Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 235 Hunting the Apostles: Snake Scales!

A total of nearly one ton of explosives were scattered around the [Rusted Paint Door - Replica (Revised)], which was instantly detonated. In the dark night, a huge scorching fireball slowly rose into the sky, and the scene was as gorgeous as fireworks.

But what followed was a muffled sound. The terrifying power brought by the explosion shook the ground. The turf flew up and a large amount of soil was blown into the sky. With the explosion point as the center, the sound wave carrying huge power rippled in the depression. It dispersed in an instant, violently sweeping through everything nearby at a speed exceeding the speed of sound.

Xue Ding had hid behind the bunker before pressing the button, but the aftermath of the explosion was still like a heavy hammer, hitting his head hard, causing his heartbeat to stop for a second.

My head felt dizzy, my ears were buzzing, and my eardrums on both sides were hurting. It seemed that I could no longer use my hearing for the time being.

Xue Ding shook his head and looked at the four figures standing on the hill.

The fire of the explosion lit up the night sky, and the orange-red light reflected the slightly thin figures of several people. The fierce wind was still blowing, lifting the black robes they were wearing and making a hunting sound. In this situation, ordinary people would be stunned even if they were lying on the ground, let alone standing. However, the four of them were not affected in any way. They were like pillars holding up between heaven and earth, and their bodies remained tall and tall.

Looking at this scene, Xue Ding felt an inexplicable feeling of admiration. He looked at the silhouettes of several people, but...

Through the swing of his robe, he could vaguely see that Canglan's slender arms were covered with a layer of black snake scale-like tissue, reflecting a dull light.

Xue Ding was suddenly shocked!

He knew very well what this meant, especially at this critical moment when he was about to go to war with the apostles, it was simply fatal!

He was about to open his mouth to tell others about this. Suddenly, he saw Canglan's weak body turn his head in the strong wind. Under his robe, a pair of golden vertical pupils had been firmly locked on him. He felt in his heart Suddenly a panic arose, and unspeakable fear spread to his limbs, making him stiff and unable to move. There was nothing else in Xue Ding's eyes, only those vertical pupils, getting bigger and bigger in his field of vision. Coming closer...

At the edge of the battlefield, the explosion also affected Zhang San and Li Si.

However, due to the existence of [Meditating Snowman] and [Shadow], they could not see the magnificent fireball, nor could they hear any sound. They only felt a fierce wind passing by their feet, and then another Deathly silence.

"Looks like the battle has begun."

The two looked at each other, feeling a little uneasy in their hearts.

However, within two minutes, their walkie-talkie vibrated with a message.

Smoke rose, and the sand that had been blown up in the sky began to "swirly" fall. Before the aftermath completely dissipated, on the hill, the four people seemed to have communicated in advance, and rushed down in a tacit understanding, towards [Rust] He flew away in the direction of the lacquered door - replica (modified).

The air was filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke, and layers of fallen turf covered each other, making running more difficult. However, this was not a problem for the four of them. No matter how much sediment fell, their speed did not slow down.

Finally, they approached the center of the explosion. Xiao Zheng stroked his right arm hanging on his chest, Yi Zhiyu clenched his skinny fist, Liang Wan took out a black iron drill from behind, Canglan slowed down, Falling at the end of the line.

The explosion site was clearly visible. Nearly one ton of explosives was detonated in such a dense area, and the power it brought increased geometrically. Not far in front of them, an explosion crater about ten meters in diameter was still filled with smoke and dust. .

"Wait a minute!"

Xiao Zheng, who was rushing at the front, finally realized something was wrong and quickly stopped everyone.

His brows were furrowed, his eyes were glaring like bells, and he kept scanning the explosion crater in front of him.

"It's not right, it's too quiet."

In his perception, the front was simply clean, with no smell of pollution at all, let alone monsters like the apostles that were as eye-catching as beacons.

Although the explosion just now was powerful, it was only used to weaken the apostle and could not completely kill the opponent.

