Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 216 Traffic police, check the car!

Since today was the weekend, there were a lot of people in the hospital. After all, he had been here several times. Xia Ren came to Ping Shiqing's department with ease, but he didn't see him as expected.

Liu Xiuxiu followed him, carrying a schoolbag and saying nothing, looking like a little follower.

"Hello, let me ask, is Dr. Ping from the neurosurgery department not on duty today?"

Xia Ren pulled a young nurse over, and when the nurse turned around, he realized that this nurse was the same nurse he saw when he came to see Dr. Ping last time, but now the nurse no longer recognized him.

"Doctor Ping..."

The little nurse looked him up and down.

So handsome.

A little afraid to look at her face, she lowered her head slightly and said, "Doctor Ping hasn't been here since yesterday."

"Started yesterday?"

Xia Ren frowned, feeling that something was wrong. After two years of getting along, he knew that Ping Shiqing was more dedicated, and because of her junior qualifications, she was often assigned to work on weekends and was rarely away from the hospital.

"Didn't she ask for leave?"


The little nurse was a little embarrassed when it came to a little bit of privacy, but handsome people always have privileges.

"It seems not, but..."


The little nurse tilted her head in confusion and thought for a moment, then looked around and took a step forward: "I heard that she was missing. Her family came to look for her yesterday but couldn't find her. They called the police."

"Missing? When exactly did it happen?"

"Yesterday morning, her family saw her coming out of home to go to work as usual, but she did not come to the hospital, and no one has seen her since."

After saying that, the little nurse asked again: "Are you the patient that Dr. Ping is responsible for?"

Xia Ren was a little surprised: "Why do you ask that?"

Realizing that she might have thought wrong, the little nurse said, "I'm sorry, it's just that... you don't look too good."

"I'm not sick, but thank you anyway. You can go about your business."

Xia Ren dismissed the little nurse casually, turned around and asked Xiuxiu: "Do I look bad?"

Liu Xiuxiu stared at his face seriously for a while and said, "He looks like a ghost."

"You've been like this since last night." He then added.

"I came back last night..."

Xia Ren picked up his phone and took a picture of himself on the screen.

The eye sockets are somewhat sunken, and the under eyelids are slightly swollen, but only a little. What's more important are the changes in the skin.

He raised his hand and rolled up his sleeves. The skin on his forearms was similar to that on his face, both glowing with a sickly white color.

"It should be the impact of the toughness gained after sealing Zhang Xiang last night,"

Xia Ren didn't pay too much attention to his own changes. He was more concerned about Ping Shiqing now.

Why is she missing?

Suddenly, he recalled the notebook he saw not long ago.

"Isn't it difficult to check information about ordinary people?"

he asked Xiuxiu.

The latter nodded.

"Help me find out the name of Ping Shiqing's father."

Although she didn't know what he found, Liu Xiuxiu obediently took out her black phone and started sending the request to the logistics department.

In less than a minute, the information was fed back.

"My name is Ping Maoxun."


The five-year-old girl who was trafficked was Ping Shiqing.

In addition, after coming out of the Crazy Mountains, Xiuxiu told her the information about the residents on the sixth floor, and the clues were connected.

On the upper floor of Zhao Mingyue's house, a family originally lived. However, they suffered misfortunes one after another. Only the eight-year-old son of the original owner was left alive. The surviving boy was named Zhou Yuan. He originally had a younger sister, but when he was five years old, he died due to lack of Know why he died.

The background at that time was that Zhou Yuan's parents had died, and his brother-in-law and his three sons moved into his home. The file did not mention their family situation, but now it seems that Zhou Yuan and his sister are probably living a very poor life. .

His sister was not dead, but was probably sold to human traffickers by her uncle. Zhou Yuan was eight years old at the time, so it was impossible for him not to notice.

In the summer of the year when my sister disappeared, all the residents on the sixth and seventh floors mysteriously disappeared, leaving only Zhou Yuan alive.

Based on the horrific graffiti on the two doors on the sixth floor, Xia Ren speculated that Zhou Yuan might be seeking revenge, and that so many people were missing at the same time might be due to the power of pollution.

It is impossible for an eight-year-old child to quietly kill so many people by his own strength, and disposing of the bodies afterwards will be a big trouble.

After the incident, Zhou Yuan, who was truly an orphan, was sent to an orphanage in the magical city of Dongpu. The orphanage was demolished a few years later, and the whereabouts of Zhou Yuan and the other children were unknown.

Due to its long history, even the foundation's logistics department has limited information available and cannot reconstruct what exactly happened at that time.

Although there is no direct evidence, Xia Ren dares to conclude that this Zhou Yuan is not simple. If he were still alive, he would be in his early thirties now.

He is about the same age as Huang Qiuyuan.

"Are they the same person?"

If so, then he wouldn't have to worry about Ping Shiqing's safety.

But it was impossible for him to find the other party in a short period of time.

Because if Huang Qiuyuan is Zhou Yuan, then Ping Shiqing was definitely taken away by him. Huang Qiuyuan left yesterday morning, and Ping Shiqing also disappeared together. The timing was too coincidental.

And if Huang Qiuyuan is not Zhou Yuan...

Xia Ren was thoughtful, a layer of fog shrouded the disappearance around him, first it was Zhao Mingyue, then the system, and now Huang Qiuyuan and his own life experience were added.

The problem has returned to the original point. Based on his current experience, he still can't think of anything, unless the system is willing to return the tampered memory to him, or find the Abyss Apostle Faceless Man and the Abyss Alien Zhao Mingyue.

"Let's go and see my former students."

Xia Ren decided not to waste too much time thinking, and the boat would go straight to the bridge.

Xiuxiu jogged two steps to keep up with him and said, "Why are you so persistent about Cheng Shuangshuang? You didn't really do anything on the rooftop, right?"

The rooftop was mentioned when the group had just entered the dream created by Xu Qiang, but Xiu Xiu never remembered it until now.

It seemed that he already knew that Cheng Shuangshuang and Zheng Wenruo were not the same person, but he didn't know whether he said this to change the topic or if he really cared about this kind of gossip.

"As upright as I am..."

The word integrity is really not suitable to describe him. Xia Ren felt embarrassed halfway through the sentence and changed his words: "Don't worry, we were just on the rooftop at that time and had an in-depth exchange as teachers and students. Nothing bad happened." Do."

Liu Xiuxiu obviously didn't believe it.

Arriving at the inpatient building, Xia Ren walked straight towards the ward where Cheng Shuangshuang was remembered.

As soon as they reached the door, they heard a girl's exclamation from inside.

"Ah! No! It's dirty there!"

Xia Ren suddenly became short of breath and his blood surged.

He pushed open the door:

"Traffic police, check the car!"

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