Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 226: Miraculous Doctor Xia Ren, solves difficult and complicated diseases in one chapter!

"Hurry up and drink. It will be easier for us to do things when we are drunk."

Xia Ren's eyes were sincere and he seemed to be talking about this matter very seriously.

So, did he sneak in through the window in the middle of the night just because he was greedy for his own body?

"You are my dad's friend. If you go out now, I can still pretend that this didn't happen."

Zhao Rou looked calm on the surface, but her hands unconsciously grasped the bed sheets.

Xia Ren scratched his head: "I came because your father asked me."

He was referring to Zhao Tianliang asking him to help with treatment. However, saying it in this context would inevitably give rise to bad associations.

Zhao Rou's eyes widened and she denied, "It's impossible!"

Father and daughter have been together for so many years. She knows her father's character and will never betray her. However, her father is a politician after all...

"Didn't your dad tell you?"

Xia Ren didn't want to waste time and said, "Don't worry, I'll be quick. Maybe you won't feel the pain. I'll end it here."

He uncorked the vodka bottle and urged, "Hurry up."

Zhao Rou's eyes changed from shock, to struggle, and finally to despair.

She was seriously ill to begin with, and no matter whether what the other person said was true or not, she didn't have the strength to resist.

"You actually want to do it in front of a child..."

She pointed a trembling finger at Lily aside.

Xia Ren looked back and said, "This is indeed a bit bad."

Children cannot drink alcohol. What if they are taught a bad lesson?

So he said: "Lily, close your eyes."

Lily closed her eyes obediently.

"It's okay now."

Xia Ren continued to stuff the bottle into Zhao Rou's hand.



Zhao Rou was so angry that she couldn't speak.

There are such shameless people in the world!

Xia Ren was a little impatient. Why was this woman so confused about something that was originally very simple?

"Don't worry so much."

He opened the cap of the vodka bottle, took Zhao Rou's hand and stuffed the bottle into her mouth.

"Help... uh... uh..."

Zhao Rou wanted to call for help, but was speechless. Her mouth was filled with spicy liquid, and her throat was making uncontrollable swallowing movements.

Tons, tons, tons!

Soon, half a bottle of vodka was poured into her stomach.

In fact, Xia Ren had no choice but to do this, because he could not use normal surgical procedures to anesthetize Zhao Rou. If he knocked her out directly, he was afraid that she would wake up from the pain, so he could only use alcohol to anesthetize her.

However, he has already sent the rootless water into Zhao Rou's body, so there is no need to worry about the damage that excessive alcohol intake will cause to her body.

Because she was on an empty stomach, the vodka was absorbed quickly. In less than half a minute, Zhao Rou's delicate little face had turned red and her eyes were gradually blurred.

"can you hear me?"

Xia Ren stretched out his hand and waved it in front of her eyes.

Zhao Rou raised her limp hand, patted him on the shoulder, and muttered: "You... bad guy..."

Then he collapsed directly on the bed.

Seeing that she had lost all her defenses, Xia Ren stretched out his tentacles and called Lily over.

"Do you still remember the position I taught you at noon?"

Lily nodded, but kept her eyes closed.

Xia Ren smiled helplessly: "You can open your eyes now."

Only then did she open it.

Xia Ren paused and did not take action immediately. Instead, he reconfirmed the next action in his mind.

Zhao Rou is not an infected person, but a living human being. I can no longer treat her as roughly as I treat an infected person, and the tumor on the back of her head is not simple. In order to protect herself, she will do whatever it takes. If she is not careful, , it may cause Zhao Rou to lose her life.

She was only twenty years old and her life had just begun. Xia Ren was not willing to pay the price with his life because of his mistakes.

He held the opponent's hand and transported more rootless water into the opponent's body, adding a bit of insurance, at least to ensure that the opponent would not die from a small intracranial injury.

Immediately afterwards, Xia Ren held back her nausea, took out the old seal, and placed it between her eyebrows to further suppress the mutated tumor.

After completing these preparations, he told Lily that it was time to take action.

But the latter looked at the old mark on Zhao Rou's forehead, sniffed, looked up at Xia Ren, and said with a grimace:


Xia Ren understood her mood, touched her head and comforted her: "It's okay, just be patient and it'll be fine."

Lily struggled for a while, and then put her little hand into Zhao Rou's mouth.

Her fingers became thin and long, and her nails were black with sharp tips, almost exactly like Zhang Xiang's nails.

That night at Zhang Xiang's house, Xia Ren knew that Lily's body could change into the appearance of the creatures she had swallowed, so he was not surprised.

The thin fingers are like a scalpel, passing through the mouth and then gently cutting the pharyngeal wall.

