Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 251 The white cat has no girlfriend

On the same day, a little earlier, Gao Le was driving an insured car issued by the company on his way home.

In the trunk of the vehicle, there was a whole head of slaughtered pork, weighing more than two hundred kilograms. This would be his ration for the next three or four days. Since the balance in his bank card was really small, this ration was crucial.

However, Gao Le had no intention of paying attention to this at this time. He was holding the steering wheel with both hands, frowning, looking preoccupied, and his attention was entirely elsewhere.

Looking up through the rearview mirror, he could see a woman wearing a black cloak lying half-lying on the back seat of the car.

He didn't know this woman's name, and he couldn't learn her identity, but his instinct told him that it would be very dangerous to bring her home. There were only eight days left before he pupated, so there was no need to cause trouble at such a critical time. .

Gao Le did want to help and leave quickly at first, but the words the woman said before she fell unconscious finally made him shaken.

In addition, the pentagonal pattern printed on the back of the woman's cloak, although she had never seen it before, Gao Le could feel the intimacy and familiarity, just like... more than two months ago, at the banquet that completely changed his destiny. , the same emerald green liquid in the porcelain bowl he took.

This somewhat affected Gao Le's judgment. After he calmed down and thought for a while, he found that this woman really couldn't be sent to the hospital casually. He was very clear about the abnormality that happened to him, and the reason why he felt that the woman was dangerous , originating from the purple twisted lines all over her forehead.

Gao Le is self-aware. After that banquet, he knew that he had deviated from the life trajectory of ordinary people and could never look back. Even he could sense dangerous things, but ordinary doctors might not be able to. If handled properly, it may lead to unpredictable consequences.

This woman is like a time bomb at this time. Since she cannot be handed over to the hospital, for the time being, she can only follow her instructions and take her to a quiet place first, and then wait for her to wake up.

Parking the car at the top of the stairs, Gao Le got out of the car first, looked around to make sure there was no one, and then took the unconscious woman out of the back seat.

Fortunately, it was relatively early now, still early in the morning, and none of the residents in the building had gotten up. Otherwise, if someone caught him, things would be in trouble.

After putting the woman on the sofa first, Gao Le went downstairs again and carried the whole head of pork up on his back.

Although it was on the third floor, ordinary people would have been out of breath after climbing twice in a short period of time with heavy loads, but Gao Le didn't feel anything at all, and his heartbeat didn't even accelerate.

This brought him some comfort, at least the dozens of kilograms of meat every day were not in vain.

After returning home, at least there was no sense of urgency like outside. Gao Le sighed and came to the sofa.

The woman's whole body was tightly wrapped in a black robe, and the only thing exposed was her face. At this time, she was lying flat on the sofa. Gao Le's eyes were unconsciously attracted by the dark blue flame pattern on her forehead. He didn't look away until he felt the panic again.

The woman seems to have been suffering from great pain. Her lips are tightly pursed, and dark red pus is still flowing out under her closed eyes. If she gets closer, she can smell the unbearable fishy smell and dark purple twisted lines. It covered the upper half of her face and looked horrifying, even scarier than the ghosts in supernatural movies.

Fortunately, during this period of time, Gao Le's mental endurance has been much stronger, so he was only caught off guard and frightened when he first saw it. When he saw it again later, he felt less uncomfortable, and if he looked carefully, in fact, The woman's facial features are relatively standard. She must have been very beautiful without those purple lines.

Thinking of this, he felt that the woman seemed a little pitiful. Recalling what the other party said before, it seemed that he was trying to avoid affecting others, so he asked her to be put in a quiet place.

"I don't know what she went through to become like this."

Sighing again, Gao Le stood there and thought for a while, then walked to the bathroom and picked up the basin to fill up half of the water. He also took a clean towel, returned to the woman's side, and helped her carefully remove the pus and blood around the corners of her eyes. Wipe the floor clean.

After wiping his face, he noticed that the woman's hair was also covered in dust and smelled like something was burning. He hesitated and reached out to unbutton some of the robe on the woman's chest.

Seeing the scene inside, Gao Le subconsciously held his breath and his eyes became complicated.

Under the robe was a coat, which was covered with stains and tears. Blood flowed from the tears, mixed with the soil, and solidified into a burnt black color, clinging tightly to his body. He could only barely make out that the coat The original color should be white.

Swallowing nervously, he completely untied his black robe.


Gao Le only had one question in his mind.

How did she survive?

The scene in front of me is really difficult to describe. It can only be described as tragic. The woman's clothes were cut with hundreds of holes, as if cut by a sharp knife. Each hole represented a wound, and the blood was almost soaked through her body. clothes, and some wounds were still bleeding. Gao Le looked at his hands. Just by untying her robe, his fingers were stained with a lot of blood. He thought of something and turned to look at his back. , then he noticed that when he was carrying her, the clothes on his back were stained red with blood.

"Who is she?"

With Gao Le's knowledge, he could only imagine that the woman was probably chopped up like this.

There was no time to think further. Considering the injuries on the other party's body, although he was still alive until now, if he continued like this and left alone, he might never be able to wake up again.

Just in case, he reached out and touched the woman's forehead.

"So hot!"

Gao Le found an infrared thermometer from the drawer of the coffee table next to him and took his temperature. The result showed 39.5 degrees.

"High fever plus wounds all over the body..."

Fortunately, all members of Yu Jingjing's family are studying medicine. Gao Le has played with her since childhood, and learned a lot of medical knowledge through hearing and seeing. When encountering this kind of situation, she is not completely clueless.

However, it was so serious that he couldn't help but send the other party to the hospital immediately.

Looking at the woman on the sofa, Gao Le struggled for a while before gritting his teeth and deciding to take a gamble.

Thanks to Yi Zhiyu for the tip! Thanks to Dan Gehe for the reward! Happy Lantern Festival to all my cuties!

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