Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 219 Childhood sweethearts meet again

Zhao Tianliang just nodded politely, not paying attention to her at all.

"My daughter's condition..."

Professor Yu and his wife exchanged glances, both hesitant to speak.

Finally, Yu's mother stood up and said: "Your daughter's tumor is atypical. When it was discovered, it had already spread, and its location was relatively remote. It was very difficult to perform surgery. We invited many experts to discuss it many times, and finally decided not to do it. Operate, first use radiotherapy to prevent the tumor from spreading and growing, and try to prolong your daughter’s life..."

"Extend it as long as possible?"

Zhao Tianliang frowned slightly and his voice was trembling: "You guys have been discussing it for so many days and you just came up with such a treatment plan?"

Professor Yu looked at him, sighed, and said: "Member Zhao, don't be excited. I believe you already knew the seriousness of this disease when you brought your daughter back. It is different from other chordomas. Your daughter's condition It is a very rare malignant tumor. To be honest, when this disease is diagnosed, the patient usually has no chance of survival. Judging from your daughter's current physical condition, she only has four months left. The best we can do is to extend this period for another two months, but these two months will also be spent in extreme pain."

Professor Yu's words reached Zhao Tianliang's ears word for word. He was an authoritative professor in the field of oncology and his judgment was not wrong.

Knowing is one thing, being able to accept it is another.

Yu Jingjing has been watching from the side. She has seen many such scenes of life and death before when she was an embalmer. There are many scenes more miserable than this, but she is still a little touched at this time.

Zhao Tianliang's eyes dimmed and he said, "Then..."

The crisp sound of leather shoes hitting the floor sounded at the end of the empty and tidy corridor.

The secretary in a black suit walked over quickly and whispered something into Zhao Tianliang's ear.

"What does Senator Luo's death have to do with me?"

After listening to the secretary's words, Zhao Tianliang said with an unhappy expression.

The secretary lowered his voice and explained: "But some people say that the assassin who attacked Congressman Luo last night has your private phone number."


Zhao Tianliang's first reaction was that someone wanted to use this incident to frame him, but then he recalled yesterday morning.

If it is really those few people, it is indeed possible...

With a much calmer mind, Zhao Tianliang thought about the stakes and said, "In that case, I will go there."

Hearing that he was about to leave, Yu's mother hurriedly asked: "What about your daughter's treatment plan?"

Zhao Tianliang turned around and moved his lips a few times, but at this moment he hesitated about the decision he had just made.

"Let's talk about it when I get back."

Temporarily avoiding the problem, he went downstairs and walked into the car prepared by his secretary.

As soon as the car started, the phone rang.

He took out his cell phone and saw an unfamiliar number displayed on the screen.

Could it be them?

After two seconds of hesitation, the call was connected.


The other side was also very quiet. I didn't know where the speaker was. After a pause, as if to confirm that the call had been connected, Xia Ren said, "Is it Zhao Tianliang?"

The wait is here!


Zhao Tianliang held the phone in both hands, suppressed his excitement, and responded loudly.

The secretary looked at his reaction through the rearview mirror of the car and wondered, who could make the congressman lose his temper like this?

"As I promised you last time, I have time now and want to check on your daughter first."

Listening to the definite answer on the phone, Zhao Tianliang weighed the situation between the hospital and the parliament and said, "My daughter is now at Siya Hospital. I have something to do now and I need some time to deal with it."

"It doesn't matter, just tell me the specific location."

Zhao Tianliang told him the detailed location and told him to rush over in half an hour at most after finishing his business in the parliament.

After hanging up the phone, he thought for a while and arranged for his secretary to find someone to notify Professor Yu and the others, saying that his friend would be coming over later and don't let the hospital stop him.

After doing these things, he lay back on the seat and looked at the interior lights on the ceiling, feeling uneasy.

Hopefully, there won't be any bad news.

the other side.

"Siya Hospital?"

Xia Ren repeated this name, always feeling familiar.

"Isn't this the hospital run by Yu Jingjing's family?"

In his memory, a familiar pretty face appeared. Since Zhu Youqian left, he hadn't seen Jingjing and Gao Le for a long time, and he didn't know how they were doing now.

There is still an old seal in the system that was redeemed last time to deal with Zhang Xiang. I am going to give one to each of them when I have the opportunity to see them to ensure that they are not affected by pollution.

In just over two months, so many things have happened in Jupiter City. A glimpse of the leopard shows how serious the pollution spread in the entire Blue Star has become.

Reminiscent of Zhao Mingyue's words, perhaps they will really face an apocalyptic scenario soon.

"Where are we going next?"

The co-pilot, Xiuxiu, had almost adjusted her state after a period of calming down, and asked.

"Remember yesterday morning when we went to see Zhao Tianliang, what did he say before we left?"

Xiuxiu recalled it and said uncertainly: "He wanted Ming Shui, saying it was to treat his daughter's illness?"



Xiuxiu looked at Xia Ren with wide eyes: "Don't you write novels? Can you also treat diseases? Although drinking Hell Water is indeed effective for ordinary human diseases, the other person is talking about tumors, and the concept is different."

"Don't worry, I just think it's fun to be a doctor part-time occasionally. If it can't be cured, it's a big deal."

Seeing that the other party had regained his energy, Xia Ren secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The distance between the two hospitals was not far. Ten minutes later, they drove to their destination:

Siya Hospital.

After getting out of the car and looking at the hospital building in front of him, Xia Ren couldn't help but sigh.

He still remembered that the last time he came here was to visit Jingjing. At that time, he still had to wear the mask of the Faceless Man and use Zhao Mingyue's identity to walk arrogantly on the street. Now he no longer had to do so.

As the mask disappeared, his past experiences were forcibly erased by invisible hands. Except for Xiuxiu and Qin Yun, who had been staying by his side, everyone else had forgotten his existence. It is estimated that even Zhu Youqian had forgotten that he had been I rewarded a man with golden cuteness.

It's really hard to tell whether this is good or bad.

According to the location provided by Zhao Tianliang, he walked directly to a small independent building next to the inpatient building. This place was specially built for distinguished patients. It has various medical facilities, and the environment and services are also very different. No, this kind of place does not exist in public hospitals. Of course, the price of staying here for a day is also beyond the reach of ordinary people.

There were security personnel at the door, and they had to check their identities before entering. Since Zhao Tianliang had communicated with them in advance, the two of them were not hindered in any way after reporting his name.

Zhao Tianliang's daughter was on the third floor. When the two of them walked up, they happened to see Yu Jingjing waiting here in the corridor, but her parents were not there.

Hearing the footsteps, Yu Jingjing, who was in a daze, raised his head and saw Xia Ren's face.

For a moment, I was stunned again.

His face was hot and his heart was beating fast.

This feeling……

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