Xia Ren closed his eyes and used the characteristics of rootless water to sense the changes in the opponent's body. At the same time, he controlled the wound and stopped the blood from flowing out if it did not heal, so as to avoid causing harm to Zhao Rou's body.

The tentacles were already poised above her head, ready to deal with all emergencies.

With the entry of Rootless Water, Xia Ren can feel the existence of tumors more clearly. In a red space, irregular tumors emit bursts of invisible black smoke. Under the suppression of the old seal, the black smoke can only curl up. A very small area can only barely leave the tumor. It seems to be eager to find something, and the undisguised desire is revealed in the smoke.

Xia Ren closed his eyes and felt carefully. This desire was very clear. It wanted to...eat!

Lily also obviously discovered the existence of the tumor. Her fingers moved one after another, trying to find a perfect way to remove it.

She didn't know what the tumor was, but judging by her feeling, it wasn't delicious, and it was too little to fill the gap between her teeth.

Xia Ren had explained that it was best to remove the tumor completely, which added a little technical difficulty, but for Lily, it was not a problem.


As if it sensed the danger, the black mist let out a high-pitched cry again. However, all the surrounding tissues were protected by the rootless water, and the old seal suppressed it, so the black mist's resistance seemed a bit futile.

The drunk Zhao Rou frowned slightly and murmured: "Insects... so many bugs..."

Xia Ren felt a little surprised when he realized that the tumor had begun to affect the host again.

Obviously there are so many protective measures, and Zhao Rou's brain has not been damaged in her own perception. How did the tumor achieve it?

There was no time to think about this, Lily judged that the time was just right, her fingers moved slightly, and her nails, which were as sharp as a scalpel, completely severed the connection between the tumor and Zhao Rou's body.



The terrifying screams passed through the eardrums and made Xia Ren's head swell. Lily's face was solemn and she dragged the tumor out without hesitation.

Zhao Rou's eyes were closed tightly, her expression was painful, her body stood straight, her hands were hooked into claws, and her body began to shake violently, causing the hospital bed to tremble.

"Bugs, bugs came in..."

She clenched her teeth and slurred her words, almost squeezing the words out of her throat.

Xia Ren didn't have time to see the tumor that Lily had removed. The most important thing now was Zhao Rou's physical condition. Obviously the tumor had been removed, and the wound on the pharyngeal wall had healed under the treatment of Rootless Water. Why was there such a violent situation? Reaction?

He used the tentacles to suppress her body and checked the pollution. It was found that the pollution value was only 3/100 and there was no distortion.

He didn't want to think too much. Although the other party's body would not be damaged if she continued like this, there was no guarantee that she would have any mental problems. Xia Ren took a bottle of first-level anti-pollution liquid from the system exchange desk and forcibly opened her mouth. Go in drop by drop.

As the pollution was eliminated, Zhao Rou's ferocious expression gradually calmed down, her body no longer moved erratically, and her breathing became normal.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with her, Xia Ren breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at the tumor in Lily's hand.

The tumor is not big, only half a fingernail, and the surface is covered with purple blood vessels. A faint smell of blood comes from it. Every time it moves, but at a glance, there may be nothing strange about it, but Xia Ren can still feel the odor it emits. That hint of evil.

He stretched out his hand to take over the tumor, but the moment his fingers touched the tumor, it suddenly festered and dissolved at an extremely fast speed, and in the blink of an eye, only a pool of pus was left. water.

An even stranger thing happened. After the tumor disappeared, a transparent shell the size of a rice grain appeared in Lily's hand, like an insect egg. A white worm curled up quietly inside the egg.

Before they could see more details, the insect eggs seemed to be ignited when they saw the light, turning into blackened ashes and dissipating in the air.

"White worm?"

Xia Ren was inexplicably reminded of the old ruler he saw in his ancient dream, Rulim Xia Kelos.

Could it be His egg?

But something doesn't feel right. The dignified old ruler shouldn't be so lacking in cards, and the system will definitely have a prompt. Since there is no prompt at all, it means that this insect egg is something that the system has never seen before.

Zhao Rou woke up in a daze, but before she opened her eyes, her first feeling was that it was so relaxing!

There is no headache or anxiety, and the body seems to have become a cloud in the sky, light and free of any burden.

She had never felt so relaxed since her illness.

This feeling did not last long. She slowly opened her eyelids and saw two human heads.

Xia Ren and Lily stood beside the bed, looking at her with concern, as if they were observing mice in a laboratory.

"Are you awake?"

Lily repeated: "You're awake!"

"This is where?"

Still a little confused, Zhao Rou sat up and looked down at her clothes.

Well, it’s so messy.

Then she saw the half bottle of vodka on the bedside table, and memories came flooding back to her.

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