So, where did the apostles go?

Yi Zhiyu's sunken eye sockets shone with light: "He is not here."

Several small black snakes crawled out of the explosion crater and were caught by Canglan in his hand: "The door is gone too."

The door is, of course, an extremely critical step in this mission, the container that transports the apostles.

The [Rusted Paint Door] is extremely strong. Unless special materials made from the underworld are used, it cannot be shaken at all, let alone explosives. Even if it is a replica and has undergone some modifications so that the position of its secondary door is no longer so unpredictable and can be anchored in the desired position by the Foundation through some means, the hardness of the main door itself is not the same as its original. The body is almost the same and will not be damaged by an explosion.

Now the apostle and the door disappeared together, which had never happened before.

The four of them looked at each other and Yi Zhiyu said: "No matter what, let the Logistics Department reposition the apostles first!"


The other three nodded and agreed.

They quickly returned to the hills, only to find that Xue Ding, the leader of the logistics team, was lying motionless on the grass at some point.

Liang Wan stepped forward to check his condition and found that his breathing was stable and he was just in a coma.

"She must have been stunned by the explosion just now."

Xiao Zheng said angrily: "What a mess!"

"The communication equipment still works."

Yi Zhiyu climbed into the car next to him and contacted the logistics department again.

"The situation has changed. An accident occurred at the door, which sent the apostle to another place. It needs to be relocated immediately!"

More than thirty kilometers away from the battlefield arranged by the Foundation, also around Jianghe City, in the dense jungle, the air suddenly became distorted, and a rusty door was inserted diagonally into the moist soil, its heavy The force broke several dry branches.

The sudden abnormality disturbed the tranquility of the forest. Birds fluttered their wings and flew into the sky to avoid danger, and nearby insects and mice also retreated into their nests and shivered.


The extremely unheard sound of the door opening echoed around, and a figure fell out of the door.


Liu Fusheng knelt down on one knee, first covered his nose and looked around.

He was not sure where this place was. He could only tell from the surrounding environment that it was a forest. Most of the surrounding areas were trees as thick as thighs, which blocked the view. It was difficult to see the scene in the distance. There was a thick layer under his feet. The leaves are so thick that half of the sole sinks into them when you step on them, leaving traces easily.

While observing the environment, Liu Fusheng was thinking about a question.

"How did the Foundation discover me?"

He had been thinking about this question since he discovered he was being watched a few days ago, but he still couldn't figure it out.

He is meticulous in his actions and never misses any loopholes. There is no reason why he would reveal his identity.

When he opened the door just now, he had a premonition that something would happen, but he did not expect that he would be teleported to another strange place instantly.

The moment he saw the explosion flames, almost as a conditioned reflex, he retreated into the door and closed the door tightly again.

However, to his surprise, he did not return to the original corridor. Instead, he was dragged to the current forest in a burst of bizarre illusions.

Standing up, Liu Fusheng saw the lights in the distance through the gap between the shadows of the trees.

That's not a city, it should be a small town.

Looking back at the rusty iron gate, Liu Fusheng turned and walked towards the town.

Looking further out, under the thick night, dense lights represent cities respectively. Among the trillions of interactive data flows between them every second, several pieces of data with the highest confidentiality level also begin to come alive. , and centered on Jianghe City, it soon spread to other cities.

One string of data appears most frequently and is also the simplest.

It's just a string of translatable characters:

"The hunting plan went wrong, and the apostle was temporarily out of the Foundation's surveillance."

Amidst the feasting and feasting, the people wandering the streets did not know that they did not need to care, but in fact, a major event closely related to their own lives had quietly happened.

In less than ten minutes, the entire Luohua capital has entered a level one alert state.

At the same time, Jupiter City was more than 600 kilometers away from Jianghe City.

Xia Ren had just set off from home and went to the private residence of Congressman Luo Bianshu according to the address provided by Zhao Tianliang.

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