Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 224 Defection from the Foundation

Half an hour later, the man came out.

After confirming his current location, Liu Fusheng pushed up his glasses and walked alone towards the familiar place in his memory.

Shortly after he left, blood slowly spread under the door.

A bloodshot eye appeared behind the cat's eye, peering at the outside world.

It was already noon when Xia Ren and the others returned home.

Lily trotted up to meet her. Although her appearance had grown a lot, her movements and IQ were still at the level of those two or three years old for a short period of time. It seemed that she still needed some time to adapt.

Touching Lily's head, the green seaweed-like wavy hair was soft to the touch and still as comfortable to the touch.

Qin Yun was watching TV. She turned around when she heard the noise, smiled at Xia Ren, put down the finished sweater in her hand, and said, "I'm going to prepare lunch."

"Sister Qin Yun, let me help you."

After all, he lived here for nothing and took away the place where he originally slept. Xiuxiu was a little embarrassed and wanted to go over and help.

Before he took two steps, his attention was attracted by a piece of news being broadcast on TV.

"According to the police report, the number of victims of the forest fire in Jianghe City has reached 22. In addition, 230 people were injured to varying degrees and are being actively rescued. At about 11 o'clock last night, around 11 o'clock in Jianghe City, A fire broke out in a forest in , and a small town close to the fire point had no time to evacuate. The fire swept down overwhelmingly and affected many houses. According to multiple witnesses, they saw several dark red streaks falling from the sky that night. There was a huge lightning, followed by a violent explosion. Some experts issued a statement saying that this may be extreme weather caused by local climate change. The fire has not yet been extinguished, and the cause of the fire is under further investigation."

In the TV pictures, billowing smoke continued to rise into the sky, a raging fire was still burning, and the trees in the places it passed turned into black charcoal.

Liu Xiuxiu stared at the TV screen, a little dazed.

"It is true that such fires are prone to occur in autumn." Qin Yun sighed.

Jianghe City and Jupiter City both belong to the Luohua metropolis, and the area covered by mountain forests is not small. News like this appears every summer and autumn, so it is not surprising. However, forest fires that cause so many casualties are still relatively rare.

Liu Xiuxiu was still in a daze.

Xia Ren felt something was wrong, so he stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder: "What's wrong?"

"Red lightning, fire..."

Liu Xiuxiu seemed to be in a trance. He ignored Xia Ren's words, took out the black mobile phone specially designed for investigators, entered a few paragraphs on it, and then sent it.

Xia Ren noticed that his hands were shaking.

"what happened?"

At the same time as this sentence was asked, the black phone vibrated, and Liu Xiuxiu received feedback on the question just now.

There was only one sentence on the screen.

[The hunting mission failed, and the foundation is searching for surviving investigators. 】

"The mission...failed..."

Xia Ren also saw the text on the screen. Combined with the news he just saw and Liang Wan's departure some time ago, he instantly understood what happened.

"The apostle is in Jianghe City. For this mission, the foundation sent four A-level investigators, including Liang Wan, but they still failed..."

Xiuxiu took Xia Ren's forearm and leaned her head on his arm, sobbing continuously.

Apostles are unlike other infected bodies. They are extremely dangerous and do great harm to human society. If you want to kill them, the Foundation must pay a huge price, and the success rate cannot be guaranteed.

When Liang Wan went there, Xiuxiu had already been mentally prepared. Even if she successfully hunted the apostle, the investigators involved in the mission would have little chance of survival, let alone failure.

He has known this for a long time. Regardless of success or failure, it will be difficult for his sister to come back.

But someone has to do this, just like the foundation headquarters standing in the middle of the largest desert on Blue Star, far away from the world, but its responsibility is to protect the world.

In the face of danger, someone has to stand up, just like the words on the door.

【We shelter, we protect! 】

They are everywhere and secretly have huge influence, but they can never enter the eyes of ordinary people and enjoy the glory, because when the Foundation is forced to reveal itself, it will inevitably be the day of disaster for all mankind.

"He is..."

Qin Yun looked at Xiuxiu who was crying and didn't understand what happened suddenly to make him so sad.

Xia Ren reminded in a low voice: "That Liang Wan, and your nephew."

Only then did Qin Yun remember the A-level investigator who had been here some time ago. She had the impression that she left to kill her nephew.

Her mood was a bit complicated, and Qin Yun didn't know how to comfort Xiuxiu at this time.

If Xia Ren were in her position, he would probably say, "Although your sister is dead, my nephew is still alive."

But Qin Yun felt that at least at this point, she could never be influenced by Xia Ren.

Lily stood aside, watching this scene curiously.

With her small brain, she was still unable to understand the emotion of sadness, and she was even less clear about the meaning of tears to people.


She pulled Qin Yun's clothes, raised her head and said.

By this time in the past, I should have been cooking.

"Then I'm going to cook first."

Qin Yun whispered to Xia Ren.

No matter how sad you are, you always have to eat.

Xiu Xiuqian ate a bowl of rice, which tasted salty.

"I'm going to take a look."

After dinner, he sat on the sofa, wiped away his tears and said.

Lily was mopping the floor and didn't care about the situation here.

Qin Yun looked between him and Xia Ren, sighed silently, picked up the needle and thread for knitting a sweater, and did the knitting steps.

Xia Ren didn't respond. When the other party said this, he had already made a decision in his heart. Even his persuasion would be of no use.

"I gotta go."

Xiuxiu stood up.

"Wait a minute."

Xia Ren saw that he was carrying a schoolbag for the whole morning. He hesitated and asked, "Don't you need to tell the foundation?"

He knew that the other party's task of observing him was not over yet, and if he left his post without permission, there would definitely be problems.

"In this state, I have lost the qualification to be an investigator."

After saying this, he left without looking back.

Xia Ren knew that from the moment on, Liu Xiuxiu completely betrayed the foundation.

She is too emotional.

If she was initially unable to integrate into the role of Liu Xiuxiu due to her aversion to pollution and was noticed by herself, she was always wary of him. It is understandable, after all, not everyone is born to be an actor.

But since she learned that she was also contaminated yesterday, the flaws in her character were suddenly exposed.

She desperately wanted to end this mission as soon as possible, but because Xia Ren had been wary of her, they spent most of the time in daily life. Even yesterday's battle with the ghoul cubs was put aside. Outside the basement, there are few opportunities to truly get to know Xia Ren.

After getting clues from Zhang Xiang and Xia Ren's parents this morning, he could have reported the matter in Magic City to the foundation and handed it over to other investigators to handle, but he did not do so. Instead, he told Xia Ren directly. It seems like I want him to go to the Magic City, do more things, and show more strength.

Now that the news of the failed hunt for the apostle reached his ears, it triggered the pressure that had accumulated for a long time, and she planned to give up on herself.

Xia Ren didn't know the consequences of betraying the foundation, but he knew that there was no turning back after Liu Xiuxiu left.

He suddenly remembered a sentence Huang Qiuyuan often said, which seemed to fit his current mood very well.

"It's better to be simple."

There were no outsiders in the living room. Xia Ren calmed down and prepared to go to the study to finish coding today's updates.

As soon as he reached the door, he realized a problem.

With Liu Xiuxiu gone, his connection with the Foundation will be cut off in a short time, which means that he will no longer be able to use the Foundation's resources.

What about Zhao Rou's surgery?

In his original plan, an indispensable item was the memory erasing spray.

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