the community, but the number has shrunk a lot recently.

Mother Liu thought that she still had a small piece of bread with her, so she took it out of her pocket, tore open the package, knelt down and handed it to the white cat. After thinking about it, this was a good opportunity to educate her children, so she stuffed the bread into it. He gave it to his son and motioned for him to feed it.

Liu Fusheng hesitated, took the bread, and slowly handed it to the white cat.

Seeing the food appearing in front of him, the white cat gave up roaring, sniffed it gently with his nose, then opened his mouth and started eating.

"So good."

Mother Liu had a smile on her face.

Liu Fusheng was also relatively happy. He tentatively reached out to touch the soft and white hair of the white cat. The latter was busy eating and did not resist.

It seems that it belongs to a relative.

Liu Fusheng got a little bolder, and after the white cat finished eating the bread, he directly held it in his arms.

Mother Liu watched this scene and did not stop it.

The harmonious picture ends here.

The next moment, Liu Fusheng suddenly raised his hands high, and then slapped them down fiercely.


The shrill scream sounded again, and then stopped abruptly.

Liu Fusheng stood there, looking at his empty hands, with a happy smile on his blood-stained face.

There is one less stray cat in the community.

"Liu Fusheng, please stand and listen to this class!"

Liu Fusheng could only stand up from his seat, obediently walked to the end of the classroom, and stood against the cold wall.

All the classmates were whispering and showing gloating expressions, except for the girl at the same table, who had an incomprehensible expression on her face.

During the exam two days ago, the girl asked him for the answer, and Liu Fusheng gave it to him. Unexpectedly, she changed hands and gave it to the male classmate in the front row who often played with her.

Later, the matter was revealed. Under the girl's testimony, Liu Fusheng became the party of plagiarism.

But it didn't matter. Liu Fusheng didn't care how the teacher punished him, but he couldn't understand why his deskmate wanted to help others.

Because he couldn't learn how to communicate in order to satisfy both parties in the conversation, he had always been taciturn. His popularity in the class was not good, at least much worse than that of his male classmate. But this was the reason why his deskmate betrayed him. Reason?

Looking at the girl's back, Liu Fusheng suddenly clenched his fists and seemed to be struggling.

In this way, the day passed and it was time for school to end.

The bell rang, and students poured out of the classroom. The girl at the same table did not leave in a hurry, but looked at Liu Fusheng, wrung her little hands together, and said cautiously: "Morning, I'm sorry."

Liu Fusheng was stunned for a moment, then put the textbook into his schoolbag and zipped it up: "It doesn't matter."

He stood up from his seat and was about to leave when the girl grabbed the corner of his schoolbag and said, "I'll buy you some snacks."

Children often have simple thoughts, or girls themselves are relatively simple, thinking that this can make up for it.

Liu Fusheng turned around, paused, thinking about snacks, struggled for a while, and nodded dully.

Then he saw that look on the girl's face again.

He has never been able to distinguish other people's expressions since he was a child, and he doesn't know what the expressions mean, but the girl told him that this expression is called a smile, which means she is very happy.

In the evening, the setting sun dyed the distant sky a bloody red.

Two children came out of the roadside shop. Liu Fusheng had an extra pack of spicy strips in his hand and a few lollipops in his pocket.

The two of them live in the same community, not far from the school, so they usually walk back, and this time is no exception.

"Wait a minute."

After buying snacks, the girl felt that they were not enough, so she took Liu Fusheng to another place.

This is a dilapidated small building. No one has lived in it for a long time. Next to the small building is a narrow alley. It is getting late and the alley looks gloomy, like an abyss leading to nowhere.

The girl was not afraid and led him into the alley. The further in, the happier her expression became. Finally, when they passed through the alley, what they saw in front of them was a deserted land covered with bricks.

"This is my secret garden. I have never brought anyone else here."

the girl said proudly.

There is a small puddle on the side of the land, and the edges of the puddle are full of colorful wild flowers. However, the sunlight is a little dim at this time, and these delicate flowers seem to be covered with a thin layer of haze.

"Let's go back quickly."

Liu Fusheng was not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery. He looked around and saw only desolation and no one inhabited.

"No, don't you think it's beautiful here?"

After a long time, the girl was not willing to leave so quickly. She ran to the puddle, squatted down, picked a few flowers and held them in her hands. She happily spun around twice, and the little skirt she was wearing also spread out. , also like a beautiful flower.

Liu Fusheng stared blankly at the girl's figure among the flowers, feeling a little palpitated in his heart.

He picked up half a broken brick next to him, hid it behind him, and walked towards the girl.

Half an hour later, with sore arms, Liu Fusheng climbed down from the girl's broken body and threw aside the sharp-shaped broken bricks in his hands.

He looked at the blood on his hands and felt more satisfied than ever before.

I walked to the puddle next to it and wanted to wash my hands, but I found that it had been dyed red.

"Woof! Woof!"

Several dogs barked in the distance, followed by a man's voice.

"Xiao Hei, listen, stop!"

The sound approached quickly. Liu Fusheng turned his head dully and saw a tall middle-aged man standing on the wasteland, struggling to hold the dog leash and looking here.

The black Labrador was barking like crazy. His owner had obviously noticed the scene here, but it was too dark to see clearly.

"Whose child is this? He's running out at this hour."

As the man spoke, he led the dog this way.

Liu Fusheng panicked all of a sudden and his mind went blank.

My mother's reprimand in the morning came to mind again:

"The thing I regret most in my life is giving birth to you!"

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